Monday, January 23, 2017

In some countries, at secondary or at high school, there may be two or three streams of studies. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this bifurcation of students into streams at the age of 15?

In some countries, at secondary or  at high school, there may be two or three streams of studies. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this bifurcation of students into streams at the age of 15?
Ielts Essay - Streaming the Students 
Bifurcating students into three different streams after completion of a certain form in the school, preferably at the secondary level of schooling when pupils attain age of fifteen,   is a common practice across many countries. Education experts cite various benefits of such a move though its drawbacks should never be ignored.

Allocating students to different streams is supposed to be having numerous benefits. By the time, children attain the age of 15, they become rational enough to make a choice of their future course of action, and if they are steered into a specific direction, they can capitalize on the opportunities laid at their disposal. Taking up and staying focused on specific subjects helps them to harness their potential and realize their talent without wasting their time on unnecessary frills and subjects.

However, streaming pupils has been under a constant fire for all justifiable reasons. Dividing students as per certain criteria, which is nothing more than a mechanical system, can never deliver true results. This bifurcation can prove to be counterproductive instead, as students can be permanently locked into incompatible educational domains; and get caught in the vicious circle of low scores,  before they actually wake up to the reality of appreciating their real strengths.

Moreover, this can fuel disparity and inequality among the students since there is a good chance that pupils studying in certain streams, like science, commerce, etc. may consider themselves to be more intelligent and avoid interaction with students of other streams. Furthermore, this division can deny students an enriching experience which they may get in mixed ability classrooms.

Henceforth, I feel that classifying students into streams as per abilities is not right and has the potential of pushing the growing minds into incompatible professions. 

Sunday, January 22, 2017

In some countries, at secondary at high school, there may be two or three streams of studies, academic or vocational. What are the advantages of this to the students and the society of putting students at the two streams at the age of 15?

In some countries, at secondary at high school, there may be two or three streams of studies, academic or vocational. What are the advantages of this to the students and the society of putting students at the two streams at the age of 15?
Ielts Essay - Streaming Students 
Nowadays, higher education entails streaming students into academic or vocational subjects. Despite being questioned for its validity and effectivity in the current context, this strategy has been continued since several reasons can be cited in support this format of formal tuition at high or secondary level.  

The policy of streaming the pupils, at the age of 15, into vocational or academic area of studies, as per their abilities and inclinations carries multiple advantages. This helps the growing minds to clearly set their objectives and pursue them dedicatedly. As they have fewer subjects to explore and study, the pupils can focus on those completely. This does not only save them time but also protects them from extra burden they might have to bear while studying subjects of little consequence to the knowhow of domains the pupils are pursuing.

On the top of that, strategy of grouping students pursuing similar subjects offers certain inbuilt advantages. Like minded pupils pursuing homogenous syllabus tend to learn faster, and the class work progresses at a fairly brisk pace. Besides this, the young learners can also gauge their accomplishments in contrast to their classmates clearly and concretely, this often results in a healthy competition which ultimately is interpreted into excellent academic results.

Furthermore, this system can prove to be highly advantageous for the society too: the economy of a country can quickly harness the talents of young professionals and academicians, in form of their contributions to the economic productivity. These professionals, in their own domains, can bring around other benefits too, e.g. these professionals do not only save money, otherwise spent on training them, but also train others.

To conclude, I feel that pushing students into specific domain study at a young age can prove to be highly counterproductive. 

Saturday, January 21, 2017

In some countries, at secondary at high school, there may be two or three streams of studies, academic or vocational. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this to the students and the society of putting students at the two streams at the age of 15? - Ielts Essay

In some countries, at secondary at high school, there may be two or three streams of studies, academic or vocational. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this to the students and the society of putting students at the two streams at the age of 15?

Allocating students to diverse streams of studies is a common practice almost all across the globe. This, as per certain experts, has numerous benefits for the individual pupils and the society, but even so it would be quite reckless to ignore the drawbacks of such a move.

