Saturday, June 10, 2023

Some sports have become more popular than the national sports in many countries. What are the reasons for this? Do you think this is a positive or a negative trend?


Some sports have become more popular than the national sports in many countries. What are the reasons for this? Do you think this is a positive or a negative trend?

Some sports have become more popular than the national sports in many countries

Reasons why international sports are gaining mileage over the national sports 

.   More money 

.   Global fame and exposure 

.   Mobility - one can move to other countries 

.   Secure  future after retirement 


·         This penchant among the youth is making them health conscious

·         These disciplines have become a rich source of employment  not only for the players but also for millions of others who are serving these sports and of course business 

·         The emerging local talents in these sports have successfully highlighted countries on the global level 


·         Local culture of sporting disciplines is diminishing in a way the local culture is being abandoned 

·         With this, also the local aspirations and thought process is also vanishing 

·         Most are not able to make to the level required in the international sports due to lack of resources and expertise

Contemporary times are witnessing transnational sporting disciplines becoming favorites of many in comparison to homegrown ones. This can be attributed to various reasons,  but this trend has both favorable and unfavorable impact on local sporting scenarios. 

To begin with, the primary factors behind global sports gaining more recognition than their local counterparts is more open and close interaction between people hailing from diverse cultures. In the past few decades, people have been traveling to other parts of the world for the purpose of education, tourism and work, where they are exposed to a completely different category of sports, which excites and persuades them to take up such sporting disciplines.

This trend has brought along several benefits for not only local players but also for society, by virtue of creating employment for millions - in trades directly or indirectly  related to sports -  besides sports personnel and business worth billions - for several establishments contributing in various  ways. Also, governments are able to net huge collections from people and businesses in the form of levies and taxes. These sports are cash rich domains and are witnessed world over; therefore, each event is highly publicised, which generates so much commercial activity. 

However, undeniably this phenomenon has caused the local games to lose their shine: many are forgetting their homegrown activities, which has raised the fears of these disciplines being lost forever. This loss will not be limited to domestic sports going into oblivion but also the traditions and culture associated fading away, which will cause irreversible damage to native ways of life too.  

Overall, the attributes of popularity of international sports are clearly visible, and this has also benefited players, as well as nations, but losing the local genre will be a great failure. Thus, efforts should be put to preserve those.  

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