Sunday, February 26, 2017

Nowadays many people use social media to communicate with others in social and professional life. Discuss advantages and disadvantages of social media. Give your own opinion and relevant examples.

Nowadays many people use social media to communicate with others in social and professional life. Discuss advantages and disadvantages of social media. Give your own opinion and relevant examples.
Ielts Essay - Social Media
Ielts Essay - Social Media 
As social networking over the virtual domain is expanding quite rapidly, people have resorted to using this medium to communicate with others for their personal and professional objectives. But, it would be wise enough to get accustomed to the benefits and shortcomings of this mode of communications.

Social networking provides easy accessibility across the globe that facilitates forging friendships and relationships in any part of the world. In a way, social network sites have added wings to fantasies of people dreaming of establishing contacts with like-minded people anywhere, regardless of geographical and political limitations. This mode has provided a unified platform to inhabitants that has helped create harmony and foster feeling of brotherhood.

Besides helping in fulfilling personal aspirations, social network has assisted greatly in satisfying professional ambitions too. Reaching out to other contemporary professionals and specialists, in similar or disparate fields, across the length and breadth of the globe – using sites like ‘Linked-in’ and ‘Twitter’ – has become a tad easy task. Now reaching out to the audience with an adapted to local area promotion, anywhere on the planet is not an issue since organizations can now do their homework based on the inputs from local contacts.

However, one must be quite vigilant about possible drawbacks of this way of communicating, since social networking is on internet that camouflages behind a veil of anonymity. One can never be sure about the authenticity of people on the other side of net. This aspect makes the things little precarious since the innocent people are susceptible to frauds and data theft, that may contain sensitive information about an individual too. 

To conclude, I feel, even though social network is surely a great way to communicate, extreme caution is recommended while forming relationships.

Saturday, February 25, 2017

Some people feel that the on and off the field behavior of good sportsmen and women does not matter until their performance is good. Do you agree or disagree? Write at least 250 words with relevant examples.

Some people feel that the on and off the field behavior of good sportsmen and women does not matter until their performance is good. Do you agree or disagree? Write at least 250 words with relevant examples.

Sports Essay Ielts
Ielts Essay - Conduct of Sports Professionals 

The conduct of successful players has always been under a critical scanner even though the supporters are emotionally driven to come to defense of these celebrities. However,  there are others who are quite cynical about the irresponsible attitude of sports personnel.

It would not asking for too much if the attitude of these professionals is not questioned since these individuals have a great contribution to make to the national pride. The sterling performances of accomplished sportspersons, apart from raising the stakes of a country as a youthful and fit nation, help it to prominently shine on the map of world. Such performances are equated by acts of nobility by the masses, which fetches these individuals a status of national heroes.

Furthermore, ignoring personal and professional conduct of successful sports personnel finds its support in their being pivotal to a burgeoning sports industry – that generates huge employment for a cross-section of skills, directly and indirectly related to this industry. Moreover, how can one ignore huge business being generated by commercial entities across the world and a rich bounty of revenues being grossed by the governments, due to these outstanding sports practitioners.  It would not be unjust to give them some room.

The views views of apologists, nevertheless,  are quite ludicrous, timid and meek; outstanding performances in sports fail to justify unwarranted on and off-field actions of noted sports personalities, their stature rather raises the bar of expectations: they are considered to be ideals by millions. Any instance of unruly behavior is bound to send wrong signals to masses, especially the youth, who might try to emulate these prominent public figures. 

To conclude, I feel that successful performance apart, personal and professional conduct is an integral part of any occupation, including sports persons; hence, their behavior whether professional, or personal can hardly be overlooked for public good.         

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Most people in several countries buying second hand items nowadays instead of New things. What are the reasons for this trend? Is this a positive or negative trend? Give reasons with your experience and example in at least 250 words. - Ielts Essay

Most people in several countries buying second hand items nowadays instead of New things.
What are the reasons for this trend?
Is this a positive or negative trend?
Give reasons with your experience and example in at least 250 words.
ielts Essay - Second Hand Goods 
The trend of purchasing freshly manufactured commodities seems to be losing steam as more and more are opting to procure used items. Many experts are perplexed by this strange swing in preferences, and are seeking concrete causes for this change. But, whatever may be the case, the phenomenon is likely to drive in benefits and drawbacks.

The reasons for the inclination of individuals towards used goods are pretty obvious. With the weakening economic sentiments, and rising cost of living, the priorities are registering a flight away from conventional beliefs. People try to make most of it within their disposable incomes and prioritize most critical components such as education, nutrition, clothing, shelter, etc. All other things can wait or if they are somehow necessities of lesser priority, procuring used goods seems to be an attractive option since these do not cost arms and legs.

This phenomena is definitely carrying numerous benefits, the most prominent being considerable fall in the pollution levels. Trade of pre-owned goods means lesser first hand goods being produced in the factories. This clearly implies that less and less fuel and energy would be used in the production, which would ultimately be interpreted into reduced emissions.

Notwithstanding the advantages, with the second hand goods being in vogue, some sectors and people are bound to suffer, as lesser sale of newly produced commodities would not only severely hamper the manufacturing and commercial sector, in terms of quantum of trade and business, but also lead to a widespread unemployment. This is surely to jolt and jeopardize economic progress of many nations, involved in supplying raw materials and manufacturing goods.

To conclude, as per me, the reasons for such purchase decisions are obvious; however, despite having a negative impact on the economy, this new phenomenon would deliver innumerable advantages in the long run. 

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Nowadays in some countries children are given fewer responsibilities compared to the past. Some people believe it is a positive development while others argue otherwise. Discuss both views. What is your opinion? Give some relevant examples from your own experience.

Nowadays in some countries children are given fewer responsibilities compared to the past. Some people believe it is a positive development while others argue otherwise. Discuss both views. What is your opinion? Give some relevant examples from your own experience.
Ielts Essay - Responsibilities and Children 
Child rearing has always been a complicated issue, and every generation has defined its own privileges and limits in this regards. In the current times, it can be observed that parents are not as keen to lay onus of carrying out certain tasks on children as they did earlier. This trend does have some benefits though also some drawbacks.

Keeping children free of any duties really comes in as a boon in disguise since children are now left with only one task: focus on their academic performance. The times are becoming competitive, and with that the amount and intensity of academic assignments are also rising. The kids are often seen bringing back loads of homework and assignments from the schools, so not burdening them with non-essential work at home helps them to complete their assignments easily, thereby enabling them to develop competence for domains critical to the professions they may pursue later in life.

However, this trend is marred by several negative consequences; as keeping them free of any responsibilities denies them chance to develop general awareness. Children today grow up as an ignorant lot that is grossly apathetic to its surroundings, and live in the boundaries created for themselves for themselves. These kids tend to turn self centered that often results in aggressive behavior too, since they are not trained to be sensitive to needs of others – that handling responsibilities can teach.

Furthermore, children tend to perform poorly when it comes to critical soft and life skills. Kids today are not able to socialize, perform their tasks independently and above all not even able comprehend situations and decide their course of actions to resolve problems.

To conclude, I feel denying children chance to handle responsibilities is denying them opportunities to learn about critical aspects of life. 

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