Monday, June 8, 2020

Many organisations and companies ask their staff to wear a uniform. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this? What kind of jobs should have a work uniform?
Many organisations and companies ask their staff to wear a uniform
Ielts Essay Uniform

Organization specific dress codes have become ubiquitous and almost all businesses, regardless of size, comply with the trend. This has led to an intriguing but a fierce debate about the benefits and downsides of this practice besides. One does wonder, however, about what work should follow a dress code.   

Undeniably, standardized clothing patterns facilitate blurring differences and promoting harmony among personnel, hailing for diverse socioeconomic and cultural backgrounds. This makes colleagues abandon discrimination and  embrace homogeneity and instead pursue common objectives.  Also, corporate clothing is considered to be a highly acceptable method of rendering a distinction between levels of authority of those working at various levels of organizational  hierarchy, and role sets of those handling diverse jobs such as blue collar and white collar jobs.

Nevertheless, not many are convinced with the currently in vogue trend of sporting organization specified gear; they consider is disparaging. Their view is founded on beliefs that this acts as a mechanism that impedes, rather obliterating, creativity, and  promotes mental slavery and extreme reliance on following procedures, making people uneasy. Such an organization, as this lobby assumes, seldom sees productivity augmenting at every level, and is caught in procedural delays.

Despite the squabble about merits and demerits, the use of company defined attire code is a must in organizations that have specific role-sets such as armed forces, law enforcement agencies which help afford reassurance to citizens, and those which rely on public relations and outreach since the outfits of their personnel exude approachability and friendly attitudes.

In hindsight, wearing or foregoing a predefined ensemble has been eternally argued for ages though practice continues to thrive unabated, even in the modern emancipated world, in a new manifestation though. I feel it exudes unity, homogeneity and sense of obligation; thus, outshining alleged pitfalls.  

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