Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Most countries develop their economies to improve living standards. Some people are afraid that it will cause degradation of important social values. Do you think the advantages of this trend outweigh the disadvantages?

Most countries develop their economies to improve living standards. Some people are afraid that it will cause degradation of important social values. Do you think the advantages of this trend outweigh the disadvantages?
Most countries develop their economies to improve living standards
Ielts Essay on Development and Social Values 

Pursuit of prosperity has raised an alarm among the conservatives for they fear that this is leading to disappearance of important social values, however, the progressive lobby tends to overlook these fears and considers the benefits of this phenomenon more important than preserving the social values.

To start with, when economies achieve prosperity, they are able to afford a good quality of life to the inhabitants of the countries. This leads to an overall well-being, both in terms of physical and psychological: people, aided and supported by every imaginable facility, are able to lead a happy life. This as a result also inclines them to spirituality, thereby raising their awareness towards social conduct.

To add to that, unless economic prosperity is achieved, no country can ensure continuation of social structures: people have to shift out, either to other parts of the country, or to other parts of the world, in order to earn a livelihood, where they naturally are disconnected from their social set-ups, and thus their values. But, if an economy is affluent, it does not require inhabitants to move away and part with their social circles, thereby keeping them in touch with their age-old beliefs.

However, the fears of the seeking affluence seem to be deep-rooted, as when the families are chasing prosperity, they tend to indulge in professional pursuits which forces them to devote more and more time to  their profession: thus making them live in social isolation. The hardest hit are the kids who never get a chance to know their cousins and relatives, making them oblivious of socialization.

Thus, after assessing all the associated merits and demerits, I find this trend to be laden with more benefits, hence development enjoys an upper hand over the concerns of social values. 

Many people think regions affect successful persons. What is your opinion about native regions and accomplished person's influence on the regions they belong to?

Many people think regions affect successful persons. What is your opinion about native regions and accomplished person's influence on the regions they belong to?
Many people think regions affect successful persons
Ielts Essay - Success and Regions
In the age of contradictions and controversies, many are discussing even the affect of a region and surroundings on the success of an individual. Some are quite positive about impact of regional backgrounds on success: others, however, ridicule this theory.

Regions and surroundings do enjoy an overwhelming effect on the triumphs and failures of people: the supportive policies of societies and governments radiate confidence and inspire inhabitants to apply themselves whole-heartedly to realms of their natural inclination and churn out successful undertakings – in all domains ranging from sports and arts to science and technology. This fact can be exemplified by the success garnered by inventors and businessmen in Europe and the USA, due to the support rendered by the state – people in these cases simply excelled in their fields as they had freedom to try anything legal.

Moreover, it has been experienced that the regions that enjoy  peaceful social atmosphere tend to generate talents and skills that bring around success: the focus of the society as a whole in this case in completely on progress rather than settling matters of little consequence and squabbles. For instance a war-torn society or the one affected by social discord will never be able to give their citizens a chance to think beyond those narrower issues.

However, many feel it is the precedents set up by certain people act as an inspiration for many to go for success. An individual, with his resounding success, establishes benchmarks for others to follow and prove their capabilities and intelligence. This slowly, as is said, permeates into the psyche of the dwellers, and thus becomes a part of culture perpetuated by the generations.  

Hence, I personally feel, both region and an accomplished personality have their impact on the people when it comes to garnering success.

Saturday, August 25, 2018

Some people argue that competitive sports are good for bringing together different people and cultures. Others argue that these sports can cause problems and increase conflicts between nations. Discuss both points of view and give your own opinion.

Some people argue that competitive sports are good for bringing together different people and cultures. Others argue that these sports can cause problems and increase conflicts between nations. Discuss both points of view and give your own opinion.
Some people argue that competitive sports are good for bringing together different people and cultures
Ielts Essay Sports Fuels friendships or Rivalry 
Competitive sports has managed to create a niche for itself, especially on grounds of opening doors to interaction of diverse cultures and beliefs: a platform that renders opportunities for two-way friendly communication though there are contradictory views and fears about frictions, resulting out of this kind of competition.

Competitive sports helps create a miracle: when team contingents travel to the host cities, they are followed by their keen fans who mingle with the natives of the country being visited. This intermingling creates a conducive atmosphere for a direct interaction of cultures and people get an opportunity to appreciate each other and develop a mutual understanding: thus weeding out long held complaints and bitterness between two nations.

On the top of that, sports that involve competition also help people to vent out their national affiliations in a very peaceful manner without causing any harm. The teams involved in the game battle it out in a sports arena without using any violent means, and the fans cheer and hoot their favorites, and rivals respectively in a very cordial environment inside a stadium. After the game is over, both the players and fans greet each other decently: thus creating a harmonious environment.

