Friday, June 26, 2015

The international community should reduce or eliminate the debts of the world’s poorest countries. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

The international community should reduce or eliminate the debts of the world’s poorest countries. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Pressing Debts of Poor Countries 
In an era when bi lateral and multilateral cooperation is achieving new heights at the global level, many economists have started suggesting that to bring the international community more closer, rich nations should work in the direction of bringing down or writing off the debts altogether, whereas there are several who feel that this would be inappropriate.
It is firmly believed that the maladies, like hunger and poor living conditions, etc. being faced by humanity stem from lack of financial resources. The issue takes a monumental dimension when it comes to countries that face severe shortage of money. As per many established experts, although the countries in possession of abundant financial resources do actually put in serious efforts to help poor nations by extending aid and bridging loans, all the assistance goes in vain; as the poor nations are not able to bear the burden of paying back pending loans. The position of the poor countries is further worsened by existing poverty and low productivity.

Furthermore, the poor nations, which are already reeling under the burden of pending arrears further slide down, in terms of performance, on the economic, political and human resource front. These nations are trapped in a vicious circle; and the inhabitants of such nations are not able to reap any advantage from advancement and progress. This aspect severely hampers the prospects of even development on various fronts at the global level.

However, many experts claim that this reducing or writing off arrears would do more damage to nations stricken with poverty because such a move would make the political establishments of those countries complacent; make them dependent on such sops in future; and give rise to corruption, exacerbating the miseries of such regions. 

In conclusion, reducing or writing off debts might prove to be counterproductive for poor nations. Thus, such proposal should be enforced discreetly, after assessment of various essential aspects. 

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Some people think that universities should provide graduates with the knowledge and skills needed in workplace. Others think that the true function of the universities should be to give access to knowledge for its own sake, regardless of whether the course is useful to an employer. What in your opinion, should be the main function of the university? - Ielts Essay

Some people think that universities should provide graduates with the knowledge and skills needed in workplace. Others think that the true function of the universities should be to give access to knowledge for its own sake, regardless of whether the course is useful to an employer. What in your opinion, should be the main function of the university?
Role Of University 

Education is on the top priority for a majority of people; they believe, better education holds key to better and stable careers. Some social thinkers have even gone to the extent of suggesting broader reforms in educational system at the varsity level to nurture vocational and professional skills instead of academic excellence. But some educationists feel that amidst all the controversies however, university must not shelve its primary functions.

Varsities have been vested with a noble job of offering standardized higher education - that match the contemporary requirements and aspiration of masses - to various sections of the society. People often look up to these higher educational establishments to don the role of mentors for the pupils seeking knowledge, and overall development. The universities have, through the centuries, taken initiative in fostering and nurturing a spirit of academic exploration among the knowledge seekers; and this is what many still expect from the universities.

Moreover, the universities should continue acting as the guardians of treasure of accumulated knowledge of the past and contemporary times. Through the ancient times, various varsities, across the world, have been enriched and entrusted with works of genius of celebrated thinkers; intellectuals; artists; researchers; and inventors, which makes it imperative for these establishments to spread the knowledge gathered across the society.

To add up, the universities have always, with help of the available resources and expertise, in form of accredited material and specialized human tutors, like lecturers and professors, etc., kindled the fames of furtherance of knowledge; and deeper research into diverse domains. Many geniuses have used these establishments as their Launchpad to revolutionize the society.

To conclude, I personally feel that Universities are not vocational training institutions; and they should continue playing the roles they have played till now.

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