Thursday, May 29, 2014

With the increasing use and development of new technology, many machines are now able to do the work which people used to perform. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this trend?

With the increasing use and development of new technology, many machines are now able to do the work which people used to perform. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this trend?

Advancement and innovation has led to proliferation of Mechanization. Due to this more and more people have started using machines in almost every field and every walk of life. This has raised a debate of sorts among different sections of society. The people who support adoption of modern technology are quite upbeat about the new developments, while some people more adapted to the traditional ways of working are apprehensive about long term impact of latest introductions.

The latest introductions have enabled the humans to use modern machinery to their advantage as now they are able to carry out the tasks more efficiently and effectively. Mechanization has proven beneficial especially for industrial sector. It has brought about a sea change in the way the work is carried out in factories.  The highly advanced equipment is capable of minimizing errors and optimizing various processes. This has led to reduction in wastage of material and time and also helped the industries to maintain a close control on the quality of goods being produced.

Besides reducing the errors and wastage, the mechanized equipment is also able to work tirelessly without needing any break or rejuvenation. The machinery needs minimum maintenance and no off-days like their human counterparts. This has enabled the companies to strive for achieving higher production levels within a shorter time frame.

On the contrary, the spread of mechanization has its own perils as an increased reliance on machinery has generated new problems like unemployment as more and more companies are substituting human workers with machinery. Some experts allay fears about the deterioration of in and skill levels among people executing tasks with help of machinery.

To conclude, I personally feel that although mechanization has several benefits, its negative impacts can never be overlooked.

Saturday, May 10, 2014

New editors decide what to broadcast on television and what to print in newspapers. What factors do you think influence these decisions? Do we become used to bad news? Would it be better if more good news was reported? Discuss. - Ielts Essay

New editors decide what to broadcast on television and what to print in newspapers. What factors do you think influence these decisions? Do we become used to bad news? Would it be better if more good news was reported? Discuss.

News editors enjoy absolute authority over what to include, or exclude from reporting: this mirrors several influencing aspects. However, are people becoming habitual of reports about fateful events, and will reports about optimistic happenings help, is a matter worthy of deep analysis. 

The elements that play a larger role in news selection process include deciding about the relevance of events and happenings to be reported. Today, news editors always select the information, which can be sensationalized, and attract more and more readers and viewers. The TRP ratings and readership are on top priority for the most, and they always wish to ensure that their visibility is exceptionally bolstered.

The inclination of mass media agencies has engendered a trend of gloomy reporting. Consequently, umpteen sections feel that they have developed an instaiable appetite for receiving unpleasant news from all walks of life. audience automatically gets inclined to receiving those snippets and reports about distressing incidents.

Having said that, some commentators feel that even after the growing affliation to reporting distressing happenings, public hardly seem to have developed a penchant to disturbing events. They have a good appetite for all kinds of reports, and as can be seen from the reviews registered on prominent media outlets such as CNN.

In conclusion, I feel, although majority of news being reported are distressing and some people would like to get a good input of pleasant happenings, news must be presented as it is and whether events in question are pleasant or distressing.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Nowadays people are spending too much money to celebrate personal and family events such as weddings, birthdays and so on. Do you agree or disagree with the statement? Give you opinion and examples.#ieltsessay

Nowadays people are spending too much money to celebrate personal and family events such as weddings, birthdays and so on. Do you agree or disagree with the statement? Give you opinion and examples.

Spending lavishly on family and social occasions has become a sort of trend where people pump in huge amounts of money in celebrating even the moments that may have not have so much significance in life. Some people consider this to be a change in aspirations of humans towards life, although, there are some, who feel that it not overspending but shelling out more funds for same goods and services.

Nowadays, life has become complicated and busy, and people do not have spare time for family, relations and friends. The need to escape scorching routine and humdrum makes them seek opportunities to be enjoyed to fullest, and because they have less time otherwise for family and friends, any occasion personal or family coming their way is not ignored. People simply wish to live out those moments of togetherness and convert these events into everlasting memories. This inclination to spending moments in most memorable manner incites them to divert huge finances for celebrations.

Besides enjoyable moments becoming rare, people have more financial resources at their disposal to participate with their family. Abundance of money and mediums to celebrate incites and induces people to spend sumptuously on celebrations.

On other hand, some people hold feel that spending on family affairs has not risen. As per them, it is not lavish spending, but the inflation which has inflated the bills manifolds. Under the current conditions, the amount of money being spent on a specific quantity of goods and kind of services has gone up significantly and people have to shell out more money to enjoy the same level of services.

In conclusion, I personally feel that increase the budgets of parties is not the result of inclination of people to overspend, but it is result of high prices.

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Education is the single most important factor in the development of a developing country. To what extent do you agree or disagree? - Ielts essay

Education is the single most important factor in the development of a developing country. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Today, experts are exploring ways of developing marginalized nations. They enumerate certain factors, which play prominent role in advancement. In their list of priorities, education appears on the top. However, others feel this factor alone can take a society forward.

Educating masses can help in churning out acumen and expertise in disparate trades, in turn, aiding in enhancing job preparedness. Undeniably, literate inhabitants stand a better chance of gaining well-compensated employment, in sectors critical to economic progress. Beyond this, those with enterprising attitudes often venture into establishing businesses, thereby not only generating employment but also generous amounts of financial resources.  To corroborate, as literacy rates climbed in China, more and more individuals like Jack Ma, forayed into initiating their own businesses like, that produced more openings for skilled expertise.

 Besides creating skill pool, this element also plays a critical role in engendering rational thinking. the enlightened populace has broader perspectives and positive thinking and is encouraged to shun many evils: superstition and ghetto attitudes, helping them adapt to changing global paradigm. Likewise, dearth of illiteracy also guarantees better health index, and thus, assist in achieving the goals of prosperity.

On the contrary, some feel that education alone cannot guarantee affluence, and countries require other crucial ingredients: stable government policies and preparedness of locals in pursuing and adapting to culture bolstering development. For instance, India, even after having a fair level of literacy is struggling to develop itself, because the successive regimes have failed to afford stable policies, and citizens are still ill-prepared to abandon their conservative thinking.

In conclusion, I feel even though education is an essential parameter for progress, it is cannot single-handedly lead to triumph on all fronts: other aspects such as governance and wealth, have an equal weightage.  

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