Thursday, January 2, 2014

Should retirement be compulsory at 65 years of age? - IELTS ESSAY

Should retirement be compulsory at 65 years of age?

Off late, many social thinkers and scientists have started questioning validity of retirement age. Some sections strongly feel that retiring people at the age of 65 is fully justified, but some of the experts hold a strong viewpoint that challenges the very existence of retirement age.

The people, who vouch for upholding of retiring age at 65 years, suggest that, as human body and mind age up, they degenerate rapidly. The degeneration process reduces the capacity of the body as well as the brain to sustain energy levels required to keep a person active and energetic. The reduced energy levels pose serious hurdles in the way of efficient working. This factor can hamper the productivity of a person adversely. Retiring people at this stage is thus fully justified, and substituting them with younger and more active people is a way to sustain higher productivity.

Besides human body reaching performance limitations, retiring older people at the age of 65 is considered a good step, as this can create space for younger generation. Many social experts feel that, if the aged workers are not relieved of their duties then younger generation would not be able to gain employment, and garner valuable expertise. Moreover, after passing through a strenuous work routine, older people also deserve a chance to relax.

On other hand,   many experts feel that, retiring old workers is not a justifiable step. Relieving people of their obligations at a stage, when they have achieved perfection, is quite unwarranted. The senior personnel constantly struggle and sacrifice for companies and organizations, and when they arrive at a commanding stage, the organization must not abandon them.

In the end, I feel that although, retirement is a necessary exercise, seniors should be allowed to continue, if they feel so.  

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