Sunday, December 8, 2019

Nowadays public transport prices are constantly increasing. Why do you think it is happening? How can this problem be solved?

Nowadays public transport prices are constantly increasing. Why do you think it is happening? How can this problem be solved?
Nowadays public transport prices are constantly increasing
Ielts Essay Public Transport Prices 
It is been observed nowadays that the accessing public transit systems are becoming dearer with every passing day. There are obvious reasons for this; however, the solutions are available on hand which could make this mode affordable.   

The primary reason for such an unprecedented increment in the facilitation charge of public mode of transit can be attributed to the ever rising population that needs to travel places. To render consistent efficient services to the growing number of users, continuous expansion and augmentation of the rail and bus networks has become a necessity. This exercise needs huge investments which cannot be funded single handedly by the government, by using money sourced from tax payers. Hence, to prevent chaos and crisis, some burden must be borne by commuters.

Moreover, the constantly changing technology has not either made the things easier for the authorities: it is imperative to focus on bringing around improvements in the methods, techniques being used in the mass transit systems. These enhancements would allow optimum utilization of resources and also improve the travelling experiences, but as said, these additions do not come for free. Thus, raising fares is inevitable.

Nevertheless, certain prudent steps can help bring down the cost of public transit. Distribution of load between different modes of transport, like roadways and trains could hold a viable solution. Establishing networks complimenting each other rather than competing could help a great deal. For instance, encouraging commuters to use trains for longer journeys and buses for the shorter ones could hold a key and make travelling by public transport relatively cheaper.

Hence, even though the rising public transport tariff   is no doubt a cause of worry, this can easily overcome provided some judicious planning is undertaken while assigning roles to different modes of transportation.

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