Saturday, December 6, 2014

“Prevention is better than cure”. Out of a country’s health budget, a large proportion should be diverted from treatment to spending on health education and preventative measures. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

“Prevention is better than cure”. Out of a country’s health budget, a large proportion should be diverted from treatment to spending on health education and preventative measures. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Providing appropriate healthcare services to the inhabitants of a country has always remained an important social initiative, but consistently rising per capita health expenditure has invited a debate on finding ways of cutting down public expenditure in this domain. Some have even suggested channelizing funds to programs aimed at encouraging prevention of ailments rather than combating them.

Diverting public money to initiatives aimed at teaching inhabitants about healthy practices can be more productive and fruitful as it would help in ensuring keeping various fatal and crippling diseases at bay, thereby reducing the need to manufacture and procure expensive medicines and equipment. This would enable the government to channelize the much precious funds to ensuring better life and facilities for the inhabitants of a country.

Furthermore, prioritizing creating awareness among masses about benefits of adopting and leading a healthy lifestyle over treating would result in improving the health index of society, especially in terms of fatal and crippling diseases. This, is turn would enhance the productivity of the society by shifting its focus to more vital areas rather than exploring ways to treat ailments.

However, reducing financial outlay and changing preferences from providing treatment to educating about healthy lifestyle and prevention of ailments could prove to be a disaster as the life is becoming complex and many people may not be receptive to the idea of leading a disciplined life. Moreover, certain illnesses and disorders occur due to unavoidable reasons especially those linked to the aging, complex lifestyle and pollution, for instances, some illnesses like arthritis start occurring naturally and cannot be prevented even by following a healthy lifestyle.

To sum up, I feel that government should keep both prevention and cure on priority and not focus only on one area - both of these enjoy equal relevance for effective healthcare interventions. 

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Many parents use punishment to teach the different between right and wrong to kids. Many think punishment is unnecessary to help children learn the distinction between right and wrong. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Many parents use punishment to teach the different between right and wrong to kids. Many think punishment is necessary to help children learn the distinction between right and wrong. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Punishment And Parenting

Parenting has always been a tricky job because it needs people to handle one of the most difficult beings on the planet, i.e. the children. This job can test the wits of parents especially when it comes to teaching the kids about differentiating between the good and bad. Involving some sort of punishment in teaching process is sometimes regarded as a critical component of parenting; however, critics despise this practice.

Juveniles are adventurous, immature and often prone to adopting ways of erratic behavior. Their inquisitive tender minds often lead them into exploring such activities and domains which should otherwise be avoided during growing years.  It is necessary to dissuade them from such expeditions and as per some parents, chastising is the best way is prevent the kids from taking up habits or involving themselves into such habits that have a potential of hampering their growth.

Furthermore, rebuke and reprimand have always been regarded as the short cuts to inciting discipline among the young ones. The fear of cane and verbal punishment have always deterred the growing kids from doing something over adventurous, and instead encouraged them to take up righteous path that is disciplined and fruitful. The kids disciplined at home are thought to grow up as those rational adults who know the difference between good and evil.

However, modern psychologists and social scientists disapprove and reject theory of rebuke. As per them, there is no place for punishment in a caring relationship and moreover, chastising can often result in severe consequences where the children either grow up as violent adults or take extreme steps in their growing years.

To sum up, I feel although the view of modern child psychologists holds true in contemporary era, traditional concept of upbringing cannot be completely overruled, making this practice relevant even today.  

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Trees are essential for the existence of the human race as they provide the oxygen that we need to survive. Yet, daily all around the globe, large areas of woodland are being destroyed.

Trees are essential for the existence of the human race as they provide the oxygen that we need to survive. Yet, daily all around the globe, large areas of woodland are being destroyed. Many people feel that they as individuals can do nothing and that only governments and large companies can halt the destruction. To what extent do you agree with this?
Trees Are Important For Human Kind 
Rapidly shrinking forest cover has raised serious concerns among many countries and has shifted the focus of global society to finding viable ways of saving the planet from ecological disaster. Many environmentalists have come up with numerous suggestions and have called for individual participation but most people are clueless about this, though there are some who feel otherwise.

Common people would hardly be able to make any noticeable impact in a program of such colossal dimensions due to lack of necessary resources and authority to carry out such tasks. Initiatives aiming at saving green cover need infusion of extensive resources including money and manpower, and individual citizens do not have access to both. Furthermore, there is a lack of direction among citizens and most prefer to stay away from making contributions in such social initiatives. People feel that it would impossible for any program at the community level to survive in the long run without tangible contributions from government and corporate sector.

