Saturday, August 31, 2019

Some people believe that to become successful in sports one should have a natural talent. Others think that perseverance and practice are a crucial part to success. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Some people believe that to become successful in sports one should have a natural talent. Others think that perseverance and practice are a crucial part to success. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Some people believe that to become successful in sports one should have a natural talent
IELTS Essay Talent and Hard Work in Sports 
Sports, while becoming a full-fledged industry, is witnessing emergence of several accomplished players. This has left many wondering about the qualities that are catalyst to their attainments: is it their innate skills, or unswerving commitment and tenacity. There are although disparate views on this issue, all present an interesting angle.

In-born qualities are believed to be the greatest of attributes that differentiate between successful sports practitioners, and just being one of the many in the crowd. Those bestowed on with a natural, or rather accidental giftedness towards a specific domain or sports, have a natural propensity to grapple with the complexities of tasks and challenges involved in that discipline; prepare strategies to determine opportunities, and capitalize on them to surmount rivals with unmatched precision.

Moreover, their learning curves are steep; they can pick up hints about their natural area of inclination at an astonishing pace, outstripping others by miles. It has been observed that such people learn even the toughest of techniques effortlessly. Observations of several talent scouts probing young talent reveal that inborn qualities start reflecting early on and they have been found to be carrying ability to exploit their prowess better than others.

However, the virtue of relentless efforts and resolve can hardly be overlooked in sports. Several promising sporting personalities have faded in the past, in absence of devotion and resolve  to hone and realize their true potential. Training and relentless efforts help augment stamina to outrun rivals by raising endurance ceiling; equip with ability to interpret strong instinctive skills into accurate observations and expeditious execution of strategies.  

In the hindsight, I believe all this talk about innate skills and hard work are little more than a useless squabble. It is both the ingredients that make a player accomplished. Take one of these factors out, they will also fade.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Some people believe that it is good to share as much information as possible in scientific research and the academic world

Some people believe that it is good to share as much information as possible in scientific research and the academic world.  Other believe that same information is too important or valuable to be shared freely.
Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.   

Arguably there is enough rationale behind making discoveries in scientific and academic realms public: it would do public good. However, there is a skeptical view on this, and many forbid sharing discoveries: it would kill the exploratory skills, as they assert.  
Some people believe that it is good to share as much information as possible in scientific research and the academic world
Ielts Essay Sharing Research Work 

Disclosing research work being carried out in the realms of science and academics could help evade duplication of efforts being invested by different researchers in   similar  realms. It could help speed up the research instead by enabling forming a synergy of talents. It has been observed that many a times, those with money face a dearth of expertise,  while  ones with skills lack funding. If such people reveal details of their work, and join hands, it will help their cause; eventually bringing around humungous benefits to mankind , in form of productive outcomes.

Having said that, a school of thought is vehemently against the notion that sharing will drive in benefits. This will rather make the research work lose its value. Scientific and academic research work is better kept undisclosed until some outcomes are attained since making things public may invite plagiarism, and many may want to misuse the inputs obtained through this process.

Moreover, owners of research should enjoy proprietary rights over the work they have been carrying out, and should be allowed to enjoy the exploits of their feats . Sharing the details of exploratory endeavors would deprive people of such opportunities. Thus, acting as a great impediment for the emerging talent, and will eventually discourage others from investing efforts and resources in this direction.

To conclude, although there seem to be valid justifications for concealing the academic and scientific work, this should be done discreetly and selectively: when the research aims at public good, making exploratory data public should be encouraged.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Many companies invest their money in sport games for advertisement purposes. Some people think it is good for the sport world, while others believe that it has some disadvantages. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Many companies invest their money in sport games for advertisement purposes. Some people think it is good for the sport world, while others believe that it has some disadvantages. Discuss both views and give your opinion.  
Many companies invest their money in sport games for advertisement purposes
IELTS ESSAY Business in Sports 

Of late, private participation in sports industry has been rising day by day, by way of funding the sporting events. This has evoked mixed responses from various lobbies, ones who see positive outcomes and the others who are spectacle.

The advent of corporate sector in sports has brought around several benefits not only for the sports industry but also for those who are not connected in any kind of sporting discipline Investments by commercial organizations have turned this once past time of the elite activity into a full-fledged burgeoning industry which is generating employment for millions across a cross section of skills in various industries, directly or indirectly connected to sports, not only this, it has also resulted in creation of business worth billions.

Similarly, it will be hard to overlook direct benefits of this development that has, laid at the disposal of individual sportsmen. ample opportunities for the full time employment; thus, a chance to hone their skills too round the year. Due to private funding, the number of events being held annually in different sports has increased dramatically, which  require a continuous engagement.

