Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Nowadays many young people deliberately damage public places. What are the causes and solutions?


Nowadays many young people deliberately damage public places. What are the causes and solutions?

Nowadays many young people deliberately damage public places


  • Lack of counseling about how to vent their anger 
  • Lack of education about the relevance of communal properties - youth are completely oblivious of this fact that public places are funded by taxpayers’ money and hold a great importance for society 
  • Lack of empathy towards surroundings 
  • Lack of accountability 
  • An intent to highlight their fearless  attitude 
  • Absence of proper measures to counter such acts 

Measures to counter such acts 

  • Educating them about the significance of such places and the impact of their actions
  • Holding them or their families accountable for such damage and making them bear the expenditure of such damage 
  • Punitive measures: penalty and punishment 
  • Installing proper security for such location 

In concurrent times, a startling phenomenon seems to be surfacing around where the youngsters  are found defiling public spaces. Many attribute such conduct to lack of education and accountability among them. As per experts, certain judicious steps can help curtail such acts. 


The primary reason behind such disruptive behavior among the youth is absence of adequate enlightenment about the relevance of such places, and their obligations as lawful citizens. It has been observed that youngsters are completely oblivious about the role of communal property, why it is there and how it is to be used; and moreover, why it is necessary to protect it from being desecrated. This lack of knowledge also leads to apathy, encourages anti-social acts, and many end up taking such properties for granted, and defiling them for either pleasure,  or vent out their anger.  


Additionally, dearth of adequate measures to ensure prevention of such conduct is adding fuel to fire and exacerbating the situation. Across the world, as it has been surveyed, governments are yet come up with ways to surmount such unruly behavior, and vandals have a free run, who go around damaging the property that belongs not only to society but also them cumulatively, at their will fearlessly.  


Nevertheless, this menace can be curbed provided families and  schools join hands in informing young ones about their civic obligations towards society - that should mandatorily include teaching about significance of such places. Besides this, the state should resort to punitive methods: penalties and punishments for perpetrators and their families to discourage such endeavors.


Overall, although vandalism involving young individuals is a pressing  problem today, it is not unconquerable. Appropriate social education  and prudent steps by authorities can go a long way in overcoming this issue.


Sunday, April 24, 2022

Many people feel that media coverage has been becoming increasingly biased today. Why is this? What can be done to fix this problem?

Many people feel that media coverage has been becoming increasingly biased today.

 Why is this?

 What can be done to fix this problem?

Reasons for media getting corrupted 

Many people feel that media coverage has been becoming increasingly biased today

  • Craving for fame and fortune, which can only be achieved by favoring affluent and powerful 

  • Jumping into the bandwagon and only taking up those issues that are pursued profoundly by a greater proportion of media fraternity 

  • A desire for high viewership and readership since media is a big business today 

Methods to overcome 

  • Greater monitoring by the state to ensure that media does not cross the limits of fairness 

  • Severe penalties should be installed for the offenders - those misreporting or distorting facts 

  • People should boycott such media houses

Mediums of mass communication are seen exercising partisanship quite blatantly today. This can be attributed to several causes, but nonetheless media houses can be forced to fall in line by adopting certain prudent steps. 

The  most prominent reason driving this propensity among media professionals is a strong and overwhelming craving for fame and fortune that can only be attained by gaining favors from the affluent and powerful people. To see this through, those engaged in this occupation tend to conceal certain facts and distort others to benefit their rich acquaintances. Moreover, unlike in the past, media is a big business today  and is owned by corporate giants and rich industrialists, making it natural for those associated with such organizations, to comply with the instructions given by their owners to only present the information that can help yield colossal profits, even if one has to keep certain diverse dimensions obscure from the public. 

To corroborate, a study carried out by media mogul  Dr. Harmeet Singh concluded that most media professionals felt helpless and frustrated because of the compulsion of modern times that were reflected in a fight for survival and earning riches, and showing loyalty to their employers, which meant abandoning morality and basic tenets.

Nonetheless, this appalling  trend can be easily countered by prohibiting the entry of business houses; individuals influenced by political, communal, religious and social affiliations; and those who have a strong drive to earn and expand their monetary resources. Additionally, the public should also snub and stop following such agencies, so that these can be forced to behave responsibly.

Overall, the lopsidedness of establishments engaged in mass media is quite evident from their actions and can be considered plausible. Therefore, adopting a zero tolerance attitude to curtail this practice is highly recommended.

Saturday, April 23, 2022

As reading is important for good education, we should encourage children to read whatever appeals to them. Do you agree or disagree?

 As reading is important for good education, we should encourage children to read whatever appeals to them. Do you agree or disagree?

As reading is important for good education, we should encourage children to read whatever appeals to them


- The paramount task is to foster reading habits among youngsters,
selection and guidance can come later. 
- If young individuals are compelled into reading what their parents or
teachers want them to, by virtue of being rebellious, they will
stop reading with interest, turning the whole exercise futile
    • Children are immature and may wander off into the wrong direction, end up reading something that is too mature for them, making them vulnerable to content that may contain violence or porn. 

    • With a humongous amount of information available on every subject today, because of availability of various resources, there is a good chance that young minds may get inundated with information, confusing them: guided reading is suggested.