 Moreover, schemes such as saving Jungles need involvement of many countries at global level as saving greenery is not the responsibility of a single nation or an individual because this kind of initiative cannot make a big impact until and unless there is a full blooded intervention by various countries.

However, many people feel that each person can make sizable contributions. Any noble mission must start from the grass root level and it is people who can create awareness in the society about the ill effects of deforestation and generate public opinion aimed at protecting green cover.

In conclusion, I personally feel that although it is hard for people to go alone on this difficult and rather uphill task but their contributions in saving forest cover still can go a long way.   

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Some say that young and energetic employees are the most valuable for the company, others argue that older employees have more experience and knowledge. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Give your opinion and examples, based on your own experience. - Sample Ielts Essay

Some say that young and energetic employees are the most valuable for the company, others argue that older employees have more experience and knowledge. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Give your opinion and examples, based on your own experience.

With several corporates aiming to reducing their size and optimize utilization of each resource, their focus has shifted to creating adaptive human resources policies which in turn profess weeding out unsuitable personnel to improve the productivity. This for some HR professionals means leaning towards retaining young people and axing older employees. This has raised a conflict of sorts among several sections on this issue.

The young people are fresh and raw and they have all the enthusiasm and desperation to prove their point which pushes them to strive for success and perform harder for the companies. Their constant struggle to ride up the hierarchical ranks inspires them to apply themselves more dedicatedly. Besides this, selection of younger personnel also guarantees infusion of fresh aspirations which in turn brings around several benefits in form of increased competitiveness.

Furthermore, selection of more and more workers belonging to the young age groups means significant reduction in the financial outlay allocated to welfare of the employees as the companies have to spend lesser amount of money on medical bills and other privileges otherwise extended to senior employees.

However, there are several strong contradictions to the priority selection policy of the human resources departments across the world as many experts feel that the presence of senior personnel does not only guarantee precise execution of each critical task within the company but also ensures presence of sufficient expertise for sound planning to take an organization forward. The veteran employees are often highly experienced and seasoned and they also have an in depth knowledge on intricacies of various conditions and ways of handling contingencies that a company may need to negotiate in due course of business.

In conclusion,  I personally that both the categories of employees is critical for an organization.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Damage to the environment is an inevitable consequence of worldwide improvements in the standard of living. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Damage to the environment is an inevitable consequence of worldwide improvements in the standard of living. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Damage to the environment is an inevitable

In the race for achieving more and more prosperity, the humans have started ignoring the plight of the natural environment that surrounds them. Some environmentalists consider this situation to be a recipe to disaster and feel the impending danger to the sanctity of the surroundings is now unavoidable though there are some who think otherwise and are quite optimistic about improvement in quality of environment.

The struggle and competition for attaining influential status at the global level and providing better life to citizens of country, governments of respective countries are encouraging establishment of more venues that fuel economic growth. As per them, only economic progress can guarantee better living quality for inhabitants. This belief is leading to extensive destruction of natural surroundings, e.g. forests and natural habitats are being cleared to make way for industry and facilities that fuel modern society. The loss in this case is irreversible and humanity may never get back whatever it loses.

Moreover, as the emphasis is on enhancing and boosting quality of life, various nodes connected to development have started carrying out expansive research on improving quality of products and services which is resulting in over consumption of natural resources. The natural resources are being extracted indiscriminately and at a startling pace thereby causing an irrevocable loss of naturally occurring minerals.

However, there are some who are quite optimistic about the safe future of the natural surroundings. They are inspired by the recent enthusiasm registered by the governments and people all over the world about thrifty use of energy and recycling of material. They feel humans would be able to salvage environment within a short span of time.

To sum up, I feel that fears being allayed about environmental damage due to development are true to a great extent.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

There are many different types of music in the world today. Why do we need music? Is the traditional music of a country more important than the international music that is heard everywhere nowadays? Discuss.

There are many different types of music in the world today. Why do we need music? Is the traditional music of a country more important than the international music that is heard everywhere nowadays? Discuss.

International Music Vs Traditional Music 

Music has been an integral part of social and cultural aspirations since time unknown. Nothing much in this form of art has changed except that the styles have undergone a transformation. Today in globalized village, various,  international forms of music are in vogue  which has tempted some people to believe that local music is of no relevance in this scenario though there are people who believe otherwise.

