Thursday, July 11, 2024

In some countries owning a home rather than renting one is considered very important. Why might this be the case? Is this a positive or negative development?

In some countries owning a home rather than renting one is considered very important. Why might this be the case? Is this a positive or negative development?

In some countries owning a home rather than renting one is considered very important

Contemporary times have witnessed possessing a dwelling unit has become a vogue; it is deemed a better option than renting one. The following paragraphs shall discuss the causes fueling this propensity, and elucidate why it is a favorable phenomenon.

To begin with, a school of thought propounds that purchasing a house is prioritized since it gives unprecedented freedom to customize it as per typical requirements and desires without obtaining the approval of the owner. Also, one is free to buy expensive furniture, paintings and other decorative items without any hesitation. Similarly, this arrangement acts as a bulwark against fluctuating rents. Moreover, choosing neighbors and surroundings as per their personal choice is an added privilege.

Furthermore, personal residence is the best form of investment that lasts for a long duration and can be converted into money at any point of time. One can enhance their financial stability when they own their accommodation as it can act as a collateral security that can aid them in obtaining a loan, buying a new car and borrowing some money for their business.

Above all, one can also buttress themselves against financial uncertainties: they can stay protected in times of crises; they would not be forced to vacate the accommodation in case of loss of employment. This reason is often cited by a majority of homeowners as they assert that during volatile times such as pandemic of 2020, it was their owned residence that sheltered them from distressing consequences such as becoming homeless when they had lost their jobs due to closure of businesses.

To cap it all, owning a place of residence protects individuals from the thick and thin of unpredictable life besides offering unparalleled freedom from the moodswings of lessors. Thus, such evolution can be termed as favorable.

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

People sleep less than before in many countries. Why do people sleep less? What effect does it have on an individual and on society?

 People sleep less than before in many countries. Why do people sleep less? What effect does it have on an individual and on society?

People sleep less than before in many countries

Sleep deprivation has become common nowadays. It can be attributed to stress, depressive life and many more, which is impacting physical and mental well being of affected individuals, and influencing others around them. I would elucidate both the aspects in the following paragraphs. 


Most are staying awake longer than usual due to overwhelming professional or academic obligations that keep them tied to their work for extended hours, and sometimes, they carry it to their homes, forcing them to engage till wee hours, and consequently, shortening their sleep tenure. Similarly,  personal habits: smoking and consuming caffeine laced drinks such as Red Bull, and many more, are also major contributors to this phenomenon.   


To add insult to injury, many seem to have developed a penchant for engaging with technology for leisure: playing games on mobiles, computers and many hand gadgets; interacting with others on social media has become a common practice. This is being done, usually at the expense of sleep time, to compensate for the time lost while overworking for professional commitments; consequently, they remain awake and alert for a long time at night. 


These habits are impacting a majority adversely: many complain of lack of concentration, and feel drowsy throughout the day,  affecting productivity at work and studies. Moreover, this is making many vulnerable to diseases such as undue stress hypertension and depression; aging them faster, and so on. Additionally, soma end up feeling irritated, and lose temper on inconsequential issues, picking up fights with anyone around, as a result: road rage cases are an example of such behavior.


In conclusion, overwhelming professional and academic demands and indulgence with these technological gadgets are the chief reasons for lack of sleep, but the impact can varied: ranging from poor health to social interaction.  

Sunday, July 7, 2024

Some people feel that equality between the genders has already been achieved while others feel there is considerable progress to be made. Discuss both views and give your own opinion

Some people feel that equality between the genders has already been achieved while others feel there is considerable progress to be made. Discuss both views and give your own opinion

Some people feel that equality between the genders has already been achieved while others feel there is considerable progress to be made

Gender equality has always evoked a heated debate, as some believe that it has been achieved, but some believe that there is still considerable progress to be made. I would like to analyze both the views and share a plausible conclusion.

A school of thought advocates that males and females are treated at par: several countries have enforced comprehensive laws that guarantee meting out equal treatment to both sexes: women have the same rights that only men previously enjoyed, right to vote, education, doing business and  equal pay legislation. These legal measures provide a strong foundation for ensuring equal rights for all, regardless of gender. Consequently, women are touching new heights in every profession,  even in the challenging ones: military and other hazardous tasks. 

Moreover, today, top designations are now being allocated to women by virtue of them being appropriately educated and demonstrating leadership qualities, and leading from the front in diverse realms such as politics, business and even ruling the countries. Of late, various gargantuan businesses: Pepsi,  Pfizer, and so on, have them in top management positions. Similarly, countries in the Middle East also have allowed lucrative posts to be occupied by women.  