Bifurcation of students into different domains of studies can be highly beneficial in many aspects. Division of study domains is generally based on inclination and abilities of the pupils. This system does not only enable students to focus completely on domains – they may want to pursue, and save a lot of time but also realize their potential, and be entrenched with comprehensive knowhow of the professional realm, by the time they graduate from their studies.  

Furthermore, this system can prove to be highly advantageous for the society too: the economy of a country can quickly harness the talents of young professionals and academicians, in form of their contributions to the economic productivity. These professionals, in their own domains, can bring around other benefits too, e.g. these professionals do not only save money, otherwise spent on training them, but also train others.

However, there are disadvantages galore in such a system. Studying only in specific streams and avoiding others can make youngsters either too mechanical, or too impractical. Drawing groups at such a young age when pupils are immature, often results in the kids being locked forever in incompatible occupations. For instance, for students waking up to their potential at a later age more often find themselves already molded for a profession that fails to address their aspirations. This can have disastrous effects on their future lives.

To conclude, I feel that pushing students into specific domain study at a young age can prove to be highly counterproductive. 

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Nowadays young people prefer going to shopping centers rather than spending their time in organized activities such as sport or music. Do you think this is a positive or a negative development? Give reasons to support your opinion using your own knowledge and experience.

Nowadays young people prefer going to shopping centers rather than spending their time in organized activities such as sport or music. Do you think this is a positive or a negative development? Give reasons to support your opinion using your own knowledge and experience.

Activities of young people have always been under a critical scanner for a variety of reasons. The recent phenomenon of youth forgoing music and sports in favor of shopping has fetched brickbats, as society is busy in debating over this new trend as it is laden with both benefits and drawbacks.

Going to malls and shopping centers and buying things has come as much required relief for the youngsters subjected to a stressful life that is generally marred by innumerable codes of discipline and books of instructions. They get a chance to experience their leisure time freely and escape rigorous and often stringent monitoring and regular grilling – by coaches, which has a potential to turn them into either timid personalities or rebels. This also satisfies the zest of the young people to do something against the conventions established by their parents.

Moreover, going to do shopping is no less interesting since this activity has certain level of unpredictability which makes it all the more exciting. The young people seek thrill in every activity, and this way of exploring the world and socializing with familiar and unfamiliar faces and surroundings is considered to be the safest way of answer the adrenaline surges.

However, vehement critics term this trend as counterproductive and feel that it fuels extravagancy, selfishness, impatience and recklessness among the youth. Young people tend to be impulsive and simply tend to buy anything that comes their way resulting in social wastage. Moreover, indulging in this activity denies youngsters a chance to foster creativity; and learn about nurturing certain important life skills, team spirit, co-existence accepting others viewpoints, and patience.

To conclude, despite shopping being an interesting development, taking it up at the cost of sports and music is surely highly unwarranted.

Sunday, January 15, 2017

All over the world people spend more time on sports and exercises these days. Does this development have more advantages or disadvantages? Give your opinion with supporting examples from your own experience.

All over the world people spend more time on sports and exercises these days. Does this development have more advantages or disadvantages? Give your opinion with supporting examples from your own experience.
Ielts Sports and Exercise 

With sports and exercise routines becoming a craze, an increasing number of individuals have started devoting time to these activities. Although this phenomenon has numerous benefits, it does have a darker shade too. But, which factor outweighs the other is a matter of intense exploration. 

Physical activities and sports have become an integral part of everyday life for most, for these help in achieving and sustaining required fitness levels. Today, life has become complex since people do not only have to bear and survive stress but also live with faulty eating habits, as well as sedentary lifestyles. Physical exertion and participation in sports help to achieve and sustain appropriate cardio vascular activity and health levels, deemed critical to survive modern lifestyle. Furthermore, workouts and playing a game also help in alleviating certain medical conditions and overcoming chronic health issues.

