Tuesday, January 29, 2013

The culture of different countries are becoming similar so there is no point for people to go traveling abroad for they could have same experience at home. To what extent do you agree or disagree - Ielts Essay

The culture of different countries are becoming similar so there is no point for people to go traveling abroad for they could have same experience at home. To what extent do you agree or disagree
Travel and Culture

With globalization and information revolution stepping in, world has become smaller place to live. It can be nearly related to global village. This phenomena has led to popular belief among people that traveling to other places across the planet has become irrelevant. Although, there are many who feel that traveling cannot be substituted by copying and simulation of original traditional practices.

As the planet becomes a homogenous place to live with the tastes and preferences of people getting influenced by the sweeping information technology, one can experience unprecedented similarities in way of life and customs of people across the world for e.g. food and clothing has lost the diversity values with the spread of the awareness among global citizens and you can find almost similar merchandise selling across the different nations.

Besides the clothing and the food, people across the world celebrate festivals with a strange homogeneity and fervor which has made the originating place and heterogeneity of festivals and customs irrelevant and now people tend to gain a similar experience and excitement without leaving their own shores.

Although there are people who strongly recommend traveling as only way to experience diversity of different corners of globe, they feel that nothing can be compared to the original and authentic stuff. As per their opinion replicas and artificially created environment cannot be compared to the original feel of the customs and way of life of people originally practicing those customs and traditions like to experience for e.g. the passion and intensity of celebrating Halloween can only be best experienced in USA and not anywhere else in the world.

In my own opinion, I strongly suggest traveling across to other countries as it is the only way to experience diversity in its original manifestation.

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