Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Some people feel that entertainers (e.g. film starts, pop musicians or sports stars) are paid too much money. Do you agree or disagree? Which other types of job should be highly paid?

Some people feel that entertainers (e.g. film starts, pop musicians or sports stars) are paid too much money. Do you agree or disagree?
Which other types of job should be highly paid?
Some people feel that entertainers
Ielts Essay Entertainers and Money

Astronomical earnings of entertainers and sports stars have been under critical scanner doe quite some time now, as some feel that these people earn much more than they are worthy of. I disagree with this notion completely even though I do feel that professionals in other occupations could be compensated better than what they are getting currently.

Despite a general belief that money being received by ones involved in sports or entertainment field being unjustifiably high, it is never enough for ensuring their future: entertainers are engaged in occupations that are known for their volatility. The opportunities available to them to make some money are extremely limited  and exposed to uncertainty. Entertainers losing charisma, and  sports personnel getting injured or going out of form may abruptly bring their careers to an abrupt end; they might end up languishing in poverty.

However, there are certain sections that find little rationale in performers and sports personnel in getting humungous amounts of money. Their view rests on their belief that entertainment and sports is of little consequence to the society. Whatever entertainers do is only for their self consumption and does not bring any kind of benefits. Such astronomical sums of money is sheer wastage, and much more than what should be paid.

There are though certain occupations which are worthy of being compensated better: teachers, researchers, medical professionals and soldiers to name a few. These professionals make personal sacrifices for the good of society. Their contributions to their fields have been substantial even though they have stayed away from the limelight.

To sum up, in spite of all the derision, the money being made by those involved entertainment and sports are not as high as common perceptions.

Monday, January 28, 2019

Euthanasia, or mercy killing, has been a controversial issue for many years. Although many people are strongly against such a practice, there is a growing demand to have it legalised. How far do you agree with euthanasia being made legal?

Euthanasia, or mercy killing, has been a controversial issue for many years. Although many people are strongly against such a practice, there is a growing demand to have it legalised. How far do you agree with euthanasia being made legal?
Euthanasia or mercy killing has been a controversial issue for many years
Ielts Essay - Euthanasia 
Permitting intentionally ending life of terminally ill or in vegetative state patients has always raised concerns among human rights activists. Even though some term this practice as justified, others express strong reservations. But, as per me, this issue needs a deep analysis, before being termed as justified, or unwarranted.

Allowing practice of euthanasia seems to be quite prudent, as per certain human rights proponents: sustaining people, who have been in a vegetative state since long, and stand little chance of  recovering, means unnecessarily imposing an extra financial burden on kith and kin of such individuals. Once the fact has been established that  it would be impossible to sustain such sick without expensive life support equipment, there is hardly any rationale behind keeping them alive. It would be merciful enough to let such patients perish and be relieved of their suffering.

A similar view is presented in support of this practice, for the extreme cases of the terminally ill – suffering from lethal and insurmountable medical condition. Keeping such sick people alive means subjecting them to excruciating pain and agony and extending their sufferings, and also making their close ones  desperate and hopeless. Legalizing clinically assisted death would help a great deal, in letting such people pass away in peace and without pain.

However, a school of thought vociferously ridicules such a proposal: they feel that declaring such a procedure legal is vulnerable to abuse and might result in gross misuse by certain next of kin, who are bound to benefit from such a practice, as in case of legal heirs, or spouses trying to be rid of their counterparts.

To conclude, this is an extremely emotional issue that needs to be addressed carefully since it involves life of humans, and such a practice is prone to misuse.

Friday, January 25, 2019

Modern lifestyles mean that many parents have little time for their children. Many children do not get as much attention from their parents as children did in the past. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Modern lifestyles mean that many parents have little time for their children. Many children do not get as much attention from their parents as children did in the past. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Modern lifestyles mean that many parents have little time for their children
Ielts Essay Modern Lifestyles and Kids 
Nowadays, as everybody is embracing modern living, and spending more and more time at work and leisure, children seem to be at the receiving end: they are hardly subjected to monitoring, and rarely rendered affection unlike their counterparts did in the past. I feel that this trend seems to have descended permanently and will radically impact the family system.

It is undeniable that these days, in most families, both the parents are engrossed heavily in  fulfilling their professional obligations, which takes away a major portion of their time by either keeping them confined to their office cubicles, or making them travel for work; thus, resulting in their absence from their homes and families, and robbing them of even the leisure intervals that could be otherwise devoted to their off springs.

Besides this, with the rising living costs, it has become essential for many to keep seeking ways to bolster earnings. People have to often resort to foraying into multiple occupations. This intent is accompanied by need to obtain extra education and expertise. Undertaking such an endeavor makes mothers and fathers to devote their free time – even when they are at home – to their studies. This pushes the priority of looking after the children down the ladder.

On the top of that, whatever time parents can spare, is used in meeting their social obligations. As many suggest, keeping up with the society and prevalent trends is only  possible if people stay in touch with the peer group. This makes it imperative for both the spouses to divert their attention away from their children into enhancing their social presence. 

To conclude, it can be hence be said that mothers and fathers are left with little time to spare for their children, and this is going to stay. However, this is gong to have an adverse impact on the family life.  

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Some people claim that not enough of the waste from homes is recycled. They say that the only way to increase recycling is for governments to make it a legal requirement. To what extent do you think laws are needed to make people recycle more of their waste?

