Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Compare the advantages and disadvantages of three of the following as media for communicating information. State which you consider to be the most effective. - Ielts Essay

Compare the advantages and disadvantages of three of the following as
media for communicating information. State which you consider to be the
most effective.
• comics
• books
• radio
• television
• film
• theatre
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge
or experience.
Write at least 250 words.
Ielts Essay - Effective media of mass communications

Twentieth century has been witness to prolific advancements in the field of communications. All old norms have been proven wrong and traditional channels of social interaction have been superseded by new methods of reaching out to masses.  Most prominent of these are radio, television, film. 

 Motion pictures were first modern form of mass medium of social interaction to come around. It raised immense curiosity among people and soon influenced minds of public planet. This was most attractive medium as it had big impact on culture and fashion trends across the world; and movies with stars and good story lines soon impacted mindsets and thinking of people of different countries. But, it has a big drawback as it is often highly biased and actually represents fictional situations that often carry opinion of people producing movies. 

 Another foray of technology that generated huge fan following is radio. This medium is not only the fastest tool  of reaching people but it is also portable that enabled people to carry it around with them in form of pocket-sized transistors. But, this form of communications lacked visual facility which has limited this invention to car FM radios today.

 Biggest achievement of last century is television which has revolutionized approach and living styles of people. This audio-visual media is the fastest, most convenient method of updating information and reaching out to masses, e.g. live news telecast can reach drawing rooms within minutes of happening though it has a big disadvantage as TV sets have led people to disconnect themselves from their social circles and community.


In my opinion, although other means  of mass communication have their own relevance, the most formidable of all is television as it has speed, wider reach and relays happenings in form of  audio-visual right in the homes.


Friday, December 21, 2012

It is being noticed that students do not study as intensively in university as they used to do in schools. What are the causes of this change? What could be done to improve the situation? - Ielts Essay

It is being noticed that students do not study as intensively in university as they used to do in schools. What are the causes of this change? What could be done to improve the situation?
Ielts Essay - Writing Part 2 
Ielts Essay - Intensive Studies 

Nowadays, an increasing trend is being noticed among younger people that as they cross schooling stage and join colleges, they often tend to loose interest in deeper and rigorous studies and they tend to involve themselves lesser in academics as compared to their school days. Some people often wonder about this new phenomenon and wish to find solution to this.

The reason for their disenchantment is perhaps as most of the times students happen to pass through a very complex and stressful stage of high schooling where they have to dedicate more and more time in their pursuit of good scores. During this process they often go into a state of social disconnect where they always remain confined to their study table. This overstress obviously creates inertia and they try to make most of the time lost in studying intensively in high schools.

Besides the stress, another factor that often brings in disinclination towards studies is the unprecedented freedom they get in colleges. The pupils often spend an increasing time enjoying this part of student life and in process ignore the academic factor altogether.

This tendency is not altogether good as it robs pupils of their ability to concentrate on their fields of study.  It has been observed that they happen to loose the sight of their academic objectives. This kind of situation is not favorable for students. It is necessary to encourage pupil to keep in touch with their subjects. Universities should organize regular workshops and set up initiatives that actually encourage the students to bring out their academic excellence. This would prevent students from disconnecting from studies.

In conclusion, I would insist students can be helped in remaining in touch with their field of study by adopting different inspirational methods.

Friday, December 14, 2012

In many countries schools have severe problems with student behavior. What do you think are the causes of this? What solutions can you suggest? - Ielts Essay-

In many countries schools have severe problems with student behavior. What do you think are the causes of this? What solutions can you suggest?
With the changing lifestyle and perceptions, some really unwarranted phenomenon is being generated. Most commonly observed factor is unruly behavior of pupils in many nations. People are really concerned about this new development and are rigorously looking for appropriate answers that can help them to control and monitor attitude of younger people.
Before we hunt for answers we need to look into factors that are generating such a behavior pattern among pupils. Most commonly observed sourced of these issues is lack of parent participation in family. As times are becoming complex and people are spending more time at their work, they have lesser time at their disposal to be with family. This creates vacuum in upbringing of children and they are allowed to live and behave as per their convenience. This definitely effects monitoring of kids, which often has drastic and serious consequences.

