Thursday, November 19, 2015

Some people believe that young generation should follow traditions of their society; others, however, believe that young people should be free to make their own choice as individuals. Discuss both views and your own opinion.

Some people believe that young generation should follow traditions of their society; others, however, believe that young people should be free to make their own choice as individuals. Discuss both views and your own opinion.  

Ielts Essay - Should Youth follow Traditions

Ever since humans settled in form of communities, they have followed customs – endemic to regions where they evolved - and have perpetuated like sermons, and sometimes, no alteration is deemed acceptable, but should the contemporary generation be forced to embrace those, or should be given liberty to choose their way, is a matter worthy of analysis.

In the age of globalization, when disparate ethnicities world over are coming closer and diluting their individual identities, concept of diverse customs – that often fuel bias and tribal attitudes – have taken a beating. the concurrent focus is on engendering a homogeneity and harmony among distinct races of the world, madating there is a need to establish a society that follows universally acceptable perspectives. The progressive thought proposes that in this scenario, the youth should be allowed to choose whatever way they live.

Moreover, young individuals have been exposed to conditions that are largely different from the ones that existed in the past. The evevolving environment and the emerging world order need the younger generation to be creative; adaptive; and able to find its destiny with a new perspective, and the old traditions are not in any way able to cater to aspirations.

However, customs have remained an integral part of human life; and they illustrate the priceless wisdom garnered by ancestors over the ages. These traditions contain invaluable knowledge about how the civilizations developed and emerged from darker ages. Detaching from these beliefs would eventually prove disastrous for humanity as a whole; and youth being future of any society, carry the responsibility of carrying forward these traditions.

Overall, I personally feel that even though the youth should be given some room to decide on how to want to lead their lives, they must also be enlightened about the relevance of their past, so as to perpetuate their ways of life.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Children often find it difficult to study mathematics and philosophy. Some people think that these subjects should be optional in the study curriculum. Do you agree or disagree? Give your opinion and examples from your own experience.

Children often find it difficult to study mathematics and philosophy. Some people think that these subjects should be optional in the study curriculum. Do you agree or disagree? Give your opinion and examples from your own experience.
Ielts Essay - Math and Phlosophy 
Mathematics and Philosophy are considered to be the core of academic learning; and with the growing relevance of education, more and more people have started laying emphasis on these disciplines though some strongly feel that pupils, who find it hard to cope with these subjects, should be spared, and that these subjects should excluded from formal syllabus.

Mathematics is regarded as a very difficult subject that consumes a lot of time of those pupils, who are not aptly equipped with skills to handle the problems and queries posed to them. This often leads them to waste some really valuable time that could be used more productively in some other domains in which learners have interest and an inclination to learn.  Besides this, , philosophy is purely, knowledge for sake of knowledge,  a subject for deep thinkers and those who seek development of intellect; and not every student has an inclination towards such deep study as they seek to pursue such subjects that offer practical rather than theoretical knowhow.

On the contrary, ignoring and excluding subjects such as math and philosophy would prove to be counterproductive for the young learners. Math goes a long way in developing the analytical and problems solving skills among the kids that could prove to be really valuable for their personal and professional lives later in life as adults.

Similarly, philosophy is a subject of great importance for the students as it helps them pick up skills about appreciating the world and its peculiar features – for which one needs appropriate knowhow and an in depth thinking. This discipline helps in fostering rational thinking and assisting in mental development.

To sum up, I feel that exclusion of academic subjects like math and philosophy would not be productive, henceforth they should be retained.

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Some people think that computer games are bad for children, while others believe that they are useful. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of computer games and give your own opinion. - Ielts Essay

Some people think that computer games are bad for children, while others believe that they are useful. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of computer games and give your own opinion.

Ielts Essay - Computer games and children 
The rising popularity of computer games among the young ones has raised alarm among many child psychologists and behaviorists;  they feel that this trend would have long lasting adverse impact on the mental and physical health though there are certain sections who feel otherwise.

Virtual games are often quoted to be the biggest show spoilers when it comes to fostering good habits among juveniles. These online and offline activities are addictive and push the children to adopt a sedentary lifestyle; the kids remain glued to their machines for hours together and ignore all other important things, especially physical activities, which as per some, can have serious consequences on their health and well-being, for instance youngsters, after wasting countless hours on these games are left with little energy to focus on sports and other calorie burning engagements which often makes them obese and lazy.

Moreover, these also lead them to confine themselves to their computer tables, and thus, lead a life devoid of any social contact. This can have severe ramifications for the development of young minds; they tend to miss critical moments and hints that would eventually help them in learning about social behavior and interaction. Similarly, certain games with violent content provioke aggressive behavior.

Nevertheless, these modern entertainment mediums are believed to be loaded with several benefits and are considered to be more productive than impediments; as many games are designed to target strategy and logic development in children. Young individuals can entertain themselves while learning a lot about organizing; strategy development and logical thinking.

To sum up, although computer-driven games do have some unfavorable impact on young minds, they also have umpteen pros which should not be ignored. However, monitoring of time tender minds spend on this activity is highly recommended.    

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