However, this kind of sports competition fuels misunderstandings among different countries. This owes to political class countries peddling narratives to suit their objectives: leaders rouse public emotions on the name of patriotism, often termed as jingoism  – interpreting victories over rivals as  invasions, and insulting people of rival nations. This is bound to evoke a hostile response and result in restricting harmonious interaction.

To conclude, I personally feel, the fears expressed by the detractors lack any substance; competitive sports is already creating an atmosphere  for a dialogue between civilizations.

Monday, August 13, 2018

Recently there are more gas stations being built as opposed to diesel ones in rural areas. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this trend?

Recently there are more gas stations being built as opposed to diesel ones in rural areas. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this trend?           
more gas stations being built as opposed to diesel ones in rural areas
Ielts Essay - Gas Vs Diesel Station 

Of late, a new trend is being noticed: more and more filling-stations are selling gas instead of diesel in rural areas. This, as per many, is bound to be beneficial for rural areas, but this does not miss vehement public derision from those who consider this decision to be loaded with drawbacks. 


Prioritizing  sale of gas aims at dissuading rural inhabitants from using diesel – notorious for causing most air pollution and related hazards – and improving quality of air in the regional areas: the results of this switchover are already being reflected in the form the reduced sulphur, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide levels in the surroundings, making the air more  breathable  and healthier. There has  been a marked decline in incidence of respiratory disorders of severe multitude  among the ruralites. Moreover, the soil has been also spared of contaminants  which was, in the past, a big concern that was not only impacting the fertility of land but also contaminating water bodies, by virtue of chemicals entering these due to water run-off.


However, as the detractors suggest, this is bound to create chaos in village life: most equipment, used in various tasks and jobs, ranging from agriculture to household, run on this heavy fossil fuel. If the this fuel becomes hard to source, either most of the villagers will have to travel miles to buy, or, those cannot afford it, will have to give up their work. Even if, people shift their usage to gas, they would have to make heavy investments on buying equipment and tools that use gas; thus taxing rural economy.    

 Hence, I personally feel, although this decision carries both benefits and drawbacks, it is still quite a good decision, as health is of a paramount concern. Thus, such arrangement is a welcome change.  


Wednesday, August 8, 2018

In some countries, it is illegal for employers to reject the people are applying for job because of his/her age Do you think it is a positive or negative development?

In some countries, it is illegal for employers to reject the people are applying for job because of his/her age
Do you think it is a positive or negative development? 

In some countries it is illegal for employers to reject the people


  • Now the elderly, or young people do not have to struggle to earn a livelihood and support their life

  • Where senior citizens will not face mental hardships, the young will not have to take to crime 

  • The aged will not feel abandoned, and the young will be able to gain requisite experience and a chance to develop their skills 


  • Companies will be forced to select even those who are unfit or less skilled for a specific job 

  • Create unemployment among more talented people and deprive society of chances to harness the real talent 

  • This might organizations financially as the overaged people might require extensive medical support, while inexperienced young people might cause accidents and damage to equipment

Discriminating and rejecting applicants for employment on the basis their age has been declared as unlawful in many countries. This is fiercely and profoundly debated between the critics and advocates who consider it to be counter-productive and constructive respectively though I consider it to be favorable, depending on the conditions.

Undoubtedly, this decision will prove to beneficial in the long-run: it will save many, especially the most vulnerable group of senior citizens, the frequent victims of such discrimination, from plummeting into financial crisis. Elderly are always exposed to acute scarcity of financial resources, and most do not have anyone else to lean on, so they seek livelihood to cope with their everyday expenses. In such as case,  if they face rejection, they will not only suffer financially but also mentally.

Moreover, this could also help society derive several direct and indirect benefits. This will surely bring down public expenditure and keep tax-hikes at bay: the governments will not need to render unemployment support and pensions to help those jobless, having been turned down due to their age; and the tax-payers will also be not burdened with extra taxes – needed to support such people. 

However, this policy has a darker side too. Hiring workers is the purview of businesses: they select or refuse applications on the basis of their job-specific requirements – that may involve considering, hazards, stress, intensity and hard-work associated with the work; and being deprived this privilege will put operations of companies at risk and also raise their expenditure; thus making their functioning unprofitable leading to closure in extreme cases – generating unemployment.

In hindsight, the policy of making filtering job aspirants on the basis of age legally unacceptable is even though a positive evolution, it must be applied prudently and discreetly to harness appropriate outcomes.

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