Monday, August 8, 2016

Many people believe that women make better parents than men and that is why they have the greater role in raising children in most societies. Others claim that men are just as good as women at parenting. - Ielts Essay

Many people believe that women make better parents than men and that is why they have the greater role in raising children in most societies. Others claim that men are just as good as women at parenting. Discuss both views and give your opinion. 

Ielts Essay - Who's a Good Parent Men or Women?

When it comes to deciding about who has the potential to be better at parenting, women, as per some conservationists, seem to be miles ahead of their men counterparts, but recent changes in the social roles have forced the social experts to look at this issue once again, with a new perspective.

Modern concept of parenting challenges the supremacy of women, in terms of rearing the children. Fathers, although traditionally have been known to don the roles of social coaches, helping to forge social relations, and emotional guides, teaching the children to deal with emotions – even scary sometimes, they have started performing even those duties, like changing diapers, with an equal finesse.

However, conventional definitions of roles of men and women, in a family, have existed ever since humans evolved on this planet, as hunters and food gatherers. Men were, more or less, concerned with looking for food, while women, donning the roles of rearing children. This role set has continued down the centuries, and perhaps also found its mention in many religious scriptures across the world. Many orthodox societies also define it as a law of nature, where women have been designated to take care of children.

Moreover, various psychological explanations also illustrate why women enjoy an upper hand, in the realm of parenting, over men. They are better equipped with setoff emotions and control mechanism that make them stand apart. Females use a mix of emotions, aggression and strategies to educate, play, monitor and control juveniles. Youngsters quite often find it easier to connect with their mothers since the latter happen to be the first teachers who communicate with kids through linguistics and affection.

In the nutshell, even though both the perspectives hold great substance in their own virtue, I feel that both genders have similar expertise when it comes to rearing offpsring, especially in the modern times.   

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