Tuesday, June 19, 2018

In many countries the proportion of older people is steadily increasing. Some think this is good, while others believe this is a problem for a country. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

In many countries the proportion of older people is steadily increasing. Some think this is good, while others believe this is a problem for a country. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
In many countries the proportion of older people is steadily increasing
Ielts Essay Aged population proportion 
In recent years as the technology fuelled medical care has facilitated longevity, many countries across the globe are witnessing a demographic shift leaning in favor of elderly people. This has intrigued several social scientists, as they set out to unravel the associated benefits and drawbacks of such a trend.

It will be not be very hard to enumerate the brighter side of this phenomenon: an increasing proportion of aged people in the society means more and more people with enhanced and seasoned expertise. Such people have spent a life working in their realms and are well-entrenched with the knowledge of their realms. These people even after retiring from their jobs have been contributing to the society by not only working for much less money but also passing down their knowhow to the younger generation.

Notwithstanding the meager benefits accrued by the society, a higher ratio of elderly population has become a nightmare of sorts for the economies, a cause of fiscal strain - even the rich nations are feeling the brunt, since the governments of such countries must allocate higher financial outlay for health care and old-age support services of the senior citizens; thus causing a steep rise in the public spending. It predisposes higher tax burdens on the young tax payers.

Moreover, higher proportion of elderly individuals in a society means a certain slow down of the economy in the long run. The skills pools of such countries face a structured deficit of trained and able bodied manpower that eventually casts an evil shadow on the economic progress; thereby putting the very future of a country in a grave danger.

Hence, I personally feel, higher percentage of aged individuals in the society is undoubtedly a sign of problems to be encountered in future. Ways should be found to arrest the trend of fast dwindling ratio of younger population, or this may threaten the future of the society, as well as the economies.

Friday, June 15, 2018

Ielts Essay Child labor is a major concern all over the world. What are the causes of it? How can the problem be solved? Write at least 250 words.

Child labor is a major concern all over the world.
What are the causes of it? How can the problem be solved?

Write at least 250 words.  
Child labor is a major concern all over the world
Ielts Essay CHild Labor 
Involving children in some kind of paid work, especially in impoverished nations, has become a menace for humanity since this malady threatens the very future of human race. Many social theorists are trying to find reasons behind this highly deplorable phenomena though in their view, this can be eradicated.

This social stigma, in a way, especially in poor countries – where it is a prominent feature, can be attributed to the poor financial background of the families. Most are forced to push their wards into taking up employment at a tender age: they cannot afford the latter even a square meal a day, leave apart other luxuries and comforts. Youngsters are considered to be additional earning hands who can help bring in more money; thus making life a bit more secure.

Moreover, initiation and  continuation of child labor also finds its cause in the rampant illiteracy among parents. In most of the cases, it has been observed that mothers and father are oblivious of the ill-effects on health, both mental and physical,  and social behavior, of  forcing children into taking up employment. Such ignorance is proving to be disastrous for many societies; parents do not find it shameful an act to involve their kids in employment.

However, even though it is not easy to get rid of this shameful activity, measures can be taken to minimize it. To make it work, participation of both the government and the society is critical. Making available minimum subsistence resources; educating masses; and establishing stringent laws, that may involve penalties and imprisonment in extreme cases, to curb this social shame. 

Hence, despite child labor being a big evil afflicting humanity, this can be wiped  out completely by adopting some serious steps. if steps are not taken quickly, society will suffer in the long run. 

Thursday, June 7, 2018

Ielts Essay Nowadays, international tourism is the biggest industry in the world. Unfortunately, international tourism creates tension rather than understanding between people from different cultures

Nowadays, international tourism is the biggest industry in the world. Unfortunately, international tourism creates tension rather than understanding between people from different cultures. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Nowadays international tourism is the biggest industry in the world
Ielts Essay - Tourism Boon or Bane 
Travelling for leisure to other countries is fast becoming a fad among rich and poor alike, however, this has also resulted in a bitter argument, as many feel that this activity instead of helping forge bonds among people, is fuelling discord. I personally feel, the allegation of relations turning sour due to tourist activities is a mere accusation.

