Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Children often find it difficult to study mathematics and philosophy. Some people think that these subjects should be optional in the study curriculum. Do you agree or disagree? Give your opinion and examples from your own experience.

Children often find it difficult to study mathematics and philosophy. Some people think that these subjects should be optional in the study curriculum. Do you agree or disagree? Give your opinion and examples from your own experience.
Ielts Essay - Math and Phlosophy 
Mathematics and Philosophy are considered to be the core of academic learning; and with the growing relevance of education, more and more people have started laying emphasis on these disciplines though some strongly feel that pupils, who find it hard to cope with these subjects, should be spared, and that these subjects should excluded from formal syllabus.

Mathematics is regarded as a very difficult subject that consumes a lot of time of those pupils, who are not aptly equipped with skills to handle the problems and queries posed to them. This often leads them to waste some really valuable time that could be used more productively in some other domains in which learners have interest and an inclination to learn.  Besides this, , philosophy is purely, knowledge for sake of knowledge,  a subject for deep thinkers and those who seek development of intellect; and not every student has an inclination towards such deep study as they seek to pursue such subjects that offer practical rather than theoretical knowhow.

On the contrary, ignoring and excluding subjects such as math and philosophy would prove to be counterproductive for the young learners. Math goes a long way in developing the analytical and problems solving skills among the kids that could prove to be really valuable for their personal and professional lives later in life as adults.

Similarly, philosophy is a subject of great importance for the students as it helps them pick up skills about appreciating the world and its peculiar features – for which one needs appropriate knowhow and an in depth thinking. This discipline helps in fostering rational thinking and assisting in mental development.

To sum up, I feel that exclusion of academic subjects like math and philosophy would not be productive, henceforth they should be retained.

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