Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Young drivers are careless and overconfident, and too many are killed in accidents. To eliminate this problem, we could teach children the skills of safe driving while they are at school. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? part 2 - Ielts Essay

Young drivers are careless and overconfident, and too many are killed in accidents. To eliminate this problem, we could teach children the skills of safe driving while they are at school. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Dramatically rising instances of fatalities involving  young drivers is fueling relentless efforts for a reliable solution to address the growing menace. A proposal has recently surfaced, among numerous quarters, that young people should be imparted skills of safe driving at school though this view is not bereft of derision.

Formal tuition is being seen as a right place to train young minds about sensible driving; institutions imparting education shoulder the responsibility of nurturing all-round personality of young people, and today when safe driving, that requires  self discipline and control, is being increasingly regarded as an essential trait of a responsible and rational citizen, schools should don the mantle of training youth to be safe drivers.

Moreover, schools can provide conducive environment of learning: they have the resources and all the time to ensure an effective imparting of the content, using various tools and strategies equip students with the necessary knowhow. On the top of that, it is a general belief that when kids learn something among their peers, and that is imparted as a formal education under the guidance of aptly trained teachers, they tend to retain information for a long time.

However, these suggestions are not free of drawbacks, as critics point out. Schooling is a phase that primarily focuses on academic competence, that will help as kids professionals: there is no place, and in fact time, for a skill, like safe driving in an already overloaded schedule. If schools were to take up this task, it would be prove to be a distraction from primary objective, and futile - this knowledge cannot be applied until the legal driving age.

Overall, I feel that tutoring young minds about how to drive safely at school is an idea that is bereft of substance, and will largely remain ineffective, and cause distraction instead. Thus I disagree with this completely.

Friday, March 16, 2018

Life in the 21st century is better compared to the previous century. To what extant do you agree or disagree? Give reasons for your answer and include relevant examples from your own experience in not less than 250 words. - Ielts Essay

Life in the 21st century is better compared to the previous century. To what extant do you agree or disagree? Give reasons for your answer and include relevant examples from your own experience in not less than 250 words.
Life in the 21st century is better compared to the previous century
Ielts Essay - 21st Century or previous century?
Even since humans settled down, they have made tremendous progress, often regarded as great achievement as per contemporary expectations. But, every next generation has tried to establish their superiority over predecessors. Continuing that tradition, many propose that current century is better off than the preceding century: though this is worth delving deep into.

If the current state of affairs is closely assessed, humans have taken big strides in ensuring a better quality of life: there have been prolific improvements in living conditions since there is enough food at last, and humans are rarely dying of hunger; life expectancy has improved substantially owing to availability of clean drinking water, and a phenomenal improvements in the field of medicine -  lesser and lesser people are being afflicted by terminal diseases and ailments.

Similarly, innovations in technology, especially introduction of  internet and better means of communication and travelling, have paved way to make globe a smaller place to live, and people can be seen trotting the globe for disparate purposes such as tourism, employment and education, and interacting with others across the planet without any inhibitions. This may well help foster better relationships among people of various parts of the planet. 

However, current era has also generated its own set of problems; the most prominent are rising pollution, in all spheres of environment, and threat of nuclear war, which, if not dealt with appropriately,  would lead to a holocaust that may threaten not only the very human race but also bring the whole life on the planet to the brink of extinction.  

Henceforth, I feel, despite many advancements in the current era, it is not correct to compare two periods, as every generation has done something to bring the human race to its present condition.

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Physical education and sport should be compulsory for all students in all schools. Do you agree or disagree? - Ielts Essay

Physical education and sport should be compulsory for all students in all schools. Do you agree or disagree?

Physical education and sport should be compulsory for all students in all schools
Ielts Essay - Physical Education And Sports 
An ever increasing concern over health of kids has prompted many to mull possibilities of making sports and physical education mandatory for each student in every school though this has prompted some to ridicule such a suggestion too.

Making physical education obligatory at formal tuition seems to be a practical idea since formal tuition are places where pupils spend most time of their day: the kids would follow the routine as a religion. A PE class will help rendering daily dose of physical activity, and help kids not only get a much required escape from the monotonous academic routine, but also help ensure fending off several ailments and maladies, like obesity, high blood pressure and diabetes that are afflicting children quite early on these days.

Additionally, intergarting sports with formal curriculum can help bring in multiple benefits: upteen studies have proven that involvement in some of team, or individual sports can prevent yongsters from engaging in drug and alcohol abuse; learn to lead a healthy life; promoting a sense of belonging towards  the team, and later towards the society that eventually help foster social skills required for a successful life as an adult. 

However, a lobby publically derides making sports and PE binding for all students and schools by pointing at failings of such a egime: these extra-curricular activities would act as an unwarranted and a worthless distraction that may rob kids of their valuable time; distract them away from their studies, and eventually affect academic outcomes. As they propose, schools are primarily meant for instilling academic excellence, and not physical prowess.

In a nutshell, I personally feel, including gym class and sports in school study programs is surely a very constructive move: it will help bolster physical and mental wellness, and should be applied exhaustively.  

Thursday, March 1, 2018

Some people believe we need to pay higher taxes in order for the government to build population’s basic needs services. Others say government should find other means to get funds for it. What should the government do, in your opinion?

Some people believe we need to pay higher taxes in order for the government to build population’s basic needs services. Others say government should find other means to get funds for it. What should the government do, in your opinion?
Some people believe we need to pay higher taxes
Ielts Essay - Should we pay more Taxes? 

Growing concerns regarding satisfying needs of populace has encouraged many to suggest that governments should charge more  taxes from citizens, whereas, there are others who are quite skeptical of this. But, what the state should do is a matter worth delving deep into.

Levying higher taxes seems to be quite justified. Inflation  is riding out of control that is making everything dearer, thus severely  hampering ability of authorities to lay even the basic goods and services at the disposal of inhabitants. Raising, or creating new provisions will help generating revenues to ensure appropriate funding for various welfare schemes for public support. It is firmly believed whatever taxpayers shell out accrues back to them in form of benefits.

Moreover, the proposal of raising collections by way of increasing levies is based on the fact that over the past few years, population, especially that of elderly who completely rely on government support,  has been rising exponentially which is clearly offsetting any attempts made in sustaining and improving the level of public support network. Everything costs money, and hence, as the governments are run on public funding, people must readily part with some more to compensate for the pressure created by an increased number of people.

Nevertheless, there are others who feel that such a step will be too harsh a treatment for already over-burdened tax-payers. It would make it hard for them to make adjustments in their budgets; and the authorities should instead focus on other innovative ways to raise money such as participating in commercial activities; running their own concerns that  foray into  profit making exercise.

Henceforth, I personally feel, exerting pressure on inhabitants by increasing burden of taxes will surely prove to be counter productive, and hence taxes should not be raised. 

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