Besides lack of monitoring by parents, schools have an equal share in creation of this social issue. Nowadays various educational institutions are merely focusing on academic perfection and have completely ignored extra-curriculum activities that fuel personality grooming. This overstress creates grounds for rebellious attitudes thus resulting in subversive attitudes

Best answer to this puzzle can only be sourced from parents and schools jointly. Pupils need some time for activities that are connected to development of their personal profile for e.g. activities like sports and hobby classes can help to utilize energy in constructive ways. Parents must also involve themselves with children for e.g. they can take kids out on occasional excursions to develop mutual confidence and understanding, which would help kids to pick up clues about good behavior.

In conclusion, I would insist that behavior of pupil is controllable and always mendable, what we need is the right attitude and approach.

Friday, December 7, 2012

The Wealth of the UAE has historically come from the Oil Deposits in Abu Dhabi (The Capital of UAE). If Abu Dhabi runs out of Oil, the UAE economy will collapse. To what extent do you agree or disagree? - Ielts Essay -

The Wealth of the UAE has historically come from the Oil Deposits in Abu Dhabi (The Capital of UAE). If Abu Dhabi runs out of Oil, the UAE economy will collapse. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Ielts Essay - Oil Centric Economy of UAE

Over the Last Century the Economy of UAE has been traditionally dependent on the Oil Exports. One wonders, the day the Oil reserves in Abu Dhabi dry-out, the Economy of UAE will crash. Though, some truly believe that the Economy of UAE is no more OIL centric & has enough channels & resources now to keep Economic system rolling as it is.

In the Last century, if  the fact and the profile of this middle east country are analysed, the total focus of the Government of UAE has been on Oil Drilling. New Reserves are being explored, and more and more production is being achieved. The Oil Reserves have an overwhelming presence on the prosperity in this Region. There is no other Capital Intensive Infrastructure on the list of the Priorities of the Government, which could actually produce an equal amount of GDP paralleled to the Oil drilling. All the expertise in all sectors is imported from the eastern Asian countries or from the West. Other Industries & Services are merely the Ancillary Industries to the Oil exploring Industry.

Having said that, the economy of this nation is rapidly diversifying, over the last few years; to corrobroate, tourism has really picked up pace, aided by the Duty free Shopping & the Holiday resorts, UAE has become a Weekend resort for the many Rich in the east and west alike. Today, tourism is picking up fast and is expected to yield huge revenue in the near future.

In my view, over dependence on a single Industry that relies on a natural resource, truly makes the fact a viable possibility for tomorrow, that the Economy might be shattered,  when the last of the oil reserves have been tapped.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Some people say politicians promote the development of society. However others believe that it is scientists who have more influence on the world. Discuss both views and give your opinion. - Ielts Essay -

Some people say politicians promote the development of society
Ielts Essay Politicians or Scientists? 

Some people say politicians promote the development of society. However others believe that it is scientists who have more influence on the world.Discuss both views and give your opinion.- Ielts Essay -

With times advancing and social system transforming every aspiration has undergone a sea change. People sometimes discuss effects of various factors that impacted this progress and transformation. Some sections feel that leaders and political figures have a greater effect on advancement of society while others strongly believe that scientists are actually having a lasting effect on enhancement and advancement of people.

Some sections strongly advocate contribution of political leaders and activists to development of communities. They have strong arguments to prove their opinions as over the centuries history has been a witness of various phases of human life. For e.g. people like Abraham Lincoln played a pivotal role in abolishment of black slavery in USA, which led to establishment of a pure democratic society in this country.

**Besides the transformations and changes political, leaders and people have laid foundations for development of civilization and under their patronage such institutions have been established that have nurtured and contributed to progress of society for e.g. several initiatives that encourage higher education have laid foundations for prospective scientists in various fields have become a reality because of these political entities.

However, some section firmly believe that it is scientists and innovators who actually have led the progress of human civilization. They have always made such inventions that have drastically changed our live for e.g. from electricity to computers and cars have a lasting impression and effect on our lives and thinking today. Without them being there even politicians would have had a limited reach and thus little impact.

In my view politicians and scientists have their places in social set-up but elected parliamentarians  have always had more influence on lives and progress of life of people. Therefore, their impact is overwhelming.  

Can be replaced by
**Besides changes and transformations political figures have always had positive and negative impact on fates of nations and also lead them to distress and crime for e.g. Hitler led Germans who otherwise peacefully coexisted peacefully with their Jewish fellowmen  to world’s largest hate Jews campaign which resulted in biggest holocaust and mass murder of Jews.

