Thursday, July 27, 2017

Many nations like to host international sporting events, but people are against it. Describe both views and give your own opinion

Many nations like to host international sporting events, but people are against it. Describe both views and give your own opinion
Many nations like to host international sporting events
Ielts Essay - Sports Extravaganzas
International sporting carnivals have become a fad among the global community, and many big cities constantly vie for hosting these events, but there is a lobby that is vehemently criticizes such hosting attempts. Both cite several reasons to support their viewpoints.

Getting a chance of organizing games, like Olympics, not only helps a nation portray its image as being young and full of flair, to the outer world, but also stimulate interest among the locals towards sports. When a city is chosen for an edition of such large-scale festivals, its sports infrastructure gets a much required injection of critical funding and support. Such development helps inspire inhabitants of the host city, as well as country to participate actively in sports; thereby encouraging healthy lifestyles.

Moreover, getting an opportunity to be a venue of such global level carnivals helps stimulate activity in various sectors and areas of the local economy, tourism being most prominent of them all. When visitors from other parts of world arrive as followers of teams and spectators, they visit other parts of the city and the country. In the process, they make use of infrastructure and services; buy goods, etc. thereby leading to a spur in business and employment. 

However, the detractors of such occasions cite several reasons for their criticism. Cities acting as venues of such global level events tend to waste a lot of public money in useless extravaganza by way of spending immense amounts on first constructing and later maintaining facilities meant to host matches and games; resulting in huge public debt that takes long to repay back, thus taxing the governments and the people.

Henceforth, I believe criticism may be true to some extent, organizing global level games has several long-term benefits 

Saturday, July 22, 2017

Today many celebrities are famous only because of their wealth and glamour. Some people believe they can set a bad example for young people. Do you agree or disagree? Give your opinion and examples.

Today many celebrities are famous only because of their wealth and glamour. Some people believe they can set a bad example for young people. Do you agree or disagree? Give your opinion and examples.

Today many celebrities are famous only because of their wealth and glamour
Ielts Essay - Ricj celebrities 

Luxurious lifestyles and wide acclaim of noted public figures have always fetched accolades and brickbats. Where the cynical always flay these people and profess that such widely acclaimed personalities, because of their prosperity and popularity, influence youth negatively, there are others who think quite differently.

Celebrated personalities always have had a harmful impact of the psyche of the young people. It is common attitude of humans, especially the young ones, to be overwhelmed by the lavish lifestyles of the influential and well known. And, in the case of much closely followed by paparazzi, and receiving wide reviews become ideals for many young in a wrong way. The youth try to emulate extravagant lifestyles of such celebrated and end up taxing the financial resources of either their own, or of their near and dears. 

Apart from that, they sometimes also end up day-dreaming about a non-existent fame and start living in a world of fantasy. This can either turn them completely indifferent towards their obligations, or overtly aggressive and demanding – both the developments are considered to be potentially hazardous.  

However, there is a lobby of optimists that out rightly dismisses the fears of critics and terms their apprehensions as a pessimist fantasy. The ones considered as epitomes of popularity, prosperity and success have never failed to inspire the young generation; the relentless struggles of these highly accomplished and wealthy personalities have always defined the benchmarks of exemplary life and achievements for the youth. The young fans do not only solely follow the lifestyles of their favorite stars but also read between the lines as they deeply explore the lives of their model characters.

Hence, I personally feel that the wealthy and popular people in no way cast an unholy shadow on their young fans: it is rather the natural propensity of individuals that makes them go astray. 

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Some people think that if a country is already rich any addition in economic wealth does not make its citizens happier. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Some people think that if a country is already rich any addition in economic wealth does not make its citizens happier. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.
Some people think that if a country is already rich any addition in economic wealth does not make its citizens happier
Ielts Essay - Some people think that if a country is already rich any addition 
Ever increasing prosperity of elite nations has made social theorists curious about the level of feeling of well-being of the inhabitants of such nations. Some feel that the scale of contentment has somehow stagnated, and no further development can raise this level, while others feel quite differently.  

Economies that made considerable progress over the years, as elucidated by facts and figures of recent surveys, are now facing a saturation point since the economic prosperity has reached a plateau where no further ascent is possible. In the past, people were enthusiastic about every new improvement in the economic conditions, but that sentiment has gone missing now, as the expectations of people have perhaps risen further that can never be attained by indulging in consumerism.

On the tops of that, rising levels of incomes do not have to necessarily mean that feeling of well-being is increasing parallelly.  Life in such countries has become harder due to rising inflation; shifting focus of home-grown industries to outsourcing cheap labor and other resources, etc. This is leading to a rise in unemployment and reduction in opportunities for business in the local jurisdiction. Even though people are getting appropriate and adequate support from the governments, lack of productive engagement among the citizens is resulting in higher discontent.  

However, it can be easily argued that the rising prosperity does bring along a sentiment of optimism since the inhabitants of prosperous economies feel far more secure about their, as well as their kid’s and sibling’s future. Also, they experience a feeling of eternity since they are able to fulfill their obligation towards humanity, by helping poor in other parts of the world.

Hence, I feel that despite many presenting optimism about this phenomenon, an increment in prosperity of rich countries does not signify a parallel rise in level of contentment.

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