Saturday, September 23, 2023

Most people try to balance between work and other parts of lives. nfortunately, not many achieve this delicate balance. What are the main problems people facing and what is the best way to overcome this.

 Most people try to balance between work and other parts of lives. nfortunately, not many achieve this delicate balance. What are the main problems people facing and what is the best way to overcome this.

One of the most challenging aspects of the current century is the difficulty in keeping the right balance between work and life. Most are seen struggling to achieve this parity. There are several reasons and associated problems with this, but can be  overcome with prudent strategies. 

In the competitive business environment, it is extremely tough to survive if one is less ambitious; thus, one tends to spend more time at the workplace, especially due to reforms in the education sector, where a new generation enters into the corporate world with higher grades and good educational qualifications. This creates a threat among existing workers that in case of poor performance they can easily be replaced with young talent. Such competition restricts one from taking out time for other things in life. Also, it is generally witnessed that middle aged workers prefer to learn new technologies in their free time rather than spending time with families to secure their position in the market. This is leading o stress and strained family relationships. 

Nevertheless,  this challenge can be  overcome though not easily, but one must attempt limiting intervention of professional aspirations in their personal lives: they must not take their work home, and  their home to work. Companies should also step forward by defining definite working  hours to render a healthy balance to their staff. Moreover, setting certain parameters to control the workload and creating awareness regarding the drawbacks of excessive working can help in controlling the adverse effects.

To conclude, one should restrict bringing work home until it is not of paramount importance. Also, priority is the key to achieve the right work-life balance, and having realistic goals and ambitions rather than  superfluous ones is equally important.


Thursday, September 14, 2023

Old buildings and monuments represented culture of the society, however new the buildings look all the same. Many people think that new buildings do not represent their culture and some think its untrue. Discuss your views on both sides on this with your own examples.


Old buildings and monuments represented culture of the society, however new the buildings look all the same. Many people think that new buildings do not represent their culture and some think its untrue. Discuss your views on both sides on this with your own examples.

There is a common notion today that modern buildings have abandoned the traditional concepts and wear similar looks. Others, nevertheless, out rightly dissent and assert that even today the traditional arrangements are prevalent in one or other way.

The contemporary culture in building methods is being greatly influenced by undercurrents of globalization. With societies moving towards a harmonious global identity, similar types of structures are being promoted, leaving little room for distinct and native concepts to flourish. Additionally, a universal problem that rules the minds of planners nowadays is providing the accommodation to ever-rising population and businesses making it imperative for a vertical development that sans native concepts.

 Nonetheless, the other school of thought rejects the former view. As per them, the perception of modern buildings not representing their culture lacks substance since the harmonious looks and global culture is only limited to mere outlays, the shells and the structures, and when it comes to designing facades and interiors, there is always a reflection of the local art, building technology and decoration which have been continuing ever since that society came into existence.

Moreover, this group also cites other valid reasons in support of their opinion. Every region – that is influenced by geography, climate, and culture – has defined certain architectural concepts and theories on the basis of various factors like weather and aspirations of natives to name a few, which duly addresses the contemporary requirements as they did in the past. For instance, societies historically relying on segregation of spaces on the basis of genders still follow similar centuries old patterns.

Overall, disputes aside, despite outlooks of the edifices built for disparate applications sporting universal looks, they have failed to shun their traditional uses and follow the conventions endemic to their native beliefs and arrangements.

Thursday, September 7, 2023

In some parts of the world traditional festivals and celebrations have disappeared or are disappearing. What problems is this causing? What measures could be taken to counter this situation?

 In some parts of the world traditional festivals and celebrations have disappeared or are disappearing. What problems is this causing? What measures could be taken to counter this situation?

In some parts of the world traditional festivals and celebrations have disappeared or are disappearing

Problems apathy towards the festivals is causing 

  • Traditions are losing their identity - since festivals are a prominent way of preserving these 

  • The next generation is completely ignorant of these events,their relevance and the rationale behind celebrating these 

  • Slowly the ways of life and the information these celebrations carry will disappear (sink into oblivion) 

What can be done to preserve festivals

  • This should start from the state level, and efforts should be put to bolster these 

  • Society should also participate in this initiative - community level programs should be organized and youngsters should be encouraged to take part by offering incentives 

  • Families should make it a point to persuade their young ones to partake in such event

Fast diminishing native celebrations of various societies is surely an alarming situation, and needs a panacea to surmount this steep challenge, or face eminent consequences affording catastrophic end to ways of life of many societies. 

Undeniably, globalization  has taken a toll on a myriad of ways of life and blurred cultural distinctions, nonetheless, this fails to offer comfort: it  is precipitating umpteen unfavorable circumstances with youth becoming detached from the beliefs endemic to their native ways of life, drifting them away from their customs, and making them oblivious of the rationale underlying such occasions, and their own identity, promulgated through festivities: the true repositories of traditions, and  weakening their familial bonds and the indigenous customs - that  consequently, bringing traditions and invaluable knowledge accumulated over the eons by ancestors nearer to extinction. 

