Tuesday, August 18, 2020

More and more wild animals are on the verge of extinction and others are on the endangered list. What are the reasons for this? what can be done to solve this problem?

More and more wild animals are on the verge of extinction and others are on the endangered list. What are the reasons for this? what can be done to solve this problem?

Day by day the population of exotic species is declining as some of them are on the verge of getting extinct, while many have already been termed as endangered. The reasons behind promoting such a situation are multidimensional. But, solutions do exist to surmount this problem.

Human intervention in biodiversity is growing rapidly at a global level to fulfill various needs and demands of society. Such an intrusion of humans is causing deforestation and exploitation of natural flora and fauna. It is because of this, the surroundings of the forest are getting hampered: creating an unfavorable environment for some wild species, making sustenance for long enough harder; thus, leading to their extinction. Such drastic change causes disturbance in the food web that further exacerbates the problem for other species to continue their survival in absence of availability of food. Therefore, causing exotic flora and fauna to struggle hard for survival while their count keeps reducing.

However, to overcome this challenge, authorities must prohibit human activities of any kind in and around the pristine locations, so that any form of threat to wild species can be eliminated. In addition, several conservation programs and sites such as sanctuaries and botanical gardens must be established that can be used not only for the breeding of engendered species but also treating them. Such arrangements will aid in reviving the number of endangered species and may be able to restore the lost heritage of wild kingdom by performing research and simulating the environment required by those species

Hence, I am of the belief that conservation of wild animals is the need of the hour and if action is not taken now then it will be too late to take a call for their survival.

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