Moreover, there is not an activity as productive as sports and exercise that can ensure mental wellbeing. Today, when people are living on the edge of being driven insane, they need something that can help them vent their anger, frustration and fears to metabolize hormones produced by the ‘fight or flight’ response instinct of the body. By participating in such activities, individuals can easily overcome anxious moments and instead add excitement and zeal to their monotonous lives.

However, several critics are wary of these activities, as they feel that such routines are addictive and make people expend their energy in unproductive routines and tools. Fitness freaks and sports practitioners sometimes are seen indulging in wastage of money by spending on machines and kits.

In conclusion, I feel that exercise and sports is like a boon to the modern humans otherwise a healthy life would have been difficult and in fact beyond imagination.

Friday, January 13, 2017

Nowadays young people have to make the decision about their future career. Some people, however, believe that teachers and parents can make a better choice for their future career. Discuss both options and include your opinion with relevant examples from your own experience

Nowadays young people have to make the decision about their future career. Some people, however, believe that teachers and parents can make a better choice for their future career. Discuss both options and include your opinion with relevant examples from your own experience.

Ielts Essay - Careers 
A tug of war of sorts can be experienced between the young and the old generation when it comes to choosing a career for young. Even though some might quote several reasons to validate the right of young people while making a choice of profession, moms and dads, and mentors have their own concerns and feel it should be prerogative of elders.

Parents have conventionally been considered to be the right people when it comes to deciding about the professional domain their children should pursue. Older generation has all the experience and seasoning required to make such tricky choices, since they have been through the thin and thick of the life, and have borne the brunt of taking wrong decisions early on  in their lives. All parents and coaches have a very pious intent; to see their children attain success in their lives, and avoid entering into a profession that might not bring continuity.

Similarly, tutors are armed with a great amount of information about weaknesses and strengths of their pupils. It has been observed that teachers can give definitive direction to the tryst of the young people by hand picking the professional realm and equipping kids according to the expectations and requirements of the chosen fields.

However, young individuals should have a last say in what they would like to pursue and work in. After all it is matter connected to their future, and nobody has right to intervene. The times have always changed and with that have changed the requirements and expectations. Old people despite living through various phases may not have appropriate knowhow to negotiate challenges in present context.

To conclude, I personally feel that young people should be allowed to have a greater say in matter of choosing their future course of action even though they must seek advice in matters that can influence their professional performance. 

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Many people had been involved in sports as children, but don’t do any physical exercises as adults. What are the reasons people avoid physical exercises? How to overcome this trend and motivate adults to be more physically active?

Many people had been involved in sports as children, but don’t do any physical exercises as adults. What are the reasons people avoid physical exercises? How to overcome this trend and motivate adults to be more physically active?
Ielts Essay - Adults and Sports 
Physical exercise, even though is an inseparable part of healthy life routine, it has been quite often observed that grown-ups tend to avoid this essential activity. There are several obvious reasons for this but the solutions to encourage grown-ups to take up this routine are available on hand.

Adults usually are found not being able to take out time for the healthy physical activities. As people grow up their lifestyles undergo a drastic shift since the priorities of their lives and routines change: from just studying and playing to building up and establishing a career and earning money for self and the family. On the top of that, the intent and obsession to earn success in the professional domains is often so deep that adults do have any room to think about accommodating sports or similar regimes in the day to day life.

Moreover, the phenomenon of adults shying away from routines involving physical exertion is also underpinned by the change in the attitude towards such regimes. As children grow up, they undergo a significant transformation not only physically but also mentally. Sports and running around, as per many, is the realm of the growing ups and not grown-ups, and adults and majors have better alternatives of leisure and socializing.

Nevertheless, integrating sports and similar activities that make people exert energy is not all that difficult as it may be assumed. The initiatives can be taken up the organizations where the people work and dedicate most of their time, under which the companies can it mandatory for the workers to also prove their physical fitness through regularly conducted tests that test the physical endurance.

To conclude, I believe, despite sports becoming unpopular with the grown-ups it is possible to nurture sporting routines among them.

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