Wednesday, January 30, 2013

There is no longer enough natural resources to sustain current levels of economic growth. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? - Ielts Essay

There is no longer enough natural resources to sustain current levels of economic growth. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?- Ielts Essay

As development proliferates to different corners of globe, extraction of natural resources has accelerated rapidly. This has generated a great concern among global economic scientists about depleting reserves and their impact on maintaining the tempo of growth in coming years. Although some feel quite contrary to this and feel that humanity will be able to fare better even in absence of natural reserves. 

All economic components and venues need consistent supply of material at fairly stable prices to fuel growth. Lack of availability of natural resources will trigger a crisis and it will become harder to procure much required minerals at sustainable price level. This will undermine progress and growth prospects in coming times.

Besides price levels offsetting development, minerals like fossil fuels are elementary requirements of any country on the roll and everything will come to a stand still, once supply falls short of demand. This unavailability of critical and vital components will hamper growth prospects as currently we are completely dependent on materials like Oil and iron ore etc.

Quite contrary to this popular belief, a section is quite positive and feels that new technology which is being developed over the years will be able to compensate for lack of availability of natural minerals. As per them the most prominent among the latest developments is recycling of old used and redundant commodities. This has ushered us into new age and can considerably reduce our reliance on nature’s gifts. If we learn to implement the recycling concept properly, this will detach growth factor from the natural resource element.

In my opinion although natural materials are critical to maintain the growth pattern but with the innovation of new technology we will be able to perform better and maintain our pace of growth.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

The culture of different countries are becoming similar so there is no point for people to go traveling abroad for they could have same experience at home. To what extent do you agree or disagree - Ielts Essay

The culture of different countries are becoming similar so there is no point for people to go traveling abroad for they could have same experience at home. To what extent do you agree or disagree
Travel and Culture

With globalization and information revolution stepping in, world has become smaller place to live. It can be nearly related to global village. This phenomena has led to popular belief among people that traveling to other places across the planet has become irrelevant. Although, there are many who feel that traveling cannot be substituted by copying and simulation of original traditional practices.

As the planet becomes a homogenous place to live with the tastes and preferences of people getting influenced by the sweeping information technology, one can experience unprecedented similarities in way of life and customs of people across the world for e.g. food and clothing has lost the diversity values with the spread of the awareness among global citizens and you can find almost similar merchandise selling across the different nations.

Besides the clothing and the food, people across the world celebrate festivals with a strange homogeneity and fervor which has made the originating place and heterogeneity of festivals and customs irrelevant and now people tend to gain a similar experience and excitement without leaving their own shores.

Although there are people who strongly recommend traveling as only way to experience diversity of different corners of globe, they feel that nothing can be compared to the original and authentic stuff. As per their opinion replicas and artificially created environment cannot be compared to the original feel of the customs and way of life of people originally practicing those customs and traditions like to experience for e.g. the passion and intensity of celebrating Halloween can only be best experienced in USA and not anywhere else in the world.

In my own opinion, I strongly suggest traveling across to other countries as it is the only way to experience diversity in its original manifestation.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

People who have original ideas are of much greater value to the society than those who simple copy the ideas of others very well. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

People who have original ideas are of much greater value to the society than those who simple copy the ideas of others very well. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Ielts Essay - Inventions or Copying 

Since eons, society has been revolutionized by the ground-breaking discoveries made by innovators. This has also created a class that has simply replicated and have integrated them into their own concepts, making one ponder whether those innovating have a major impact, or those duplicating the concepts.

Innovators have a major bearing on society as they have been pivotal to the development of human race; their discoveries have changed the whole life and procedure of mankind. They bought ushered new horizons that transformed the thought process stupendously and considerably: after the invention of aircraft by Wright Brothers the traveling concept of human race has radically changed, helping convert globe into truly a smaller place to be.