Visitors travelling to overseas locations are source of friction among two civilizations many a times since these travelers while visiting an alien location carry their own mannerisms and lifestyles; and often forget to respect local aspirations either gullibly or intentionally, inviting irk of natives in the process; and thus creating mistrust for each other. The situation, often termed as a crisis, worsens, bringing around violent responses from locals sometimes, when the young generation, of the nation being travelled to, gets influenced by the foreigners   

Moreover, travelers are often termed as a menace: a cause of displeasure among the hosts which makes them wary of foreign visitors. The tourists tend to litter around without caring for the sanctity of the places they visit. Many consider this activity to be a source of pollution and raised carbon emissions, the cost of which must be compensated by the locals later. This makes natives feel jealous of the tourists.

Nevertheless, the tourism enthusiasts feel that the tourist activity is helping build bonds and bring diverse civilizations closer. This activity facilitates a prolific exchange of views and aspirations, cultural values of people from disparate backgrounds and political affiliations. Tourism helps people experience different cultures and lifestyles, which, in turn, helps broaden mindsets and create harmony.

Hence, disputs aside, it can be safely asserted that tourism is not an evil, as proposed by detractors, but a constructive activity helps brush tribal attitudes aside. 

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Ielts Essay Nowadays more and more people want to live by themselves. What are the reasons? Is it a positive or negative trend

Nowadays more and more people want to live by themselves. What are the reasons? Is it a positive or negative trend?

Nowadays more and more people want to live by themselves
Ielts Essay - LIving Alone 
Fast changing times have fuelled drastic transformations in the aspirations of people: many have started leading a solitary life. This tendency, as per some social experts, has some major benefits, as well as some drawbacks. I personally find this kind of lifestyle to be a negative development.

Inclination  to live by oneself can be attributed to the generation gap. It is felt that when the expectations of two generations do not complement each other, there is a clash of opinions, predisposing families to discord. The new generation does not seem to be interested in surrendering to the will of their elders, or the compromising with them, neither do the parents appear to be flexible enough, which often results in young people moving away from their families, living  on their own.     

The trend of leading a life by oneself is often appreciated as a favorable development: cloistered living makes one more responsible, independent and non-complaining. Such people become capable of handling their affairs, ranging from taking decisions about their personal and professional lives to handling complex financial matters. Such people tend to be rational in their approach and often become seasoned adults who seldom complain anyone for their problems and plight.

However, this shift in lifestyles has its own darker side too. It is being observed that such arrangement tend to turn one into solitary and unsocial creatures who are bereft of ability to confide with their acquaintances: they lack the ability to forge relations. It would not be a surprise if such individuals turn apathetical towards the society, and circumvent a settled life with family.

Hence, even though the reasons driving such propensity are obvuous, it will be quite appropriate to state here that leading a lonely life under the garb of independence has nothing beneficial associate with it.

Monday, June 4, 2018

Ielts Essay - In many countries plastic bags are the main source of rubbish causing pollution in oceans and on land Agree or Disagree Essay

In many countries plastic bags are the main source of rubbish causing pollution in oceans and on land; therefore they should be banned. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

As focus on protecting  environment intensifies, talks of imposing a ban on the plastic bags seems to be gaining momentum. But is banning these bags really correct? It is a matter worth deep delving into.

Keen green lobbyists cite various reasons for curbing use of carry-bags made of polyurethane: they are truly a menace for the environment. Being bio non-degradable, it is really hard to get rid of plastic bags. As estimates suggest, the way humans are dumping plastic bags, the day is not far when planet earth  will get choked. This has also become a cause of exacerbating even mild natural phenomena into major disasters, like incessant rains turning into floods, because of the choked drains -  that are blocked by plastic.

Moreover, these bags have quickly penetrated various spheres of environment, especially the land and water. The debris of plastic bags either are turning fertile land into barren areas - since they impede transfer of nutrients back to soil, if bags made out of plastic are abandoned on the land, or are being consumed by marine life which ultimately ends up killing it. In case fish survive long enough to caught by humans, the plastic residue is transferred to human body with sea food; thus threatening the human health too.

However, there are those who feel that banning bags of plastic is not the right solution. Plastic bags are a better way to protect natural resources – they are synthesized using artificial material, and use much less energy to produce. It is felt that poor plastic bags are victims of misconceptions and misuse – it is humans to blame for this and not humble bags.

To conclude, I personally feel, curtailing plastic bags use is the only choice: this is the only way to flush out this serious hazard.

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