Wednesday, April 27, 2016

In recent years, there has been a growing interest in the relationship between equality and personal achievements. Some people that individuals can achieve more in egalitarian societies. Others believe that high level of personal achievements is possible only if individuals are free to succeed or fail, according to their individual merits. To what extent do you agree or disagree? -Ielts Essay

In recent years, there has been a growing interest in the relationship between equality and personal achievements. Some people believe that individuals can achieve more in egalitarian societies. What are the advantages and disadvantages of  having such a society? Discuss both views, and give your views. 

Egalitarian Society - Ielts Essay

Humans have always lived at poles, when it comes to deciding about the parameters to guide the character of the social set-up. Where some profess that it is necessary to follow principles of egalitarianism, and treat every human in same manner, others vehemently defend the freedom of offering chances based on the qualities of individuals.

“God has made everyone equal”, so the humans have no right of creating divisions. It is believed that gauging merits of individuals on certain parameters, defined by humans, is quite outrageous since this kind of system prevents society from harnessing the usefulness of each individual. “Everybody has a genius directed to a specific direction, and telling a fish to climb a tree is quite unjustified, but if it given an opportunity to prove its prowess at swimming, it would surely excel”. Similar is the case when it comes to providing openings and chances to humans; robbing them of chances when they could have excelled in other areas would be unjust.

However, applying same yardstick to measure performers and non-performers is quite an impractical suggestion. After all, the future of a society cannot be compromised just for the sake of offering equal opportunities – regardless of the performance achieved. History has been a witness that wherever such principles have been followed, the society has witnessed erosion of creamy layer as the intelligent people have migrated to other countries – resulting in brain drain.  Such societies, as a result, have accrued an irrevocable and insurmountable loss of talent. Moreover, this system would fuel confusion and make people completely dependent on the government assistance, thereby killing creativity.

Overall, I strongly feel that harping proposals of providing equal opportunities to the achievers and under-performers is highly impractical and prove  counterproductive in long run.  

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