Nevertheless, despite legal measures, and barring a few societies, several parts of the world, especially the orthodox ones, are still to transform their thinking process to allow women some freedom and level playing field: letting them out of homes, affording them education and privileges as males. The conventional perception of them being responsible for only child rearing is waiting to be erased from human memory. 

To conclude, although there have been notable advancements in gender equality, the journey is far from over: this cannot be simply achieved on papers; the need is to reform societal approach to afford parity to both the sexes. 

Saturday, July 6, 2024

The growth of online shopping will one day lead to all shops in towns and cities closing. Do you agree or disagree?

The growth of online shopping will one day lead to all shops in towns and cities closing. Do you agree or disagree?

The growth of online shopping will one day lead to all shops in towns and cities closing

Purchasing goods from websites is a new fad among people nowadays and the way it is penetrating every customer segment, the day is not far when shopping centres will be forced to close. However, this notion is countered by a sizable lobby that suggests such an event is not even a remote possibility due to the avid shoppers who will never shun this practice. 

Many speculate, the way purchasing from websites is gaining more and more traction, it seems that shopping centres will be a history soon, but the supporters of physical stores dissent on this issue, and suggest going shopping will endure regardless of the popularity of online alternatives.

Those who harbour the belief that e-portals will push shopping centres out of business profess that people are expected to become busier in future owing to their overwhelming professional and family engagements,  leaving them with little time to undertake a shopping trip. And, since they will have a variety of e-shopping sites at their disposal, offering them a surfeit of merchandise that can be delivered right at their doorstep, they will be tempted to shop online. Such a tendency will be ubiquitous, thereby reducing the number of visitors to markets.

Nevertheless, a school of thought does not support the former notion and asserts that assumptions will be assumptions, and no one can discount the dedicated/passionate shoppers for whom a trip to shopping districts and malls will continue to be a leisure trip, a chance to break the mundane, and spend some time rejoicing with their family members. 

Besides this, the tribe of fussy buyers who cannot buy before doing some window shopping and browsing through numerous alternatives by checking them physically, before finalising their choice will never disappear from the face of this planet. Such customers will help ensure the survival of physical shops and stores despite the rising popularity of internet driven buying.

Overall,  I strongly feel despite the strongest of the guesses that support the view of shops closing their businesses, the practice of undertaking shopping visits will continue unabated, and millions will continue enjoying it. Therefore, I do not concur with this statement. 

Friday, July 5, 2024

Life in the 21st century is better compared to the previous century. To what extant do you agree or disagree? Give reasons for your answer and include relevant examples from your own experience in not less than 250 words

Life in the 21st century is better compared to the previous century. To what extant do you agree or disagree? Give reasons for your answer and include relevant examples from your own experience in not less than 250 words.

Life in the 21st century is better compared to the previous century

Many believe that with the advancement of resources, standards of living have dramatically improved, placing life, in the current era,  that are leagues ahead of what one could experience in the twentieth century. I strongly concur with this notion and shall elucidate my stand in the upcoming paragraphs.

Constant technological evolution is the major driver behind the advancement of life. Today, it is  quite relaxed and comfortable as compared to past times. For instance, the invention of the computer is a boon: both for the businesses and employees; now with the help of this machine, work can be performed swiftly, more effectively and effortlessly. Now it is possible to carry out tasks faster without needing much human intervention, and also store and access data without needing investment of huge spaces. These factors have helped circumvent much drudgery, formerly a part of everyday professional life. Moreover, introduction of state-of-the-art facilities such as audio and video call, have aided in turning communication into an uncomplicated and affordable endeavor, the  benefit of  which is derived and exploited sufficiently by organizations and individuals.  

Additionally, the contemporary times afford ease of access to superior transport infrastructure like roads, railways, airways and waterways, and so on. Personal traveling and transit of goods with the help of modern means is less time consuming, and cost effective,  which has also helped promote export and import not only nationally but also internationally. Similarly, the present-day health sector has heralded notable triumphs. Advanced machinery is used to diagnose disease, aiding in detection of critical illness on time augmenting chances of appropriate treatment and recovery.  

To conclude, the current century, with the betterment of technology in several sectors has made life better in numerous ways, as compared to previous times, offering convenience and cost-effective solutions.

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Because of the global economy, many goods including what we use as daily basics produced by other counties have to be transported for a long distance. To what extent do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?

Because of the global economy, many goods including what we use as daily basics produced by other counties have to be transported for a long distance. To what extent do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?

Several conservatives and environmentalists

Because of the global economy, many goods including what we use as daily basics produced by other counties have to be transported for a long distance

are convinced that importing products utilized on an everyday basis from far-off regions in order to cultivate and bolster geopolitical ties can impact domestic economies unfavorably, and also contribute to environmental issues: global warming, while a few voice dissent.

