Friday, August 29, 2014

Humans tend to copy one another, especially in fashion, choice of clothes and consumer goods . Do you agree or disagree? Provide your view and examples from your own experience.

Humans tend to copy one another, especially in fashion, choice of clothes and consumer goods . Do you agree or disagree? Provide your view and examples from your own experience.
Ielts Essay - Humans Copying Each Other 

There is an ample evidence, being collected since ancient times, which shows that human species have a tendency to copy each other, whether it is choice of clothes or equipment. There are various reasons for doing so.

The most important reason is that it gives a feeling of belonging to the same peer group. For example- college students getting same hairstyles, wearing torn jeans, getting themselves pierced. Its makes us secure and we do not stand out of the crowd. This spares us from unnecessary attention. This can be taken as an extension of the instinct which animals in groups followed to save themselves from becoming food of the predators. In this case, spare ourselves from becoming target of jokes from opposite sex.

Moreover, it is human tendency to be jealous of others. For example, it can be observed that if a neighbor has bought a new car, people would have sleepless nights until they also possess the same make even if they cannot afford it. The car is bought not because they need it, but to show that they are par with families living next doors financially.

However, there is a section of the society who do not follow or copy anyone. They are the one who are the trendsetters of any fashion. They are known as leaders and people follow them, e.g. Elvis Presley, who introduced the fashion of wearing bell bottoms. He did not follow anyone , in fact, because of him bell bottoms became a rage and a mandatory fashion clothing during sixties.

Thus, to conclude, I am of the opinion that we should not copy or follow any trend or fashion blindfoldedly. We should always be aware whether it suits us or can we afford it. This awareness helps us to create our own individualistic personality.
CONTRIBUTED BY: latabiju a student of Sai-ielts

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

"Failure is proof that the desire was not strong enough", To what extend do you agree with this statement? Give reasons for your answer?

"Failure is proof that the desire was not strong enough", To what extend do you agree with this statement? Give reasons for your answer?

Does Failure Indicate  lack fo Desire
Desire,Success and Failure

Accomplishment and flops have been defined as basic parameters of human life. Where success is considered to be an important indicator of dedication and hard fighting spirits, failing in endeavors is often seen as lack of resolve. Some sections of society feel that the people who fail to succeed often lack required vision and the ambitions while there are some, who feel otherwise.

The school of thought specifically feels that success can only be achieved with help of obsession and a strong vision. Individuals seeking accomplishment in need to first have a deep passion to strive for success. These kinds of individuals put best of their efforts in each phase of their work and mission and they go to any limit to ensure that the end result is as per the expectations. Lack of intent and resolve to continue under hardships and see the work through results in complacency which ultimately ends in disaster.

However, some people present strong arguments to counter popular beliefs of links between failure and lack of resolve. These people think that failure cannot in any way be regarded as an indicator of lack of passion and ambition. Not being able to garner success is merely a coincidence and failure is more or less linked to destiny and sometimes to other circumstances that are beyond the control of many.

Furthermore, many experts feel that if the desire and ambition could guarantee success then people like Napoleon and Hitler would never have failed because both these men aspired to dominate the world. As per the experts, to succeed, people need to take correct and well informed decisions and timely actions and an attitude to win.   

In conclusion, I personally feel that desire and lack of success are two different quantities altogether.

Monday, August 4, 2014

The wealth of a nation is said to depend on the health of its citizens. Yet, in the modern knowledge-based economies of the world, education is more and more being seen as the main force in the development of all countries. In what extent do you agree or disagree?

Although quite an incompatible match, some modern thinkers have started comparing the relevance and value of education and health in progress of a nation. Some people stress that in the modern perspective knowledge plays a pivotal role in developing an economy while there are some sections which strongly believe that health is always a true indicator of prosperity of a nation.

Gaining knowledge has been pitched as a pivotal factor by some thinkers as they think that a society which is literate has the ability to brush aside useless conservative thought and superstitions. This helps a society to even look after its health better than others. A progressive society armed with educated populace generates more opportunities for development as it is always aware of its rights and obligations. Such a community adapts itself faster to the changing conditions and works positively towards achieving objectives of riches and prosperity.

Moreover, a society or a nation with an abundance of educated inhabitants generates opportunities in various areas and component sectors of economy. The skills accumulated by local populace encourages them to take up challenging jobs in the modern paradigm and some of the more enterprising people venture into establishing businesses which not only helps in boosting economic scenario but also helps in generating employment.

On the other hand, some sections strongly advocate relevance of a healthy society. They contend that if the local population suffers because of low health index, it can never prosper as the families, individuals and governments must allocate more financial resources to looking after the ailing people. Furthermore, education can only be absorbed effectively by a healthy individual.

To  conclude, I personally feel that although educating a society helps in boosting economic status of a nation, importance of health can never be ignored.

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Academic achievement at school or university is only true measure of a person’s intelligence. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Academic achievement

Today when more and more and people are investing their financial resources and efforts to obtain higher educational qualifications. This aspect has resulted in a simultaneous debate across the society as to what can be taken as a true parameter to gauge an individual’s capabilities. Some definitely vouch for academic feats while others feel natural instincts and experience gained over years has more impact on a person’s intelligence.

In the last century, more venues have been established to impart higher education to people with strong intentions to achieve higher qualifications on grounds of their aspirations of gaining respect in their social circles. For them, good academic record is passport to better employment opportunities. As per them, an individual’s capabilities can never be gauged on basis of natural instincts.

Besides personal and professional factors, as each field becomes more and more specialized, some do need better educational feats. To adopt and practice these professions, one must possess minimum standards of education that are regarded as basic specifications of relevant field for e.g. one cannot become a doctor or an engineer without getting minimum relevant graduation.

On the contrary, some sections firmly believe that intelligence in not at all a factor that needs a stamp of varsities and degrees. It has been observed in past that most prominent of the inventors and innovators had not even completed their formal education and their concepts still hold true and educated lobby actually follows patterns pioneered by them. Most prominent examples are Bill gates and Dhirubhai Ambani.

To conclude, in my view there is definitely a link between a person’s mental capabilities and academic credentials, but that is definitely limited to only getting an initial boost and rest depends on an individual’s natural learning powers and abilities to negotiate situations.

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