The domino effect of this galling phenomenon can be felt across the length and breadth of societies: communities are no more connected as profoundly, and  turning apathetic towards each other; the celebrations, gone missing, brought  them together. Similarly, there are economic ramifications, affecting those relying on making a living from selling merchandise specifically produced to mark the occasions, leaving them high and dry, and forcing them to take up petty jobs. 

Nevertheless, the panacea for reviving the lost rituals and occasions lies in the state, society and families working in unison. Where regimes should bolster financial and logistic support such as organizing festivals and declaring holidays for such events, the communities and households should ensure participation, especially of youngsters, and offer them monetary incentives to participate in these carnivals and jamborees.       

To recapitulate, modernization has taken a toll on cultures and festivals are the biggest calamities; however, revitalizing these is possible provided honest and pragmatic steps are adopted at the state and  communal level.   

Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Many parents use punishment to teach the different between right and wrong to kids. Many think punishment is unnecessary to help children learn the distinction between right and wrong. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

 Many parents use punishment to teach the different between right and wrong to kids. Many think punishment is unnecessary to help children learn the distinction between right and wrong. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Many parents use punishment to teach the different between right and wrong to kids

Why Punishment 

  • Spare the rod,  spoil the kid:  the easiest way to ensure that similar mistakes are not repeated. 
  • do not take things for granted 
  • Teach the value of virtue of a righteous way of life. 
  • Help foster rational approach and prevent unsocial behavior

Why not 

  • Adversely impact their personalities, turning them into either rebellious, or timid. 
  • counseling is a better way of addressing behavioral issues  

Parenting is an arduous task and to negotiate it effectively, many resort to retribution, but this conservative approach is challenged by modern thinkers who vouch for complete abandonment of the punitive practice, who vociferously assert that this can impede growth of young ones. 

For many parents it seems almost instinctive to respond to a child’s inco-operative behavior by retributing them. They believe in an old saying, “Spare the rod,  spoil the kid”; thus, for them this is the easiest way to teach their wards, so that similar mistakes are not repeated and young individuals do not act with impunity and take things for granted. Rebuking them will make them appreciate the difference between the right and wrong effortlessly and also compel them to follow the norms without questions. 

On top of that, reprimand is also a way of inciting discipline in growing minds who must realize and appreciate the value of virtue of a righteous way of life. This practice  can help foster rational approach among the future citizens who would learn to abstain from unsocial behavior later in life and grow up as lawful and  well-informed adults.  

Having said that, the contemporary concepts being popularized by child theorists do not concur with the traditional methods of  child rearing that entails chastising youngsters, for it can adversely impact their personalities, turning them into either rebellious - who might seek vengeance later on others, or timid - unable to take their own decisions and see the things from their own perspective. This, in modern times when most live in nuclear families, children growing up in punitive environment may end up leading a disturbed adult life.   

Overall, controversies apart, I fail to subscribe to the idea of not punishing youngsters while imparting important lessons of life though one must always ensure using such measures in moderation so that young ones do not experience extreme distortions in their behavior.  

Saturday, September 2, 2023

Young drivers are careless and overconfident, and too many are killed in accidents. To eliminate this problem, we could teach children the skills of safe driving while they are at school. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

 Young drivers are careless and overconfident, and too many are killed in accidents. To eliminate this problem, we could teach children the skills of safe driving while they are at school. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

The rising number  of road fatalities caused by reckless driving by youngsters has become a major cause of concern, prompting many to propose imparting skills  of safe driving at formal tuition. The proposers claim that this would help greatly  in countering this menace though some vehemently contest this.

An army of people lends its support to this idea by assuming the schools are the venues which lay the foundation of well-informed adulthood, and since responsible driving is also considered a crucial trait of the social persona of an individual in the contemporary times, these institutions should don the mantle of instilling the qualities required to attain such personality. Moreover, these establishments have the resources, and can generate strategies to carefully coach their pupils about how to act responsibly behind the wheel. 

Similarly, it is undeniable that whatever is learnt at school is rarely forgotten. Thus, if the fundamental knowhow  of traffic rules and regulations, to be followed while driving on the roads, is imparted in the formative years, the youngsters will permanently integrate those teachings with their attitudes. This will help them grow up as law abiding drivers.

Nevertheless, the other school of thought is quite cynical of such an arrangement. It is felt when the academic curriculum is already stretched with a myriad of subjects of paramount importance, adding one more to the load would inflict misery upon the learners as well as the faculty, causing distraction and deviating both from their primary objective: achieving academic finesse.

In hindsight, I strongly feel that formal tuition could be the right place to tutor young individuals about how to be a prudent driver, but care must be taken to ensure that such learning should not impede other more consequential education.

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