Music is said to originate from the inner soul of humans and it sometimes helps in conveying direct and sometimes subtle hints about the seasons, feelings, moods and aspirations. Since ages humans have been singing, playing and listening to melodies in different forms all across the world to express joy, sadness, reluctance, anger and even seductive moods. Likewise, every region has its own specific music style and genre.

Nowadays, a new development seems to have influenced  this form art substantially as with advent of the globalization, more and more people have started swaying to the notes of international music forms like Jazz and Pop. Some people have started feeling that this era has no place for folk music as the global brotherhood makes local notes irrelevant and useless. As per them the use of local music highlights diversity which further nurtures tribal attitudes and bias among people.

However, some sections of society strongly feel that traditional and folk music of every region is the soul of local culture, and is laden with endless and depthless wisdom. Local notes also depict the way of thinking of natives playing them. Abandoning the region specific music would cause a major loss; all the connected content and relevant cognitive content would also be erased forever. 

To conclude, even though music in every manifestation enjoys a great relevance, I feel that traditional music can never be abandoned, for it represents the soul of a culture. 

Friday, October 10, 2014

Nowadays some governments encourage industrial factories and businesses to move out of large cities. Is it a positive or negative development? Discuss and give your opinion.

Nowadays some governments encourage industrial factories and businesses to move out of large cities. Is it a positive or negative development? Discuss and give your opinion.

Lareg Cities and Industry
As the large cities world over are becoming overtly congested and polluted, the governments of different countries have come out with ambitious plans to decongest larger urban areas by encouraging industries and businesses to relocate to other locations. Many have welcomed this idea while some have registered strong reservations against this kind of a move. 

The plan of moving factories, offices and manufacturing units out of urban locales, is believed to be laden with several benefits. A move like this would not only save the infrastructure and utility framework from collapsing but it would also offer a better quality of life for the inhabitants of big cities. Additionally, this would also help in disperse  population over wider region by generating opportunities in areas other than primary urban centers. Some even feel that this would also help in preventing the wastage of resources spent on upkeep of bigger metropolitan areas.

However, those critical to this theory feel that this move would prove to be a recipe fpe disaster in a multitude of ways:  moving the factories out to other areas would result in proliferating  pollution, and congestion, to the regions that do  hardly have any infrastructure to handle the increased influx of population and resulting activities. Furthermore, the cost outlay of relocating businesses would witness a ramarkable spike; they would have to spend more for making available even the basic facilities and utilities. Moreover, in other areas, availability of skilled labor in diverse specializations and expertise would be a big issue.

To sum up, I personally feel, this policy has more detriments than favors, and will surely prove to be catastrophic in the long run, affecting rural areas  adversely. An alternative plan that targets real issues that renders enduring solutions to urban areas, would be more useful. 

Friday, September 26, 2014

Many people keep dogs and cats as companions. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this practice.

Many people keep dogs and cats as companions. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of  this practice.
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Humans have been domesticating animals since they started settling down in form of communities and settlements. Canine and feline animals have been considered to be closer to heart by some people. This practice has also drawn flak from other members of community who feel that keeping pets is inhuman and cause of disturbance to others and this practice should be discontinued.

Keep canine and feline animals as pets is quoted as merit laden concept by many people. As per them, these animals are human friendly and they successfully adapt themselves to the conditions in which their human masters live without many changes in their own living rhythms. These four legged beings also sometimes fill the void of lonely people who either live alone or do not have families and children. Besides being considered as companions by lonely people, some families consider these humble beings as part of families.

Besides filling the voids, animals like dogs also act as guards and protectors for the families and people living around. Many families love to keep specific breed of hunting and guard dogs as they help in maintaining a strict vigil against any unwanted intruders and trespassers inside the colonies and neighborhood. Similarly, felines are considered to be good antidotes against pests like rats and moles.

On other hand, there are many detractors to this practice. As per them these animals are a big nuisance for the neighborhood. People often complain of disturbance by these very pets on account of disturbance because of consistent barking by domesticated dogs day and night and cats sneaking into next doors and creating ruckus. Moreover, children of neighborhood often run the risk of being bitten by these pets.

To conclude, I personally feel that keeping pets has more benefits than drawbacks. 

Monday, September 22, 2014

When a country develops its technology, the traditional skills and ways of life die out. It is pointless to try and keep them alive. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Technology and Traditional skills
When a country develops its technology, the traditional skills and ways of life die out. It is pointless to try and keep them alive. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

With progress and technological innovation setting their firm footing in almost every walk of life sustaining conventional techniques of doing work and living seem to be useless. Many people think the old methods have become irrelevant and should be discarded while there are some who feel that it is not possible to shelve conventional methods.