Besides radically changing the lives, these resourceful individuals with inventive ideas have engendered benchmarks and precedents for others to mimic, while the successors have merely integrated  upgradations with the original concepts and without creating something radical, making it imperative  discoverers of concepts and methods to be held in high esteem: Graham Bell is still remembered by everyone for inventing the phone, but no one even recognizes John F. Mitchell, who designed the first cellular phone.  

However, some feel that those duplicating concepts and inventions are equally, if not more, valuable as those making discoveries, for they have always improved and helped evolve modern  systems and equipment that are well adapted to the present context. To corroborate, the contemporary generation of color Televisions and LEDs are an outcome of emulation on the initial audio visual forays of pioneering researchers and technologists.

 In hindsight, I personally feel that both those conceiving revolutionary concepts and emulators have their place in development of society and are equally important for mankind. Where one category showed the way, the other made it commercially possible and affordable.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

As there is increasing unemployment in the world, while at the same time those who have jobs are working harder and harder, it would be better to have a four-day working week for everyone, and so to create more jobs. In what extent do you agree or disagree?- Ielts Essay

As there is increasing unemployment in the world, while at the same time those who have jobs are working harder and harder, it would be better to have a four-day working week for everyone, and so to create more jobs. In what extent do you agree or disagree? Ielts Essay 

As there is increasing unemployment in the world, while at the same time those who have jobs are working harder and harder

Concerned at rising joblessness, economists and social scientists are becoming increasingly concerned and have been pitching for revolutionary ways mitigate this situation. They suggest that it would viable enough if personnel were obligated to work only for four days in a week, but some challenge this proposal.


To start with, those supporting the idea of reducing number of working days per week found their opinion on the assumption that by stipulating four-day week working per person, it would become mandatory for companies to hire more and more individuals, so as to help compensate for those on their rest days. On top of that, another benefit that can be supposedly be afforded by this policy is that those struggling to strike a work life balance due to gruelling professional schedule would be able to gain some time to rejuvenate and relax, augmenting their productivity as a consequence.     


On the contrary, some sections strongly reject this idea. As per them this will prove to be a recipe for disaster; it will impose an additional financial burden on employers, and afford an adverse impact on financial health of existing employment venues. The employment giving agencies will have to allocate extra resources as to pay for remuneration to new employees, bear additional tax burden and additional infrastructure costs to accommodate additional workers. Consequently, this is bound to shrink the capacity of businesses to sustain profitability in face of stiff market competition which could also result in closing down of businesses. This would further amplify miseries and engender more joblessness around.

Overall, disputes and controversies aside, I strongly reject this idea as enforcing a rule that stipulates personnel operating for four days in a week is quite impractical: as it may generate more serious complications and create more unemployed people. 


Wednesday, January 2, 2013

All educational facilities should be funded by the government. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Ielts Essay - All educational facilities should be funded by the government. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Writing part 2 Ielts Essay

Ielts Essay Getting appropriate education is a top priority for the people world over. This need is more urgent in the developing nations where the there is strong disparity being experienced in income levels across various social groups. This makes it imperative for some people to impress upon the idea of education initiative as being a deserving subject for receiving governmental financial support.

People holding opinion that government must make provisions for infusing money in such kinds of social programs that promote educational progress, contend that education is a basic human right which must not be wrested away from nationals and citizens for lack of money. Private initiatives have largely proven to be ineffective in this domain as the primary objective of a private institution is profit, which hinders the equal spread of education across society. Government is the only monitoring body in a country that can guarantee and equal distribution of resources to sections of society.

Besides government being a guarantor of equal rights to every section, it is the only body that can ensure a continuous and uninterrupted support for such programs for a long time. It can also create provisions and raise funds to offset impact of rising educational costs, which would be quite difficult for private institutions.

On the contrary, some critics strongly reject this viewpoint, as per them government aid sans innovation. They feel that governmental financial aid would actually hamper further progress and development in various fields and disciplines i.e. innovation cannot be sacrificed for sake of equality.

To conclude, I would say that government and private participation in education is important and onus of this social perspective must never be left on one agency as innovation and equality are 2 basic elements that ensure progress of society.

Ielts Essay- Ielts Essay 

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