Friday, December 30, 2022

In many countries, very few young people read newspapers or follow the news on TV. What do you think are the causes of this? What solutions can you suggest?

 In many countries, very few young people read newspapers or follow the news on TV. What do you think are the causes of this?
What solutions can you suggest?

World over, the youth are reluctant to gather news and avoid reading the newspapers or watching TV news. This essay shall delve deeply into the matter to discover the causes of this and recommend ways to stem this phenomenon.

Major topics covered on television programmes are related to politics, and most youngsters are disinclined to engage in political discussions as they find it boring. Similarly, it has been observed that the media usually portrays most events negatively, leading to heightened anxiety, so the young audience that is already burdened with academic or professional obligations, tend to stay away from these activities.

Moreover, most at a young age, live in a bubble of their own that limits them to their social circle; they do not comprehend the implications of the happenings around the world. They are more keen on playing video games, browsing social media, and following the latest fad; these endeavors take up most of their time, leaving them with little energy and motivation to follow mundane news.

Nevertheless, a plethora of methods can address this alarming situation. Schools should schedule general knowledge quizzes periodically, based on current affairs, especially related to science and history. For instance, Chris Hadfield public school mandated that in each class, one student will be presenting one news item daily. This resulted in youngsters discussing with their parents about appropriate topics to present, in turn engendering increased awareness among them. Additionally, media houses should reserve some sections that target the young individuals, keeping their preferences in mind.

Overall, absence of plausible mediums and lack of inclination to update themselves about the current global affairs keeps the young away from reading or watching news, but this propensity can be mended by adopting prudent steps and initiatives by school schools and media. 

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