Wednesday, May 15, 2013

In the Times of the tumultuous international situation, where the temperaments & Temperatures are riding close to the Boiling Point, international Level Sports Events like World cup soccer & Olympic Games act as the major catalysts in cooling down the Bi-lateral & the Multilateral Atmosphere. These Global Carnivals also help by providing the medium to vent the Patriotic feelings in a non-hazardous way. - IELTS TEST

In the Times of the tumultuous international situation, where the temperaments & Temperatures are riding close to the Boiling Point, . These Global Carnivals also help by providing the medium to vent the Patriotic feelings in a non-hazardous way.
Discuss and give your views with relevant examples from your own experience in not less than 250 words.  

In a tense global situation when any small issue can lead to a major crisis and altercation, some harbor the view that sporting happenings at global level, like Olympics etc., can do wonders and bring people from various countries together on one platform, where they can easily display their national affiliations without creating uneasy and uncomfortable situations. Some do, however, refute this claim. 

These sporting events can indeed make world look like a small global village, where one gets to observe the inhabitants from all continents. These are followers and supporters, following their teams and the contingents to host cities, where they mingle with hosts. This intermingling creates a conducive atmosphere, assisting disparate cultures in creating a prfound understanding.  

Besides this, these occasions create a panoramic miracle, where patriotic rhetoric and aspirations, cheer home-team members. This all happens in a very friendly environment. Arch enemies sometimes fight it out, not with military doctrine but with sporting effort, wherein cheering is countered with cheering, not war-cries; and the victory is enjoyed, while defeat is accepted decently.  

Moreover, nowaday,s it has been seen that also that fans canvas for their favorite sports personalities, on social networking sites. Their favorites may not be the members of their home teams. Often, one tends to forget limitations of political boundaries during such occasions and join in to support their favorites, thus intensifying the feeling of brother hood and buildng bonhomie. ********** 

To conclude, I personally feel, these kind of pan-continental sporting events are a boon for the human race, as they teach mankind to co-exist, and cultivate an in-depth message of brushing the tribal attitudes aside, and endorsing the concept of acceptance and homogeneity among the masses, all-over the world.  
********** these paragraphs can be exchanged to put a +,+,- view,Although, there have been instances when these occasions have turned the relationships sour and presented ugly scenes, which can sometimes catapult into major face-off among the fans. For e.g. when Indian cricket team lost the quarter-final match against the Sri-lanka, the match had to be abandoned, this was definitely a gloomy scenario.

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