However, the critics feel that involvement of private companies has corrupted distorted the very objective of sports and lead to the waning(disappeared) of sportsmen spirit associated with the graceful glairs. Now the sportsmen behave like self-centered aggressive success seeking professionals who would even use unfair means to attain their objectives this is quite contrary to the principles of inclusiveness that sports preach.

To conclude I personally feel, controversy apart advent of commercial organization in the field of sports has proven to be extremely beneficial and there is every rationale in letting this continue. Hopefully this engagement of private sector would bring in more laurels in the future

Saturday, August 10, 2019

It is often said that to become a successful businessman a tertiary education is not at all necessary. To what extent to you agree or disagree with this statement? Give your opinion and relevant examples.

It is often said that to become a successful businessman a tertiary education is not at all necessary. To what extent to you agree or disagree with this statement? Give your opinion and relevant examples.  
It is often said that to become a successful businessman a tertiary education is not at all necessary
An eternal debate rages over the issue whether to be successful in their own private ventures, one needs specialized education in the field they are intending to carry out commercial activity. The diverse views are supported by justified reasons which I shall delve into and arrive at a logical conclusion.

Undoubtedly, affluent private endeavors have been managed by those who have innate abilities to appreciate opportunities and exploit them commercially. Such people might not be academically accomplished, but even so are equipped with strong entrepreneurial skills that drive them to take initiatives. History is embellished with names of enterprising businessmen who, despite being school drop-outs, established undertakings that have umpteen laurels to their credit and have fetched fame and fortune to those who associated with them.

Moreover, it is commonly said, to be an accomplished businessman, one does not need a certification from an academic institution, but leadership qualities and  preparedness to commit financial resources; run the risk of debacles and huge financial losses. Individuals managing prospering enterprises have always looked into the face of adversities, never evaded responsibilities' even for the failures, and have always led from the front. 

Nevertheless, as many suggest, importance of specialist occupational training cannot be  overlooked in the success of businesses. Obtaining knowhow of domain, one is intending to foray into commercially, can help a great deal since such knowledge can inform prospective business owners about the intricacies and challenges involved in that realm. This can simplify decision making process regarding investments and other critical functions; protect from uncertainties and minimize chances  of being cheated by others.

To conclude, even though grabbing knowledge of area of business before one is established can be of a great help, it is inborn qualities and courage to take risks that define the success of an entrepreneur. Academically accomplished people can be good managers but to be triumphant businessmen one needs to be enterprising and daring.

Thursday, August 1, 2019

Global warming is one of the major issues facing the world. What are the reasons for this, and what can governments and individuals do to tackle this issue.

Global warming is one of the major issues facing the world. What are the reasons  for this, and what can governments and individuals do to tackle this issue.
Global warming is one of the major issues facing the world. What are the reasons  for this
Ielts Essay Global Warming 

Global warming has emerged as a major threat for modern civilization, and it has alarmed politicians and environmentalists alike, as the impact of this environmental challenge has started to show. This human induced phenomenon can be attributed to release of green house gases, and everybody seems to be scrambling to find plausible solutions to this pressing challenge.

Undoubtedly, the greed  and desire to develop and render all possible comforts has driven humans into denuding the land to carry out farming and agriculture on an industrial scale; build residential areas; establish factories, and commercial districts. Cutting down of trees is causing release of carbon dioxide – a major greenhouse gas capable of arresting moisture; and thus heat, into the atmosphere.  This is delivering a major impact on  the climate.

Furthermore, to add speed to civilization, mankind has resorted to using  fossil fuel to generate energy, and provide transportation. The burning of carbon-based fuels leads to emission of not only carbon dioxide but also other gases capable of retaining heat. Besides this, increasing livestock to fulfill the need of nourishment and clothing, is also contributing greatly to the release of another greenhouse component, the methane. When ruminant farm animals graze, they tend to churn out methane in huge quantity.

Nevertheless, this fast gaining monumental dimension, environmental challenge can be surmounted if governments and individuals resort to eco-friendly measures, like superseding fossil fuels with non-polluting energy resources such as solar and wind power, and electricity; promote recycling to limit industrial processes; reduce dependence on individual transportation; and optimize farming methods to prevent destruction of forests.

Hence, environment although  is on the brink of near total collapse, it can still be prevented by adopting judicious approach. It must be remembered if something is not done quickly, mankind will make conditions on the planet hostile to life in any form. 

  Some people think that climate change could have a negative effect on business. Others think that climate change could create more busines...