Thursday, April 28, 2011

Tourism is a modern form of colonialism.It distorts local economies, causes environmental damage and ruins the places it exploits. To what extent would you support or reject this idea? - IELTS ESSAY

Tourism is a modern form of colonialism.It distorts local economies, causes environmental damage and ruins the places it exploits. To what extent would you support or reject this idea? 

Ielts Essay - Is Tourism Neocolonialism? 

Nowadays, tourism is becoming a Pan global phenomena that is spreading to the various corners the world, giving people an oppurtiunity to interact with the civilizations that were considered aliens a little while ago. It is becoming a potent industry that is fueling growth in the nations that are being explored by the tourists.
There is no similarity to be cited between the colonialism and the Tourism, because colonialism was by force and made slaves, whereas tourism is creating an interaction between people and creating bonds. Tourism is turning into a profitable source of funds for the economies. It helps the governments to generate huge revenues, which are channelized to preserve the Monuments and locations in their originality. Tourism also creates awareness and respect among the local populace for their Heritage. 
Besides this, enormous potential for new employment opportunities and the growth and development of the infrastructure are generated thus fueling the components of the economies. For e.g. the site that is promoted attract a constant flow of the tourists, which brings along improvements in various basic and infrastructural facilities, right from transportation, Hotels, Health, Communications etc.

However, although there are strong critics to tourism, their perceptions make them purists and forbid intermingling. For e.g. in the orthodox society of the Middle east, feels that this factor is damaging their Society, as when the travelers arrive from west, they bring along their culture and mannerisms, which are unacceptable. There is one more factor that aids the point of contention of the detractors of tourism, as some irresponsible tourists do behave irrational and go around littering and defacing the Monuments.

In conclusion, I think, whatever critics feel, the dynamics of tourism is a commendable source of Inspiration for the economies and the people world over, in commercial as well as the Cultural.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Successful sports professionals can earn a great deal more money than people in other important professions. Some people think this is fully justified while others think it is unfair. Discuss both these views and give your opinion.

Sports today have become a full fledged profession. This has helped the sportsmen to earn astronomical figures as a part of earnings. This phenomenon has also raised a hot debate, as to whether the earnings that are often more than the people from other trades are justified or not.
Today the casual performers have been replaced by the well-trained & well-versed professionals. The players toil hard & train to improve & maintain performance for the next competition & to keep up the tempo. Also, it is always under a constant threat of disabling Injuries during a match or training. The life of the sportsmen’s career is generally too short that spans only over a decade & a half, beyond that the players will have switch professions. In this period, sportspersons have little time to earn for insuring rest of their lives.
Moreover, the players today are the National heroes & Idols for the Billions of their fellow countrymen & definitely rule their hearts. For e.g the cricketers in India have a bigger than life Image and any monetary reward bestowed upon them is always justified by their fans as deserving.
Although some sections of society are contrary to this view & regard it as absolutely unjust to other professionals from other streams. They feel that they too toil hard to perform & produce results, which could be in more important Industry & role for the Society, Economy & country. They consider Sports as a leisure & non-essential activity.
In my opinion, today sport is an independent industry which is not only generating employment directly or indirectly, but also a source of good commerce. It is practical & fair for the players, being an essential component to earn, huge & big, after all they deserve it.

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