Saturday, July 22, 2017

Today many celebrities are famous only because of their wealth and glamour. Some people believe they can set a bad example for young people. Do you agree or disagree? Give your opinion and examples.

Today many celebrities are famous only because of their wealth and glamour. Some people believe they can set a bad example for young people. Do you agree or disagree? Give your opinion and examples.

Today many celebrities are famous only because of their wealth and glamour
Ielts Essay - Ricj celebrities 

Luxurious lifestyles and wide acclaim of noted public figures have always fetched accolades and brickbats. Where the cynical always flay these people and profess that such widely acclaimed personalities, because of their prosperity and popularity, influence youth negatively, there are others who think quite differently.

Celebrated personalities always have had a harmful impact of the psyche of the young people. It is common attitude of humans, especially the young ones, to be overwhelmed by the lavish lifestyles of the influential and well known. And, in the case of much closely followed by paparazzi, and receiving wide reviews become ideals for many young in a wrong way. The youth try to emulate extravagant lifestyles of such celebrated and end up taxing the financial resources of either their own, or of their near and dears. 

Apart from that, they sometimes also end up day-dreaming about a non-existent fame and start living in a world of fantasy. This can either turn them completely indifferent towards their obligations, or overtly aggressive and demanding – both the developments are considered to be potentially hazardous.  

However, there is a lobby of optimists that out rightly dismisses the fears of critics and terms their apprehensions as a pessimist fantasy. The ones considered as epitomes of popularity, prosperity and success have never failed to inspire the young generation; the relentless struggles of these highly accomplished and wealthy personalities have always defined the benchmarks of exemplary life and achievements for the youth. The young fans do not only solely follow the lifestyles of their favorite stars but also read between the lines as they deeply explore the lives of their model characters.

Hence, I personally feel that the wealthy and popular people in no way cast an unholy shadow on their young fans: it is rather the natural propensity of individuals that makes them go astray. 

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