Saturday, February 25, 2017

Some people feel that the on and off the field behavior of good sportsmen and women does not matter until their performance is good. Do you agree or disagree? Write at least 250 words with relevant examples.

Some people feel that the on and off the field behavior of good sportsmen and women does not matter until their performance is good. Do you agree or disagree? Write at least 250 words with relevant examples.

Sports Essay Ielts
Ielts Essay - Conduct of Sports Professionals 

The conduct of successful players has always been under a critical scanner even though the supporters are emotionally driven to come to defense of these celebrities. However,  there are others who are quite cynical about the irresponsible attitude of sports personnel.

It would not asking for too much if the attitude of these professionals is not questioned since these individuals have a great contribution to make to the national pride. The sterling performances of accomplished sportspersons, apart from raising the stakes of a country as a youthful and fit nation, help it to prominently shine on the map of world. Such performances are equated by acts of nobility by the masses, which fetches these individuals a status of national heroes.

Furthermore, ignoring personal and professional conduct of successful sports personnel finds its support in their being pivotal to a burgeoning sports industry – that generates huge employment for a cross-section of skills, directly and indirectly related to this industry. Moreover, how can one ignore huge business being generated by commercial entities across the world and a rich bounty of revenues being grossed by the governments, due to these outstanding sports practitioners.  It would not be unjust to give them some room.

The views views of apologists, nevertheless,  are quite ludicrous, timid and meek; outstanding performances in sports fail to justify unwarranted on and off-field actions of noted sports personalities, their stature rather raises the bar of expectations: they are considered to be ideals by millions. Any instance of unruly behavior is bound to send wrong signals to masses, especially the youth, who might try to emulate these prominent public figures. 

To conclude, I feel that successful performance apart, personal and professional conduct is an integral part of any occupation, including sports persons; hence, their behavior whether professional, or personal can hardly be overlooked for public good.         

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