Saturday, July 6, 2024

The growth of online shopping will one day lead to all shops in towns and cities closing. Do you agree or disagree?

The growth of online shopping will one day lead to all shops in towns and cities closing. Do you agree or disagree?

The growth of online shopping will one day lead to all shops in towns and cities closing

Purchasing goods from websites is a new fad among people nowadays and the way it is penetrating every customer segment, the day is not far when shopping centres will be forced to close. However, this notion is countered by a sizable lobby that suggests such an event is not even a remote possibility due to the avid shoppers who will never shun this practice. 

Many speculate, the way purchasing from websites is gaining more and more traction, it seems that shopping centres will be a history soon, but the supporters of physical stores dissent on this issue, and suggest going shopping will endure regardless of the popularity of online alternatives.

Those who harbour the belief that e-portals will push shopping centres out of business profess that people are expected to become busier in future owing to their overwhelming professional and family engagements,  leaving them with little time to undertake a shopping trip. And, since they will have a variety of e-shopping sites at their disposal, offering them a surfeit of merchandise that can be delivered right at their doorstep, they will be tempted to shop online. Such a tendency will be ubiquitous, thereby reducing the number of visitors to markets.

Nevertheless, a school of thought does not support the former notion and asserts that assumptions will be assumptions, and no one can discount the dedicated/passionate shoppers for whom a trip to shopping districts and malls will continue to be a leisure trip, a chance to break the mundane, and spend some time rejoicing with their family members. 

Besides this, the tribe of fussy buyers who cannot buy before doing some window shopping and browsing through numerous alternatives by checking them physically, before finalising their choice will never disappear from the face of this planet. Such customers will help ensure the survival of physical shops and stores despite the rising popularity of internet driven buying.

Overall,  I strongly feel despite the strongest of the guesses that support the view of shops closing their businesses, the practice of undertaking shopping visits will continue unabated, and millions will continue enjoying it. Therefore, I do not concur with this statement. 

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