Reading is considered to be a crucial exercise for gaining academic excellence, but should youngsters be afforded liberty to access the material that fascinates them is an intriguing question.

A school of thought professes that the youngsters should be allowed to access the content that they find intriguing: the most paramount task is fostering an inclination among them towards reading, and it can only be done if the little ones are rendered with enough liberty. It has been seen that when children start turning pages of books, magazines and comics to name a few, they develop a close connection with the colorful content that they can associate easily with or at least appreciate. This raises curiosity among them to also read what is printed along; eventually, inculcating a habit to read. 

Having said that, the former suggestion may hold some substance, but in contemporary times, offering such liberty can lead to unwarranted consequences, making it unacceptable. By virtue of these young individuals being naive enough to decide between what is right or wrong for them, there is good chance of them going astray, and in the process, accessing something that is either too complex for their tender minds - far beyond their ability to comprehend the things - that could confuse them, or mature content - freely available on the internet in various manifestations such as one containing violence and indecent behavior - that could distort their personalities. This makes it imperative to monitor what youngsters read today.

In hindsight, it is hard to concur with this suggestion: this practice, especially in the concurrent times, can expose youngsters to unwarranted consequences and also cause problems for mothers and fathers. Inexperienced minds are incapable of deciding what is suitable for them. Hence, extreme caution is recommended.  

Saturday, April 16, 2022

Some people say history is one of the most important school subject. Other people think that ,in today's world, subjects like science and technology are more important than history. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

 Some people say history is one of the most important school subject. Other people think that ,in today's world, subjects like science and technology are more important than history. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion. 


A tug of war has ensued between a diverse section of educationalists to decide which subject holds greater relevance for young learners. While a school of thought professes that history should be priority in the formal tuition, others argue that science and technology holds greater significance.

The lobby backing history strongly puts forward its opinion asserting that studying about the past is of critical importance for the young generation, for this can expose them to how life and civilization evolve on this planet; how ancestors settled in the form of communities;  how they gave rise to fundamental technologies, basic skills and language. This subject can also inform about  changes in the environment and climatic shifts over the eons/age. Cumulatively, this can help the upcoming generation in not only perpetuating the knowledge transfer by the past generations but also find solutions to the current challenges facing the world today. Apart from that this domain can also act as a rich source of wisdom and important lessons for life.

Having said that, those rallying behind the notion of science and technology being more relevant today than history point out that the need of the hour in the current paradigm is to brace oneself up for the future as the advent of modern methods and techniques has necessitated/entailed productive engagement of youngster with concepts of science and technology. This will help them apply sophisticated techniques in diverse realms of life as well as obtain suitable employment, allowing them to earn livelihood and survive comfortably.

In hindsight, after assessing both the views, it can be clearly said that drawing parallels between both the subjects is quite a ludicrous idea as both subjects serve different purposes and target diverse areas of personality. Therefore, both domains are essential for pupils.

Saturday, April 9, 2022

Many people believe that physical appearance and clothing of famous personalities is given more importance. What is your opinion?

Many people believe that physical appearance and clothing of famous personalities is given more importance. What is your opinion?

Many people believe that physical appearance and clothing of famous personalities is given more importance

It is a million dollar question when it comes to assessing what is more significant for a key public figure, it is quite effortless to pass the credit to their looks and dressing sense for their fame; however, this certainly is a notion worthy of being challenged. 

It is generally perceived that, despite this view hinging onto a precarious logic, celebrities in various fields - especially those engaged in film, theater, modelling - are able to gross more and more work due to their appearance and their way of dressing up. Their immaculate personality lures paparazzi into pursuing them rigorously, making them talk of the town and then ubiquitous. There have been instances where many public idols have been able to grab offers to work in advertisements and promotions due to their photogenic faces and perfect dressing up. 

Nevertheless, the notion lacks substance, if the things are analyzed closely and deeply. One cannot discount the fact that common individuals obtain bigger than life status through their hard work and unswerving determination: be it in any field, sports, movies, art or even journalism. One, as it is said, touches the pinnacle if they are unperturbed by the challenges they face, and are prepared to brave the hardships.     

Moreover, one rules the fascination of masses because of not their facades of looks and clothes  but due to their interaction with society. Those engaging in a meaningful dialogue and relationship with their surroundings: indulging in altruistic work and something that benefits society, are considered to be more  deserving by people: followers and critics alike.  

Overall, I find this notion quite ludicrous, gaining popularity among masses just by virtue of clothes and appearance is short-lived, what one must consider to remain in the limelight is the never say die spirit and continuous enthusiasm. 

Environmental problems such as pollution and climate change affect all the people in the world. Although global decisions are made to reduce these problems, the solutions are not effective. Why are the solutions ineffective? How can these problems be solved?

Environmental problems such as pollution and climate change affect all the people in the world. Although global decisions are made to reduce these problems, the solutions are not effective. Why are the solutions ineffective? How can these problems be solved? 


Undeniably, environmental issues such as global warming are affecting every country adversely. However, even though multiple decisions are made at transnational level, it is not showing much difference.  


