Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Compare the advantages and disadvantages of three of the following as media for communicating information. State which you consider to be the most effective. - Ielts Essay

Compare the advantages and disadvantages of three of the following as
media for communicating information. State which you consider to be the
most effective.
• comics
• books
• radio
• television
• film
• theatre
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge
or experience.
Write at least 250 words.
Ielts Essay - Effective media of mass communications

Twentieth century has been witness to prolific advancements in the field of communications. All old norms have been proven wrong and traditional channels of social interaction have been superseded by new methods of reaching out to masses.  Most prominent of these are radio, television, film. 

 Motion pictures were first modern form of mass medium of social interaction to come around. It raised immense curiosity among people and soon influenced minds of public planet. This was most attractive medium as it had big impact on culture and fashion trends across the world; and movies with stars and good story lines soon impacted mindsets and thinking of people of different countries. But, it has a big drawback as it is often highly biased and actually represents fictional situations that often carry opinion of people producing movies. 

 Another foray of technology that generated huge fan following is radio. This medium is not only the fastest tool  of reaching people but it is also portable that enabled people to carry it around with them in form of pocket-sized transistors. But, this form of communications lacked visual facility which has limited this invention to car FM radios today.

 Biggest achievement of last century is television which has revolutionized approach and living styles of people. This audio-visual media is the fastest, most convenient method of updating information and reaching out to masses, e.g. live news telecast can reach drawing rooms within minutes of happening though it has a big disadvantage as TV sets have led people to disconnect themselves from their social circles and community.


In my opinion, although other means  of mass communication have their own relevance, the most formidable of all is television as it has speed, wider reach and relays happenings in form of  audio-visual right in the homes.


Friday, December 21, 2012

It is being noticed that students do not study as intensively in university as they used to do in schools. What are the causes of this change? What could be done to improve the situation? - Ielts Essay

It is being noticed that students do not study as intensively in university as they used to do in schools. What are the causes of this change? What could be done to improve the situation?
Ielts Essay - Writing Part 2 
Ielts Essay - Intensive Studies 

Nowadays, an increasing trend is being noticed among younger people that as they cross schooling stage and join colleges, they often tend to loose interest in deeper and rigorous studies and they tend to involve themselves lesser in academics as compared to their school days. Some people often wonder about this new phenomenon and wish to find solution to this.

The reason for their disenchantment is perhaps as most of the times students happen to pass through a very complex and stressful stage of high schooling where they have to dedicate more and more time in their pursuit of good scores. During this process they often go into a state of social disconnect where they always remain confined to their study table. This overstress obviously creates inertia and they try to make most of the time lost in studying intensively in high schools.

Besides the stress, another factor that often brings in disinclination towards studies is the unprecedented freedom they get in colleges. The pupils often spend an increasing time enjoying this part of student life and in process ignore the academic factor altogether.

This tendency is not altogether good as it robs pupils of their ability to concentrate on their fields of study.  It has been observed that they happen to loose the sight of their academic objectives. This kind of situation is not favorable for students. It is necessary to encourage pupil to keep in touch with their subjects. Universities should organize regular workshops and set up initiatives that actually encourage the students to bring out their academic excellence. This would prevent students from disconnecting from studies.

In conclusion, I would insist students can be helped in remaining in touch with their field of study by adopting different inspirational methods.

Friday, December 14, 2012

In many countries schools have severe problems with student behavior. What do you think are the causes of this? What solutions can you suggest? - Ielts Essay-

In many countries schools have severe problems with student behavior. What do you think are the causes of this? What solutions can you suggest?
With the changing lifestyle and perceptions, some really unwarranted phenomenon is being generated. Most commonly observed factor is unruly behavior of pupils in many nations. People are really concerned about this new development and are rigorously looking for appropriate answers that can help them to control and monitor attitude of younger people.
Before we hunt for answers we need to look into factors that are generating such a behavior pattern among pupils. Most commonly observed sourced of these issues is lack of parent participation in family. As times are becoming complex and people are spending more time at their work, they have lesser time at their disposal to be with family. This creates vacuum in upbringing of children and they are allowed to live and behave as per their convenience. This definitely effects monitoring of kids, which often has drastic and serious consequences.

Besides lack of monitoring by parents, schools have an equal share in creation of this social issue. Nowadays various educational institutions are merely focusing on academic perfection and have completely ignored extra-curriculum activities that fuel personality grooming. This overstress creates grounds for rebellious attitudes thus resulting in subversive attitudes

Best answer to this puzzle can only be sourced from parents and schools jointly. Pupils need some time for activities that are connected to development of their personal profile for e.g. activities like sports and hobby classes can help to utilize energy in constructive ways. Parents must also involve themselves with children for e.g. they can take kids out on occasional excursions to develop mutual confidence and understanding, which would help kids to pick up clues about good behavior.

In conclusion, I would insist that behavior of pupil is controllable and always mendable, what we need is the right attitude and approach.

Friday, December 7, 2012

The Wealth of the UAE has historically come from the Oil Deposits in Abu Dhabi (The Capital of UAE). If Abu Dhabi runs out of Oil, the UAE economy will collapse. To what extent do you agree or disagree? - Ielts Essay -

The Wealth of the UAE has historically come from the Oil Deposits in Abu Dhabi (The Capital of UAE). If Abu Dhabi runs out of Oil, the UAE economy will collapse. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Ielts Essay - Oil Centric Economy of UAE

Over the Last Century the Economy of UAE has been traditionally dependent on the Oil Exports. One wonders, the day the Oil reserves in Abu Dhabi dry-out, the Economy of UAE will crash. Though, some truly believe that the Economy of UAE is no more OIL centric & has enough channels & resources now to keep Economic system rolling as it is.

In the Last century, if  the fact and the profile of this middle east country are analysed, the total focus of the Government of UAE has been on Oil Drilling. New Reserves are being explored, and more and more production is being achieved. The Oil Reserves have an overwhelming presence on the prosperity in this Region. There is no other Capital Intensive Infrastructure on the list of the Priorities of the Government, which could actually produce an equal amount of GDP paralleled to the Oil drilling. All the expertise in all sectors is imported from the eastern Asian countries or from the West. Other Industries & Services are merely the Ancillary Industries to the Oil exploring Industry.

Having said that, the economy of this nation is rapidly diversifying, over the last few years; to corrobroate, tourism has really picked up pace, aided by the Duty free Shopping & the Holiday resorts, UAE has become a Weekend resort for the many Rich in the east and west alike. Today, tourism is picking up fast and is expected to yield huge revenue in the near future.

In my view, over dependence on a single Industry that relies on a natural resource, truly makes the fact a viable possibility for tomorrow, that the Economy might be shattered,  when the last of the oil reserves have been tapped.

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