Monday, November 19, 2012

In order to learn a new language well, you should also get to know the culture and the lifestyle. To what extent do you agree with this idea?Ielts preparation Essay -

In order to learn a new language well, you should also get to know the culture and the lifestyle. To what extent do you agree with this idea? Give reasons for your answers and quote examples from your own experience. Write at least 250

Ielts Essay - Language and Culture 

Today more and more people are feeling inclined to learning more than one languages. As every linguistic expression has a different format and expression, it sometimes raises a question as to whether people should learn about the traditions and ways of life of people associated with the language being learnt. Some people think this factor has a bearing on learning ability while some feel this aspect does not have any relevance.
Every linguistic expression is based on the experience and surroundings of the speakers using it. It is a universal rule that a language is the best indicator of the culture of a civilization and the literary meanings define the ways the people using that language think. To pick up exact and deep understanding of any linguistic expression it therefore becomes imperative for learners of another language to also get knowledge about the traditions and life of original users of that language. 

On other hand, some people firmly believe that this argument is grossly inadequate and irrelevant in today’s perspective. As per them, individuals are often learning new languages simply out of compulsion as it may be required to enhance their chances of making it good in professional life.

Besides the compelling factors of profession, it is not necessary for pupils seeking to gain proficiency in another language to grab hints of social customs of native of language as the language may be intended for usage within the surroundings of their own community and country for e.g. Many Asians learn English for using it to communicate within their states and seldom travel out of country.

As per my opinion, picking up a language today is not in anyway connected to first exploring native traditions and social set-up of original users of that tongue. One can directly absorb linguistic skills, benefitting them economically.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Research indicates that characteristics we are born with have more influence on our personality and development than any experience we may have in our life. Which do you consider to be the major influence?-Ielts Essay -

Research Indicates That Characteristics We Are Born With Have More Influence On Our Personality And Development Than Any Experience We May Have In Our Life. Which Do You Consider To Be The Major Influence?

Some habits and instincts are influenced by intitutive traits and others are actually accumulated over the years. However, what impacts personalities: is it with which one arrived in the world, or what is learnt while interacting with surroundings, is a matter worthy of profound analysis. 

A school of thought priorities inborn qualities, and suggest that it is these that guide individuals throughout their life. It has been often experienced that handling the problems and situations is quite easy for some in comparison to others even though they are living and working under similar conditions and situations. Take an instance of students in a class where some perform excellently, whereas some fail to go beyond average performance though all of them have access to similar resources and teaching.

Besides natural instincts, the major influencing factors that often create a distinction are the capability and ability. Some can   easily pick up certain traits, while some have difficulty, or complete inability like a musician and a listener. A musician was born with capability to learn music while a listener can only enjoy it and is not capable of picking up notes.

Nevertheless, some often lay greater emphasis on experiences accumulated in practical life. As per their aspirations, every child is born with only basic instincts and rest of the personal attitude and tastes are fostered by them in the social surroundings. One learns and cultivates habits based on past exposure and outcomes, and behave accordingly.

Overall, natural instincts have an enduring impact on the persona and the seasoning received  only supplments those traits, helping strengthen the approach and innate qualities. 

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Some people prefer to stay in the same job for the same company, but others prefer to change jobs frequently. Ielts Wriring task 2Ielts Essay -

Some people prefer to stay in the same job for the same company, but others prefer to change jobs frequently. Discuss
Some people prefer to stay in the same job for the same company

With the career taking front seat in life of many people across the globe switching organizations and employment has become a common practice. There are though some people who love to stick to same post or company.

With the career progression in their perception, individuals are tempted to try and pursue opportunities to grab higher and higher posts and places in hierarchies in corporate world. It has been observed that organization switch often offers a shortcut to people aspiring to ride up the organizational ranks. For e.g. an individual working and performing as a marketing manager in a concern will definitely fall for higher post offered by a competitor or any other company, as this will bring benefit rapidly in form of status and resources and help him or her to develop and plan next moves.

Besides the career progression, many employees and personnel often find higher salaries and remuneration tempting enough as a reason to switch employing organizations. In their views fatter salary packets would obviously enable them to participate with their families with more financial resources at their disposal.

On the hand, some people are more or less inclined in sticking onto one job for a long time and not changing it until and unless it is essential or rather critical for their professional life. As per their view, they do not want to forego benefits of reputation and contacts they have developed in their present position as they will have to prove their worth again and work harder against already established people in new organization.

