Friday, May 4, 2018

Some people think that hobbies should be linked with technology, while others believe that it is not necessary for hobbies to be involved with technology. Discuss, what is your opinion? Ielts

Some people think that hobbies should be linked with technology, while others believe that it is not necessary for hobbies to be involved with technology. Discuss, what is your opinion? Give reasons for your answer and include relevant examples from your experience.

Ielts Essay - Hobbies and Technology 
With technology influencing almost every walk of life, some have started suggested extending the involvement of this in even the past-time activities though there are some who hold contrasting views. Even I support the latter opinion: some past-times need not be dependent on technology. 

The narrative of involvement modern techniques in free time activities rests on a commonly held belief: use of modern innovation of practicing one's past-times can help save time, money and efforts. It has become extremely easy to make resources of past-times available at one's disposal: one does not need to travel to distant locations for collecting certain materials, as in case of amateur collectors of various items; and one does not also need to wait for the things to be made available at a certain place, like ones going shopping as a part of leisure time.

Moreover, today, recent forays into the realm of recreation and free time activities have come in as a respite for most of those who can seldom spare time for anything except their work: now such enthusiasts, carrying some kind of hobby, need not deprive themselves of this pleasure since they can practice their past-times in parts as per their convenience.

Nevertheless, those deriding the intrusion of modern means into the pastimes: they feel that this new development is dampening the exploratory skills of humans, a natural instinct. Everything becomes so tad easy and predictable, when people use modern methods, that excitement tends to fade away. For instance, use of modern rock climbing techniques and tools has killed the very spirit of adventure what  this activity was known for.   

Hence, influence of modern means and tools in the sphere of pastimes is undesirable, as it would mean adding just another routine to mundane.  i feel that this realm can only remain an exciting engagement if it sans technological intervention. 

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