Technological innovations have proven all old conventions wrong and have ushered the humanity into a new era where the priority is to derive maximum output efficiently within a given time frame. This makes it imperative for the people to abandon the old methods of carrying out work as old techniques though focus on quality but do not guarantee optimized output and in the modern paradigm. When more output is being targeted, it is not possible to rely on the old methodology of working.

Furthermore, the people who advocate applying latest inclusion of inventions into the work processes feel that traditional techniques now only have a monumental significance and they belong to shelves in museums and archives. As per them, humanity is foraying into new domains and to work in the new surroundings they need new concepts to achieve perfection and precision. The age old conventional methods and technology are highly incompatible in the new era.

However, numerous people advocate continuation and preservation of old applications and methods of carrying out work. They feel that the old wisdom and methods have laid the foundations for development of new technologies. As per them, innovations are merely offshoots of conventional systems and even today these ancient techniques have great relevance in resolving problems that creep up in latest innovations.

To sum up, I personally feel that shelving traditional skills is not possible and humanity cannot afford to forget old methods.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Parents and family background have more influence than teachers of a young person’s learning and academic achievement. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Parents and family background have more influence than teachers of a young person’s learning and academic achievement. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Parents and family background have more influence than teachers of a young person’s learning
Impact Of Teachers and Parents On Education Of Children
With achievements in education gaining paramount importance, people have started comparing impact of different factors on a young learner’s educational accomplishments. Some people feel that achievement of students bears stamp of influence of family environment whereas some sections feel that tutors play a major role in shaping academic future of students.

Upbringing back home is of a big consequence for the academic development of kids. The parents are believed to play a pivotal role in overall development of a child and it is the positive attitude of the parents that inspires students to pursue excellence in education. It has often been observed that the parents enlightened about the future implications of education are always successful in encouraging their children for excellence in academic performance. And, if the parents have an indifferent and ignorant attitude, even the best of educational resources like reputed schools and expensive aids fail to deliver.

Furthermore, it has been quite commonly observed socioeconomic background of families has a lasting effect on the academic achievements of the kids. The families better off financially are always able to make available best resources for their kids.  Teachers can do very little except coach students in the class.

On the contrary, a sizeable section of society feels that teachers have always had a perpetual effect on the academic performance of young learners. They believe that tutors and coaches have always acted as mentors as they have all the training and expertise to identify and address the issues faced by different students. The teachers are always able to inspire pupils to achieve higher and better.

To sum up, I personally feel it would be unwise to discredit parents or teachers as they both have an equal role to play in a child’s life.

Friday, August 29, 2014

Humans tend to copy one another, especially in fashion, choice of clothes and consumer goods . Do you agree or disagree? Provide your view and examples from your own experience.

Humans tend to copy one another, especially in fashion, choice of clothes and consumer goods . Do you agree or disagree? Provide your view and examples from your own experience.
Ielts Essay - Humans Copying Each Other 

There is an ample evidence, being collected since ancient times, which shows that human species have a tendency to copy each other, whether it is choice of clothes or equipment. There are various reasons for doing so.

The most important reason is that it gives a feeling of belonging to the same peer group. For example- college students getting same hairstyles, wearing torn jeans, getting themselves pierced. Its makes us secure and we do not stand out of the crowd. This spares us from unnecessary attention. This can be taken as an extension of the instinct which animals in groups followed to save themselves from becoming food of the predators. In this case, spare ourselves from becoming target of jokes from opposite sex.

Moreover, it is human tendency to be jealous of others. For example, it can be observed that if a neighbor has bought a new car, people would have sleepless nights until they also possess the same make even if they cannot afford it. The car is bought not because they need it, but to show that they are par with families living next doors financially.

However, there is a section of the society who do not follow or copy anyone. They are the one who are the trendsetters of any fashion. They are known as leaders and people follow them, e.g. Elvis Presley, who introduced the fashion of wearing bell bottoms. He did not follow anyone , in fact, because of him bell bottoms became a rage and a mandatory fashion clothing during sixties.

Thus, to conclude, I am of the opinion that we should not copy or follow any trend or fashion blindfoldedly. We should always be aware whether it suits us or can we afford it. This awareness helps us to create our own individualistic personality.
CONTRIBUTED BY: latabiju a student of Sai-ielts

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

"Failure is proof that the desire was not strong enough", To what extend do you agree with this statement? Give reasons for your answer?