To conclude I would rather insist that though switching employment but shifting from one corporate to other always guarantees better opportunities, higher place and also better posts. 

Friday, November 2, 2012

Some people say that universities should be concerned with educating people so that they will have wide general knowledge and be able to consider important matters from an informed viewpoint. Other people say that universities should simply train students to do the jobs required by society and not concern themselves with broader issues - Ielts Essay -

Ielts Essay - Some people say that universities should be concerned with educating people so that they will have wide general knowledge and be able to consider important matters from an informed viewpoint. Other people say that universities should simply train students to do the jobs required by society and not concern themselves with broader issues. Discuss. - Ielts Essay
Ielts Essay - University Education 

Ielts Essay - This is an Issue that  has attracted contradicting viewpoints from the different sections of the Society regarding the premise of the education provided by the universities. Some people are really concerned with the originality of the Idea of establishing the Unversity, as a source of expanding knowledge, while some feel that Universities  should change nowadays and start providing Students with education that would help them to procure jobs.

Some people feel that if universities should have a career oriented approach, then the basic objective will be lost. Universities have been the source of the Knowledge and expansion of the ability to understand various subjects, as they have always collected the materials from the different sources and generations  and have passed it to people with bank of know how and has also led to development of a more rational approach towards any matter that comes up for the consideration.

Besides this, Universities are the constant source of inspiration for many people who aspire to take up research and some special know-how, which would be impossible for them to get if the University changed the basics and went over to focus on Career objectives. These researches have resulted in revolutionary discoveries and inventions that have led to the vast improvements in the career opputiunities also.

On other hand some people feel that knowledge oriented approach of university has become obscelete today, as the students seeking a career waste time in universities and later have to toil again with Career enhancing inputs from other institutions, which more or less leads to a sheer wastage on Money and efforts.

In conclusion, I feel that this is rather Hypothetical question, as the Universities have always been originating point of  any new development, be it deep Knowledge or a celebrated Career.-Ielts Essay

It is generally accepted that families are not as close as they used to be. Give some reasons why this change has happened and suggest how families could be brought closer together.

It is generally accepted that families are not as close as they used to be.
Give some reasons why this change has happened and suggest how families could be brought closer together. Include any relevant examples from your experience.
You should write at least 250 words.
Ielts Essay - Families are not together as they used to be 

The times are changing as the families move away from each other and join the quest to make a comfortable living. They are more transforming into the Nuclear families, which has actually led to a decline in the affinity among the relatives and the Family members.

Formerly, the trades of the Families were based on the traditional vocations and specializations, but now that has all changed and with the better educational resources available for everyone, people are getting the education according to their strengths. They go on to take up professions according to the skills they have developed and honed, this means that they have to wander off far away from their homes and families in search of  better opportunities. The tryst keeps them busy with their work and they have lesser and lesser time to socialize with the people at home and with the relatives.

People in order to make a better living, they are more involved in their professions and the work, though most get compensated fairly, this again leaves a vacuum on account of the family and the community life.

There are several suggestions on the horizon from the various social scientists, who advocate a closer family and the community ties for a better and healthy living. One that can be easily suggested is the organizing parties and picnics with the family and friends. This would in their opinion bring about a change in the daily hectic schedule, but also recreate a bonding that can be nourished only through the personal contacts.

This is rather a paradox that in times of stressful living people and families are drifting apart. In my view people should make every effort to really recreate bonds and relationships that can nurture a peaceful and harmonious living.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Some people feel that entertainers ( starts, pop musicians or sports stars) are paid too much money and is not justified. Do you agree or disagree? Which other types of job should be highly paid?- Ielts Essay

Some people feel that entertainers ( starts, pop musicians or sports stars) are paid too much money and is not justified. Do you agree or disagree?
Which other types of job should be highly paid?- Ielts Essay
Ielts Essay - Entertainers and Earnings 

Today, it can be observed that the entertainers earn astronomical salaries, that is  often way much higher than the other people in other professions. It sometimes raises a debate among the different sections of the society, on its being just or unjust to other professionals.

Some people really feel that entertainers actually earn a justified amount, as they are the Icons of the Society and represent the face of the Nation. The entertainers are also the ones who are actually driving the force behind many things, for e.g. Companies register huge revenues by using these people to promote their Products and services and even Governments use their popularity for spreading awareness. This is a natural choice for all to choose them as they are Public figures and have a bigger than life image. This has many drawbacks, as the popularity can only continue until one can deliver, otherwise they languish in some lonely dark corner of the social set-up. They don’t have assured continuous earnings throughout their life, so it is apparent form them to earn as much as they can.

