Sunday, March 31, 2013

What are the benefits of living in big cities, as opposed to rural areas? What are the problems of rural areas and how can they be solved? - Ielts Essay

What are the benefits of living in big cities, as opposed to rural areas? What are the problems of rural areas and how can they be solved?
What are the benefits of living in big cities
Ielts Essay benefits of living in big cities

With the urbanization becoming trend, it is being observed that today a majority of population world over prefers to live in or somewhat near to big cities for living big metros has many advantages in form of multiple facilities that are laid at disposal of inhabitants of urbanized regions.

The biggest attraction of residing in an urban cluster is abundance of opportunities for employment and education. These elements are considered to be the basic features of wish list of common human being. Better and broader range of choice for education for children and an array of facilities has always been the top priorities for people and these facilities are hard to find in rural regions. After the completion of education people also want wider choice of employment opportunities for self and children. These factors guarantee a stable life and brighter future, so people like to reside in the urban areas. Ielts Essay -

Besides the education and employment, health is also a major concern for people and this is where a ig city scores better than the regional areas. Hospitals clinics and other support facilities are available for people from every walk of life. You can easily access subsidized services for poor and high quality health services for rich and that also within one region.

The issues that plague the rural areas are access to all those facilities which one can easily find at his or her disposal in city. The major ingredient of lack of facilities in regional territories is lack of population and interest of organizations providing these facilities.

In conclusion I would suggest that a public private partnership must be initiated to provide all those services and conveniences in the non urban areas which would persuade people into residing in rural villages and towns. Ielts Essay -

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