Saturday, March 16, 2019

Human activity has had a negative effect on plants and animal all over the world. Some people think that it is too late to do something about it. Others think there is still time to take effective action. Discuss both sides and give your opinion.

Human activity has had a negative effect on plants and animal all over the world. Some people think that it is too late to do something about it. Others think there is still time to take effective action. Discuss both sides and give your opinion.
Human activity has had a negative effect on plants and animal all over the world
Ielts Essay Bringing Up Environment  
As per many environmentalists, ecological balance of the blue planet is on the brink of collapse and very soon, the Earth may become inhospitable; however, this notion is quashed by the optimistic lobby that professes that it is never too late and a lot can be done to protect environment.

Mankind, in an attempt to register a radical progress in almost every walk of life, has resorted to exploiting every imaginable natural resource. This has been going on since last three centuries as humans have gone around denuding the planet to make way for bigger and bigger industrial towns, to provide more and more manufactured goods; create areas for settlements and dwelling units to provide accommodation for an ever-rising population; and bringing land under the occupation of primary activities to practice agriculture – on large scale, Diary-farming – on industrial scale, and provide pastures for grazing of diary animals. These activities have culminated in large-scale  destruction of natural habitats of diverse flora and fauna; thus causing extinction of numerous species of plants and animals, which can never be retrieved now.

Having said that, there is a big group of environment specialists who assert that the situation is not as  desperate as it has been promoted by certain pessimistic naturalists. As per them, mankind has made enough progress to shift focus from naturally occurring minerals to artificially synthesized materials, and revolutionary concepts of using non-conventional energy resources. This has helped the society to maximize productivity with minimal use of natural resources; thus, sparing natural habitats and environment for the plants and animals. 

In a nutshell, after assessing both the views in detail, I feel that despite extensive damage done to the planet, things can be salvaged and humans can make the environment sustainable.