There are claims on contrary as to their contribution being exaggerated, while other never get recognized. There are some other professions according to some, which could be compensated at par with these entertainers, for e.g. the Teachers, Scientists and researchers, the Engineers, the outstanding people who are doing a lot in the  humanitarian Causes and defence etc. Their contributions can never be ignored, as they always sacrifice for the society while staying away from the Limelight.

In conclusion, I would say that though there is always a discussion on this Issue, but The entertainers are justified with their earnings, as they are always dealing with uncertainity, while other professions have some levels of Assurance of regular earnings.

Academic achievement at school or university is only true measure of a person’s intelligence. To what extent do you agree or disagree?- Ielts Essay

Ielts Essay - Academic achievement at school or university is  only true measure of a person’s intelligence. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Ielts Essay - Today when more and more and people are investing their financial resources and efforts to accumulate higher educational qualifications, a debate simultaneously rages across as to what can be taken as a true parameter to gauge an individual’s capabilities. Some definitely lean for academic feats while others feel natural instincts and experience gained over years has more impact on a person’s intelligence.

In last century there have been more venues established to impart higher education wirth people expressing strong intentions to achieve higher qualifications on grounds of their aspirations of gaining respect as being smarter and intellectual. For them, a good academic record is passport to improve employment opportunities. As per them, there is no parameter to gauge an individual’s capabilities on basis of natural instincts.

Besides personal and professional factors, as each field becomes more and more specialized, certain fields do need better educational feats. To enter in these professions and practice, one must possess minimum standards of education defined as basic specifications of relevant field for e.g. one cannot become a doctor or an engineer without getting minimum relevant graduation.

On the contrary, some sections firmly believe that intelligence in not at all a factor that has to have a stamp of varsities and degrees. It has been observed in past most prominent of the inventors and innovators had not even completed their formal education and their concepts still hold true and educated lobby actually follows patterns pioneered by them. Most prominent examples are Bill gates and Dhirubhai Ambani.

To conclude in my view there is definitely a link between a person’s mental capabilities and academic credentials, but that is definitely limited to only getting an initial boost and rest depends on an individual’s natural learning powers and abilities to negotiate situations.- Ielts Essay

Successful sports professionals can earn a great deal more money than people in other important professions. Some people think this is fully justified while others think it is unfair. Discuss both these views and give your opinion.- Ielts Essay

Successful sports professionals can earn a great deal more money than people in other important professions. Some people think this is fully justified while others think it is unfair. Discuss both these views and give your opinion.

Sports today have become a full fledged profession. It has raised the opportunities for the sportsmen to earn astronomical figures as a part of earnings. This phenomenon has also raised a hot debate, as to whether the earnings that are often more than the people from other trades are justified or not. - Ielts Essay
Today the casual performers have been replaced by the well-trained & well-versed professionals. An amateur player will take up the discipline as a professional. The sport players today, train hard, toil & practice to improve & maintain performance for the next competition. It is hard to keep up the tempo & moreover the life of the sportsmen’s career is generally too short that spans only over a decade & a half, which is always under a constant threat of ending up due to some disabling Injury during a match or training. Even if everything sails through smooth, the players will have to choose other profession after being replaced by fresh talent. In this short span, sportspersons have little time to earn for insuring rest of their lives.
Moreover the players today are the National heroes & Idols for the Billions of their fellow countrymen & definitely rule their hearts. Every good performance raise their stakes & they are accorded the category of National Symbols of pride. They are paid rewards, perks, incentives besides the contract Money. They are also signed by different consumer companies to promote their product amongst the Masses, which enables them to earn astronomical Sums. For e.g. a cricketer is more popular in India than any other public figure & earns billions from various sports & non-sports activities.
Although some sections of society hold totally a different view on this & call it an absolute injustice that is committed on other professionals from other streams, as they too toil hard to perform & produce results sometimes in more an essential Industry & role for the Society, Economy & country. They consider Sports as a leisure & non-essential activity.
In my opinion, today sport is an independent industry which is not only generating employment directly or indirectly, but also a source of good commerce. It is practical & fair for the players, being an essential component to earn, huge & big, after all they deserve it.Ielts Essay

  Some people think that climate change could have a negative effect on business. Others think that climate change could create more busines...