"Failure is proof that the desire was not strong enough", To what extend do you agree with this statement? Give reasons for your answer?

Does Failure Indicate  lack fo Desire
Desire,Success and Failure

Accomplishment and flops have been defined as basic parameters of human life. Where success is considered to be an important indicator of dedication and hard fighting spirits, failing in endeavors is often seen as lack of resolve. Some sections of society feel that the people who fail to succeed often lack required vision and the ambitions while there are some, who feel otherwise.

The school of thought specifically feels that success can only be achieved with help of obsession and a strong vision. Individuals seeking accomplishment in need to first have a deep passion to strive for success. These kinds of individuals put best of their efforts in each phase of their work and mission and they go to any limit to ensure that the end result is as per the expectations. Lack of intent and resolve to continue under hardships and see the work through results in complacency which ultimately ends in disaster.

However, some people present strong arguments to counter popular beliefs of links between failure and lack of resolve. These people think that failure cannot in any way be regarded as an indicator of lack of passion and ambition. Not being able to garner success is merely a coincidence and failure is more or less linked to destiny and sometimes to other circumstances that are beyond the control of many.

Furthermore, many experts feel that if the desire and ambition could guarantee success then people like Napoleon and Hitler would never have failed because both these men aspired to dominate the world. As per the experts, to succeed, people need to take correct and well informed decisions and timely actions and an attitude to win.   

In conclusion, I personally feel that desire and lack of success are two different quantities altogether.

Monday, August 4, 2014

The wealth of a nation is said to depend on the health of its citizens. Yet, in the modern knowledge-based economies of the world, education is more and more being seen as the main force in the development of all countries. In what extent do you agree or disagree?

Although quite an incompatible match, some modern thinkers have started comparing the relevance and value of education and health in progress of a nation. Some people stress that in the modern perspective knowledge plays a pivotal role in developing an economy while there are some sections which strongly believe that health is always a true indicator of prosperity of a nation.

Gaining knowledge has been pitched as a pivotal factor by some thinkers as they think that a society which is literate has the ability to brush aside useless conservative thought and superstitions. This helps a society to even look after its health better than others. A progressive society armed with educated populace generates more opportunities for development as it is always aware of its rights and obligations. Such a community adapts itself faster to the changing conditions and works positively towards achieving objectives of riches and prosperity.

Moreover, a society or a nation with an abundance of educated inhabitants generates opportunities in various areas and component sectors of economy. The skills accumulated by local populace encourages them to take up challenging jobs in the modern paradigm and some of the more enterprising people venture into establishing businesses which not only helps in boosting economic scenario but also helps in generating employment.

On the other hand, some sections strongly advocate relevance of a healthy society. They contend that if the local population suffers because of low health index, it can never prosper as the families, individuals and governments must allocate more financial resources to looking after the ailing people. Furthermore, education can only be absorbed effectively by a healthy individual.

To  conclude, I personally feel that although educating a society helps in boosting economic status of a nation, importance of health can never be ignored.

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Academic achievement at school or university is only true measure of a person’s intelligence. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Academic achievement

Today when more and more and people are investing their financial resources and efforts to obtain higher educational qualifications. This aspect has resulted in a simultaneous debate across the society as to what can be taken as a true parameter to gauge an individual’s capabilities. Some definitely vouch for academic feats while others feel natural instincts and experience gained over years has more impact on a person’s intelligence.

In the last century, more venues have been established to impart higher education to people with strong intentions to achieve higher qualifications on grounds of their aspirations of gaining respect in their social circles. For them, good academic record is passport to better employment opportunities. As per them, an individual’s capabilities can never be gauged on basis of natural instincts.

Besides personal and professional factors, as each field becomes more and more specialized, some do need better educational feats. To adopt and practice these professions, one must possess minimum standards of education that are regarded as basic specifications of relevant field for e.g. one cannot become a doctor or an engineer without getting minimum relevant graduation.

On the contrary, some sections firmly believe that intelligence in not at all a factor that needs a stamp of varsities and degrees. It has been observed in past that most prominent of the inventors and innovators had not even completed their formal education and their concepts still hold true and educated lobby actually follows patterns pioneered by them. Most prominent examples are Bill gates and Dhirubhai Ambani.

To conclude, in my view there is definitely a link between a person’s mental capabilities and academic credentials, but that is definitely limited to only getting an initial boost and rest depends on an individual’s natural learning powers and abilities to negotiate situations.

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