Saturday, December 19, 2020

The development of science and technology has been accompanied by a decline in traditional culture. Do you think that this has a negative impact on our life?

 “The development of science and technology has been accompanied by a decline in traditional culture. Do you think that this has a negative impact on our life?”

The development of science and technology has been accompanied by a decline in traditional culture

Scientific and technological forays have influenced society profoundly in all spheres, completely transforming the way people live and interact with their surroundings, consequently, making many believe that conventional ways of life are fading away, thus negatively affecting people  though it does not seem to be the case as per the progressive lobby. 

Pessimism seems to have descended upon the camp of purists due to the way people have shifted from  meeting in person to communicating with their familial, social and professional circles. There is a fear, the proliferation of this not so old phenomenon is gradually pushing people into cloistered living, away and isolated from the outer world. This, as per many traditionalists going to detach people from their native roots, eventually impeding perpetuation of traditions and beliefs.   

Nevertheless, those supporting the technological developments allay the fears of the counterproductive impact infusion of technology, in day to day life, is having on the customs. The modern settings have helped refine the culture by helping detach superstitions from undiluted forms of beliefs. This has in a way assisted people to appreciate the true value and relevance of their ways of life, traditional practices and the customs.

Moreover, undeniably technology may have usurped the long-established ways of living but for better; thus questioning the very rationale of any adverse impact of technological interventions. New innovations are now informing individuals more conclusively about their past, rituals, ancestors, holy literature and scriptures, thereby increasing their affinity to their native customs and  bringing   communities closer.

Overall, I strongly believe the scientific technological discoveries have for sure influenced the conventional beliefs and displaced some, but this has not at all adversely impacted the lives of the people since they can now distinguish between the illusions and pure traditions. 


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