Saturday, June 24, 2023

Some people say patriotism causes problems and is negative overall. Others feel that it is beneficial for society at large. Do the advantages of patriotism outweigh its disadvantages?

 Some people say patriotism causes problems and is negative overall. Others feel that it is beneficial for society at large. Do the advantages of patriotism outweigh its disadvantages?

Some people say patriotism causes problems and is negative overall

Benefits of taking pride in national affiliation 

  • People work with dedication for their nation, some of them go to the extent of serving without asking anything in return 

  • They join defense forces out of love for their nation and serve selflessly 

  • They respond to emergencies  and catastrophes cohesively 

  • They are able to perpetuate their culture in every form, successfully 

  • It becomes easy to maintain law and order in the country as everyone complies with the laws

  • They pay taxes, contribute to innovation and reciprocate to society for whatever support they receive

Drawbacks of nationalism 

  • This can create conflicts between nations: sometimes even during sporting events 

  • It is highly against the concept of  global identity as it hinders integration of global cultures 

  • Unscrupulous leaders can create narratives and peddle them to fan nationalist feelings and push a country into war, or at least create tensions among nations 

Taking pride in national affiliations as generally being regarded as laden with umpteen benefits. Although this is true to a great extent, there are certain legitimate concerns over the failings of this phenomenon. 

Patriotic  feelings can result in uncountable tangible advantages. This natural impulse motivates citizens to devote themselves to work dedicatedly for the common good. It is observed that people hailing from diverse socioeconomic backgrounds join hands to form a synergy and contribute to the progress of the nation while working in their respective occupations. Besides this, individuals are inspired to comply with the laws and norms of the land, helping establish a conducive social environment that sans anarchy and crime. 

Similarly, it has also been observed that a society populated by patriotic inhabitants emerged as a strong nation that is equipped with the strong military as the government does not have to lure people by offering special facilities. The young populace is wedded to the aspiration of defending the country at all costs, and thus stays prepared to even face hardships, or death.

However, nationalism has certain serious flaws: reverence for the nation has been a source of several conflicts and wars. History has been witness to this fact, wherein sumptuous blood has been shed in the name of fighting for national pride. For instance, both the great wars were fought due to clash of national sentiments. Moreover, this feeling goes against the very ethos of globalization and prevents cultural, social and political integration of the global society, as it fuels tribal attitudes. 

To conclude, even though patriotism does seem to be an attractive notion, the impediments it presents in the path of establishing global peace is a matter of serious concern and clearly exceed the pros of this sentiment

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