Sunday, July 15, 2018

Nowadays many people prefer to use their own cars to commute rather than buses and trains. Why do you think this is happening? What can the government do to change it? Ielts Essay

Nowadays many people prefer to use their own cars to commute rather than buses and trains. Why do you think this is happening? What can the government do to change it?
Nowadays many people prefer to use their own cars to commute rather than buses and trains
Ielts Essay  Private Or Public Transport 
Of late, many have started resorting to using their own vehicles instead of public transport. This, inclination despite creating many problems, as per some, can be attributed to certain plausible reasons. But, state can take some really innovative steps to bring around a change in this trend.

The most prominent of the reasons of why most prefer using private conveyance over public transport is the absence of efficient networks;  lack of reach, due to which, people, especially in urban areas often have to wait long to access transport; battle it out in the crowded buses and trains; or, end up either needing change on the routes, or using multiple modes in a single trip. This makes cars a more attractive option: ones travelling by their own four-wheelers get a door-to-door service, and  enjoy a convenience of time.  

Moreover, possession of cars and travelling using them, today, has presumably become a status symbol of sorts, and many find travelling  by public means to be quite disparaging, they  do not want to be seen struggling in a crowded bus of a train  – this perception is more prominently visible in the poor countries. This perspective is strengthened by lack of availability of appropriate public commuting systems options that  could serve an elite clientele.

However, the trend of abandoning public modes in favor of private mediums, can be halted provided the governments, across the world, take up prudent steps: establishing effective and efficient public commuting system to cater to a cross-section of society as per their requirements; using inducements to commuters to promote use of public mode of movement, etc.  

To conclude, I personally feel, despite lure of private commuting deepening among people, the trend can  be stemmed if certain judicious steps are taken.

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