Friday, March 29, 2019

Some people think that schools should involve students in school management. Do you agree or disagree with this idea? Give reasons for your answer.i

Some people think that schools should involve students in school management. Do you agree or disagree with this idea? Give reasons for your answer.
Some people think that schools should involve students in school management
Ielts Essay 
To make formal education a more enriching experience for the young, many educationalists, citing several benefits, have started suggesting about letting young learners play in active role in administration of schools. Nevertheless, this policy has its own darker side, which can hardly be ignored.

Allocating students administrative roles is bound to bring in rich benefits: incorporating such a policy would pave way for creating a clearer understanding among pupils about the challenges facing school authorities – which often feature in the list of unwarranted grievances of young learners. An active participation would let them become responsible and accountable; and help dissuade them from subversive activities – that often culminate in damage to school property.

Moreover, introducing such a practice will enable students hone certain essential skills that might prove to be highly useful in later life. When learners would take part in school administration, they would obtain extensive knowhow of management, decision-making, and taking initiative – sometimes in collaboration with others and at others, on their own. This could assist young minds grow up as rational adults proficient in prudent planning.

However, critics bring forth pitfalls of this proposal: encouraging participation in school management will prove to be counter-productive – cause distraction from studies. Learners would waste their invaluable time on non-essential affairs; thus leaving them with little time to focus on the fundamental objective – obtaining education – which of course will be quite unacceptable. Moreover, a confusion may descend on the environment of school where every student will be attempting to push around their weight – even leading to rivalry.

In a nutshell, I feel that this concept has both a brighter and darker side to it. Hence, even though this  proposal is worthy of implementation, extreme discretion should exercised while inviting young learners for an active participation in school management. 

Saturday, March 23, 2019

These days it is very common to have people from two different generations mix in the same workplace. Are there more advantages or disadvantages to this situation? Give your own opinion and include relevant examples.

These days it is very common to have people from two different generations mix in the same workplace. Are there more advantages or disadvantages to this situation? Give your own opinion and include relevant examples.

These days it is very common to have people from two different generations mix in the same workplace
Ielts Essay - Generations in Workforce 

Nowadays, professional environment, populated by a workforce that constitutes of personnel from diverse generations, experiences varied challenges, while also bringing along certain benefits. I, however, personally feel that it would be quite inappropriate to descend into a squabble weighing benefits and drawbacks: an organization with such a mix is bound to reap rich benefits, by virtue of having access to seasoning, as well as energy and flair.

Having two generations striving together to attain organizational objectives, is bound to provide an unparalleled edge over rivals. Many human resources experts cite various reasons for this notion: such a business has not only an expansive experience and a pragmatic vision to guide the organization through the thin and thick in various spheres of business – by devising strategies and plans, but also a workforce of young enthusiastic professionals, to implement carefully devised strategies, raring to go and take a shot at success.

Besides this, older workers – with an extensive exposure by their sides – help enrich experience of young employees through a productive engagement and dialogue. This way, a business is able to perpetuate business ethics, work culture and success; expertise and proficient skills are  transferred to the younger generation of personnel.

However, a certain section of management experts express their reservations about such a mixture. To support their views, despite lacking much substance, they cite instances of rift struggle fuelled by generational divide between the young and  the older personnel. They feel that as the aspirations, approach and expectations of people born decades apart tend to vary enormously, there is little chance of them working harmoniously and joining hands.

In the end, there is hardly any pitfall in individuals from diverse generations coming together to work. It is a fact that a successful army has always been led by seasoned commanders and battle fields conquered by young soldiers.

Saturday, March 16, 2019

Human activity has had a negative effect on plants and animal all over the world. Some people think that it is too late to do something about it. Others think there is still time to take effective action. Discuss both sides and give your opinion.

Human activity has had a negative effect on plants and animal all over the world. Some people think that it is too late to do something about it. Others think there is still time to take effective action. Discuss both sides and give your opinion.
Human activity has had a negative effect on plants and animal all over the world
Ielts Essay Bringing Up Environment  
As per many environmentalists, ecological balance of the blue planet is on the brink of collapse and very soon, the Earth may become inhospitable; however, this notion is quashed by the optimistic lobby that professes that it is never too late and a lot can be done to protect environment.

