Sunday, September 26, 2021

Every country in the world has its road rules, but many drivers don’t obey them. Why is this happening? What can be done to solve this problem?

 Every country in the world has its road rules, but many drivers don’t obey them. Why is this happening? What can be done to solve this problem?

Various countries, despite having elaborate traffic laws, witness a breach of these by motorists. In the further discussion I would share the causes for driving these violations and the ways to overcome this tendency. 

It has been observed that countries have humongous laws but these laws are not implemented strictly; consequently,  violators do not take the charges seriously and disregard all the norms since  even after contevening, drivers are not penalized heavily. Besides, punishments for the various violations are perceived as so soft that instead of creating a fear among road users, embolden them, who in turn flout the statutes brazenly. Apart from that, numerous, after committing infringements that are serious in some cases,  are found using their clout among influential and eminent personalities, and tend to walk scott free. On top of that, law enforcement officials act callously while on duty, and instead of punishing motorists they prefer accepting bribes and letting them off. These factors are persuading a majority to overlook laws meant to make roads safer. 

Nevertheless, such propensity can be mitigated, if not eliminated by adopting prudent remedies. Penalties should be levied on the culprits and to the officials who fail to perform their duties honestly. Moreover, the amount of fines should be increased astronomically for disobeying and transgressing rules meant to regulate traffic. Additionally,the process of issuing the license should be made tougher, so that the applicants would get more aware of these, and learn to follow them diligently. Further, warnings, harsh punishments like imprisonment should be awarded to offenders. 

Overall, undeniably, those sitting at wheels tend to adopt uncaring attitude towards the safe driving conventions and stipulations; however, everyone can be made to fall in line by applying the principles of non tolerance towards traffic offences.   

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