Multiple reasons can be attributed to impediments presented in implementation of solutions for alleviating/mitigating the problems facing the planet include non-implementation of policies. For example, littering on the land, and in water bodies, has still not been banned and there is still no fine on it in many countries, thereby letting the problems persist. Also, several governments have not yet made it mandatory for car manufacturers to produce vehicles complying  with the latest pollution norms. There is a fear that implementing such a policy might impede growth, by forcing manufacturers out of business by virtue of them not having appropriate resources to implement such conventions.  


Similarly, there is gross mistrust among elite and  impoverished nations because the latter allege that such rules are being enforced upon them to present hurdles in the way of their development. To add to the woes, the ever rising population has also forced regimes of various countries, especially the underdeveloped countries, to shift their focus to rendering facilities to their citizens, which makes the reforms take a back seat.     


To resolve this imbroglio, the UNO and governments should make rules that should be applicable to all and should be strictly followed. Each country should carry out audits in every city to make sure that rules are being followed strictly.  Additionally, prosperous nations should share technology and expertise with the poor ones to let the global environmental laws be enacted effectively. 


Overall, the apathy towards environmental norms is quite conspicuous and driven by mistrust and local priorities. Nevertheless, the global community must take requisite prudent steps  in haste to avert any catastrophe.

Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Music is appreciated in every major society and culture of the world today. Sone people believe that music is to be shared. Others, however, believe that music belongs to those who make it and should only be shared with their authorisation.


Music is appreciated in every major society and culture of the world today. Sone people believe that music is to be shared. Others, however, believe that music belongs to those who make it and should only be shared with their authorization.    

Music is appreciated in every major society and culture of the world today


Why free access 

  • Music is collective property with no one having proprietary rights, and inspires composers
  • Allowing free access can fetch visibility to people 

Why not

  • This could discourage creators of music 
  • Creators enjoy the privilege of decision of to share or not to      

Music, in all its manifestations,  has always fascinated humans, but should it be rendered freely to all, or  should the composers enjoy the right to share it, is a matter deeply debated. 

There is a strong argument in favor of making this form of art available to everyone without  any restriction, which banks upon the fact that music is deeply entwined with the culture and  tradition it represents; thus, no one enjoys  a proprietary claim over it. When even the best of composers draw  inspiration from the  native genres of this art form and churn out melodious notes, why should it not be accessed by all without worrying about permissions to enjoy it. 

Another  perspective that looks at the positive  side of permitting free access to musical compositions. This can help creators gain visibility among the listeners, fetching them not  only work but also aiding in survival in the times when, every  day, new musicians  are surfacing on the horizon. Keeping creations obscure will be of little assistance,  and  will be forgotten by those,  who pay to listen because of fresh work being made public every day.    

Nevertheless, the critical opinion on this issue favors the practice of creators reserving the privilege of rendering free public access to their work. They have every right to enjoy the exploits of the investment  of their creativity and efforts,  in terms of monetary gains, and no one should object to this since musical  notes are  just another form of artistic work, like paintings and  sculpture, which sell for money.     

Overall, it may seem to some that discretion of sharing music should rest on the creators, I, nonetheless, feel that this art form should be allowed a free access by all: it will bring rich yields for producers.  

Sunday, April 3, 2022

It is a natural process for animal species to become extinct (e.g. dinosaurs, dodos, etc.). There is no reason why people should try to prevent this from happening.

 It is a natural process for animal species to become extinct (e.g. dinosaurs, dodos, etc.). There is no reason why people should try to prevent this from happening.

It is a natural process for animal species to become extinct (e.g. dinosaurs, dodos, etc.). There is no reason why people should try to prevent this from happening.

Do you agree or disagree?

The great public discourse of contemporary times is aligned with the matter of preserving animals as many suggest that the permanent disappearance of these creatures is influenced by forces of nature. However, several sections vehemently protest against this opinion. 

Those rallying behind this notion propose that in the past, a myriad of species have appeared and vanished from this planet: they were not able to adapt to the evolving environment that brought about climatic shifts, transformation in habitats and availability of food. Even today, a similar phenomenon is being experienced, and thus,  mankind does not need to expend its efforts and squander its resources on a futile exercise.

Nonetheless,  humans must undertake this endeavor: it is strongly asserted the historical events may have been driven by alterations in the surroundings, but the current events of animal extinction are perpetrated by humans. The insatiable hunger for development and prosperity has led to rampant deforestation. Large swathes of land are being cleared of greenery to make way for agriculture, industry and dwelling areas, robbing wild fauna of their habitat and food, and causing them to die out. 

Similarly, humans cannot escape the responsibility of protecting animal species as it is their endeavors such as poaching of exotic fauna that is leading to catastrophic outcomes. For instance, it has been reported that elephants, white and black rhino, blue whales, tigers and lions, to name a few, are on the brink of vanishing permanently from the face of the earth due to mindless hunting of these creatures for their body parts and other material.

Overall, the given belief lacks substance as it is the society that has caused this disaster, and therefore, the onus lies on it to do whatever possible to conserve various animal species. 

  Some people think that climate change could have a negative effect on business. Others think that climate change could create more busines...