Mankind, in an attempt to register a radical progress in almost every walk of life, has resorted to exploiting every imaginable natural resource. This has been going on since last three centuries as humans have gone around denuding the planet to make way for bigger and bigger industrial towns, to provide more and more manufactured goods; create areas for settlements and dwelling units to provide accommodation for an ever-rising population; and bringing land under the occupation of primary activities to practice agriculture – on large scale, Diary-farming – on industrial scale, and provide pastures for grazing of diary animals. These activities have culminated in large-scale  destruction of natural habitats of diverse flora and fauna; thus causing extinction of numerous species of plants and animals, which can never be retrieved now.

Having said that, there is a big group of environment specialists who assert that the situation is not as  desperate as it has been promoted by certain pessimistic naturalists. As per them, mankind has made enough progress to shift focus from naturally occurring minerals to artificially synthesized materials, and revolutionary concepts of using non-conventional energy resources. This has helped the society to maximize productivity with minimal use of natural resources; thus, sparing natural habitats and environment for the plants and animals. 

In a nutshell, after assessing both the views in detail, I feel that despite extensive damage done to the planet, things can be salvaged and humans can make the environment sustainable.  

Monday, March 11, 2019

Some people think that money is the best gift to youngsters, while others disagree. Give both views and give your opinion. Write at least 250 words.

Some people think that money is the best gift to youngsters, while others disagree. Give both views and give your opinion. Write at least 250 words.
Some people think that money is the best gift to youngsters
Ielts Essay Giving Money as Gift 
Child rearing is surely an arduous task and gifting them something, that might appeal them, is equally a tricky job. To overcome uncertainty of how the young ones might like or treat a gift with disdain, many have shifted their preferences to offering them money instead. They cite several benefits of such a practice; however, this has also raised many eyebrows.

Giving money to young ones seems to be a more practical option today, for the expectations and aspirations have undergone a sea change. Undoubtedly, young people have many more things, like gadgets and activities, which were beyond imagination for the preceding generation, at their disposal; this has created a gap between what people expected from their gifts in the past and what the youth means today by anything being rendered as presents. This can cause a friction, and to evade such incidence, elders offer money instead of any commodity or goods.

Having said that, there are many who protest against this practice. They term offering money to the young ones as gift as a recipe to disaster, and actually inviting trouble: young minds, inexperienced as they are, may become extravagant, demanding and stop appreciating the value of money. Moreover, when parents are usually absent from their families due to their professional obligations, the young ones could also pick up wrong habits, in absence of any monitoring. Consequently, this can spell trouble for the mothers and fathers, who will be at their wits end trying to satisfy ever rising demands of their wards.

In a nutshell, I feel, the practice of offering money is not as evil as it has been project by certain sections; it can instead help children fulfill their legitimate desires and also help prevent friction among the family members.  

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Some people think that it’s best to encourage children to leave family home as soon as possible. Others believe children should stay at their family home for as long as they like. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Some people think that it’s best to encourage children to leave family home as soon as possible. Others believe children should stay at their family home for as long as they like. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
Some people think that it’s best to encourage children to leave family home as soon as possible
Ielts Essay Family or Out of Family 

Of late parents, citing several reasons and benefits, have been motivating their young ones to start living separately. However, this has also stirred a debate: many are unwilling to participate in this new trend. They feel that choosing to move out or live with the family should be prerogative of the children.

Inspiring children to live out of their families is backed by a strong conviction; adopting such a step would let  growing minds learn about living independently and taking decisions on their own. Many a times, it has been observed, when young ones live away from their comfort zones, they have no one to guide and monitor. This invigorates their intellect; making them go for exploring options, without any external intervention, and learning about distinguishing the correct choices from the incorrect ones; thus, fostering confidence and independent thinking.

Moreover, this can also help in broadening horizons of young growing minds. When they go out and interact with the outer world without anyone, their nears and dears to their aid, young ones learn about negotiating, communicating and socializing with  an array of people. This helps form  a broader and rational perspective about others; eventually making them grow up as prudent personalities.

Nevertheless, there is a conventional view that exhibits more traditional approach: allowing sons and daughters to continue living with the families. This helps children learn about living with older people and making adjustments according to the need; and fostering a sense of empathy towards others and, in particular, their own families. Such individuals grow up as tolerant, selfless and compassionate adults

In a nutshell. I personally feel that deciding about living with family or independently should be left to the young ones itself; they would learn both ways, and obtain immense knowledge, wisdom and experience both ways.

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