This modern practice is bound to precipitate severe ramifications for the planet and its occupants. A majority of concurrent global trade heavily relies on conventional energy sources like diesel and other carbon based fuels used for transportation of raw materials, and finished commodities, over long distances, primary sources of pollution globally, and responsible for inducing unsurmountable damage to the ecosystem.

Moreover, importing basic day-to-day consumables from other countries could have devastating impact on the local manufacturers and businesses as outside players can manipulate regional markets by mass dumping their goods which would make it difficult for native competitors to sustain their operations, forcing them to shut down, leading to unemployment, and eventually affecting the economic capabilities of a state by slowly draining its wealth.

Having said that, advocates of the global economy hail it as a very favorable step towards world peace, resolving conflicts worldwide, and promulgating greater harmony among people belonging to different areas. In addition to this, it provides consumers with a wide range of consumables to choose from, thus providing them better alternatives and improving their standard of living. Furthermore, this would create a competitive atmosphere for local ventures to become more innovative and produce much superior merchandise.    

To cap it all, I opine even though there are certain detriments of this modern arrangement, the favors it is likely to bring around are more profound, and thus, exceed the former by miles. The shortcomings associated can be surmounted by espousing prudent policies and greener fuels.      

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

In many countries, young children are looked after at the daycare during the day while their parents go to work. Is this good or bad for children?

In many countries, young children are looked after at the daycare during the day while their parents go to work.  Is this good or bad for children?

Sending young ones to daycare centers, while both the spouses are off to work, has become quite ubiquitous today. I am convinced that this trend, in the long run, will be detrimental for the former, and will present arguments supporting my stand in the following paragraphs. 

The present economy entails both parents working for a stable household income; despite fetching an extra penny, the unfavorable consequences it can have on the relationship and upbringing of these young minds is worrisome. For instance, the those spending around eight hours in the daycare facilities are bound to have estranged relationships with their families since they engage overwhelmingly with peers, gradually develop bonding with them, and becoming apathetic towards their own kin. This is a common scenario in several families where young individuals rarely interact with their elders after returning back home.  

Moreover, this can prcipiate trauma for youngsters; they are dropped-off at these facilities against their will and left to fend for themselves. Similarly, they are forced to live with a group of strangers where they might find it hard to coexist with. Sometimes, this can be extremely upsetting for them, for some of the other occupants may be violent and intolerant, and bully them, which they might have to endure since they are poorly equipped to complain about their hardships to the grownups,  leaving a lifelong scar on these tender minds, making it hard for them to trust others in later life.   

To conclude, although it might seem to some that this practice is an appropriate substitute for active parenting, the darker shades associated with it are far more profound and have a potential to adversely affect young minds unfavorably.  

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

In many countries nowadays, consumers go to a supermarket and buy food produced all over the world. Do you think this is a positive or negative development?

In many countries nowadays, consumers go to a supermarket and buy food produced all over the world. Do you think this is a positive or negative development?

In many countries nowadays, consumers go to a supermarket and buy food produced all over the world

In contemporary times, supermarkets have become a blessing to society by selling edible produce from various countries. In this essay, I will elucidate why this evolution is favorable, in detail.  

This phenomenon has received humongous appreciation due to the variety of food products one can access now. Earlier, food enthusiasts had to travel tirelessly to various countries to explore the local cuisines, but those days are long gone as with the introduction of supermarkets, everything is readily available under one roof within the own country of food enthusiasts, adding to their versatile gastronomic experience, saving them money but also the travelin time.

Additionally, it is being made sure that the quality of the food that is coming from across the globe is above the set standard by local bodies and fresh produce is offered to the consumers. This feature of adhering to the quality standard has set a benchmark in the consumer market. Moreover, this is proving to be a bliss for those regions whose landscape is not suitable for farming and producing food due to climatic and geographical constraints. For instance, countries like UAE and Canada, are able to offer multiple products to their citizens.

Additionally, this has been most rewarding for the migrants; they find it effortless in settling down in alien environments as they do not find it hard to meet their native dietary requirements. To corroborate, in Canada, Indian spices and condiments are available from different countries and because of this availability Indians do not have to worry about the hassles of adapting to the local products.

Therefore, it can be clearly asserted that this phenomenon is ladened with multiple benefits and it is bound to remove complications and bring ease to many. In all aspects, it is a favorable evolution.

Many today feel that attention spans are becoming shorter due to the prevalence of social media. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

  Many today feel that attention spans are becoming shorter due to the prevalence of social media. To what extent do you agree or disagree? ...