Some people claim that not enough of the waste from homes is recycled. They say that the only way to increase recycling is for governments to make it a legal requirement. To what extent do you think laws are needed to make people recycle more of their waste?

Some people claim that not enough of the waste from homes is recycled
Ielts Essay Household and Recycling 

Environmental concerns, across the world, have led to proposing extension of recycling with more force, as a law, to the household sector: it produces equally huge amount of refuse; however, it does not really recycle as much as it should. I, thus, uphold the view that it is necessary to make recycling mandatory for every family.

It has been commonly observed, unless something is introduced as a statute – that involves penalties for any infringements, people fail to take the matters seriously. Over the years, governments have invested extensively in campaigns aimed at encouraging  every individual to include recycling in their social obligation. Nevertheless, the outcomes have been quite disappointing: everyone seems to be bitten by the bug of apathy, they feel that other sectors should handle such initiatives, and express their inability at being capable of handling such initiatives by themselves.

Moreover, by incorporating recycling as a regulation, state would be able to make citizens gradually realize and appreciate the benefits, both financial and environmental, and need of introducing recycling in their compulsory obligations. Most have seen little action and more lectures on this concept, which of course fails to attract many. But, when people would do it themselves, they would be able to see the tangible outcomes themselves.  In continuation, tangible results would encourage households to take recycling as a habit, which would help persuade others to take a cue and follow the precedents. When some practice brings in visible outcomes in form of benefits, practitioners become feel encouraged and try to inspire others too.

To sum up, institutionalizing recycling would go a long way, for it would gradually make people get used to this practice. After all, the future of the planet is at stake, and any step taken to ensure it is welcome. 

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

While recruiting a new employee, the employer should pay more attention to their personal qualities, rather than qualifications and experience. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Give your opinion and include relevant examples.

While recruiting a new employee, the employer should pay more attention to their personal qualities, rather than qualifications and experience. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Give your opinion and include relevant examples.
While recruiting a new employee the employer should pay more attention to their personal qualities
Ielts Essay Agree or Disagree 
With maximizing outputs from workforce being prioritized, many human resource experts have started proposing focusing on  personal attitude of new personnel, instead of resorting to the conventional method of assessing the abilities of workers, based on academic performance and professional exposure. I partially agree with this new way of screening the abilities and selecting workers.

Despite many lobbying for recent changes, relying on conventional methods seem to be more viable in many occupations, where education is considered to be a critical component of ability of personnel to carry out work in their respective realms: academic feats help workers acquaint themselves with the dynamics of  the work they are supposed to do. Even if they are novices, employers do not need to train them from  the very basic level.

Moreover, being well-entrenched with experience in the domain, a worker has been functioning, matters a lot, when it comes to addressing and resolving issues specific to a trade. Many businesses perceive appointing people bereft of any practical exposure as a recipe to disaster. This can hamper not only the efficiency but also expose operations to failure; thus threatening the very existence of an organization.

However, there are certain people who strongly advocate espousing new methods of selecting members of workforce. Many a times, it has been observed that being apt in academics and well-versed with trade exposure fails to guarantee expected outcomes. Workers need to have a optimistic attitude not only towards their own work, and ability to cope up with the pressures within the ambit of the organizational framework, but also coordinate efficiently with their colleagues.

Hence, it is easy to arrive at a conclusion that an efficient workforce needs to be adequately accomplished in academics and experience, as well as having appropriate soft skills.

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Most countries develop their economies to improve living standards. Some people are afraid that it will cause degradation of important social values. Do you think the advantages of this trend outweigh the disadvantages?

Most countries develop their economies to improve living standards. Some people are afraid that it will cause degradation of important social values. Do you think the advantages of this trend outweigh the disadvantages?  
Most countries develop their economies to improve living standards
Ielts Essay Economic Development and Social Values 

With a race ensuing for progress, every nation on the planet earth has been pursuing objectives of developing their economies. This though has also led to creating apprehensions in minds of many people who think that the progress is definitely going to cast unholy shadow on the culture and ways of life of society. There are pros and cons associated with progress but progress has more people vouching for it.

The dynamics of enhancement and improvements in an economy’s capacity and productiveness generates new venues for a better and a healthy society that is more aware of its social structure. The societies which choose to remain confined to age old traditions and values often succumb because of the rigid values. It has been historically established that countries having better standard of living stand better chances of preserving their traditions and instead propagating them across the world as has been seen and experienced in case of USA.

Moreover, it is only the development which can create resources for preservation of traditions and traditional thought process as all venues and corners of a developing economy witness a parallel and simultaneous upheaval for e.g. a country like Japan which is known for its age old traditions has developed and sustained its culture successfully and today more and more Japanese are inclined to their cultural thinking.

On other hand. the people who allege that their culture being invaded by development often cite instances of people, especially the young, getting detached from the indigenous customs and succumbing to lifestyles that are deemed unsuitable in specific social perspectives: this detachment from grassroots hinders perpetuation of local beliefs and ways of life, and ultimately demise of a whole social set-up.  

In conclusion, I would rather emphasize that progress has enormous benefits and countries cannot sideline this phenomena in name of preserving traditions and their culture; only continuing development and attaining prosperity can help sustain social and traditional values.  

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