Wednesday, August 27, 2014

"Failure is proof that the desire was not strong enough", To what extend do you agree with this statement? Give reasons for your answer?

"Failure is proof that the desire was not strong enough", To what extend do you agree with this statement? Give reasons for your answer?

Does Failure Indicate  lack fo Desire
Desire,Success and Failure

Accomplishment and flops have been defined as basic parameters of human life. Where success is considered to be an important indicator of dedication and hard fighting spirits, failing in endeavors is often seen as lack of resolve. Some sections of society feel that the people who fail to succeed often lack required vision and the ambitions while there are some, who feel otherwise.

The school of thought specifically feels that success can only be achieved with help of obsession and a strong vision. Individuals seeking accomplishment in need to first have a deep passion to strive for success. These kinds of individuals put best of their efforts in each phase of their work and mission and they go to any limit to ensure that the end result is as per the expectations. Lack of intent and resolve to continue under hardships and see the work through results in complacency which ultimately ends in disaster.

However, some people present strong arguments to counter popular beliefs of links between failure and lack of resolve. These people think that failure cannot in any way be regarded as an indicator of lack of passion and ambition. Not being able to garner success is merely a coincidence and failure is more or less linked to destiny and sometimes to other circumstances that are beyond the control of many.

Furthermore, many experts feel that if the desire and ambition could guarantee success then people like Napoleon and Hitler would never have failed because both these men aspired to dominate the world. As per the experts, to succeed, people need to take correct and well informed decisions and timely actions and an attitude to win.   

In conclusion, I personally feel that desire and lack of success are two different quantities altogether.

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