Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Some people think that the teenage years are the happiest of our lives, while others believe that adult life brings more happiness. Discuss both view and give your opinion.

Some people think that the teenage years are the happiest of our lives, while others believe that adult life brings more happiness. Discuss both view and give your opinion.

Ielts Essay - Is Teenage better or Adulthood 
Many a times, as one grows older, they often become nostalgic and start comparing the times they spent as teenagers with their grownup years. Some even repent growing up and wonder if they had stayed that way – in their teen years – forever. Notwithstanding these undertones of certain people, some feel it is better to lead a life as an adult.

Adoloscence has a charisma of its own and can never be replicated. A carefree life that is free of any responsibilities; and the time that seems to wait for the young ; and everything connected to the life is charming. Many, though rebellious, tend to be beset of any troubles and worries; they have their parents to take care of their requirements; and afford them appropriate back-up and support. One just has to keep their demands forth, and the anxious mothers and  fathers lay all their resources at the disposal of their wards.

Furthermore, they happen to be the center of attraction of all social gatherings and functions as friends of parents, relatives and cousins are quite keen to meet the growing up kids. On the top of that, the age between thirteen and seventeen is considered to be a time of studying and partying with the friends.

Nevertheless, despite all the drawbacks, adulthood happens to be the golden period, as the grown up years mean independence from various factors: reliance on parents for fulfilling needs, etc.; individuals start earning and become masters of their own destiny - they can  earn  and spend as per their expectations; and moreover, their views are considered important by everyone around.

In the nutshell, I personally feel although life as a teenager is a dreamy part of life, adulthood is always a better  phase; one is taken seriously and has liberty to decide for themselves. 

Friday, December 18, 2015

Education is a lifelong task. In what extent do you agree or disagree? - Ielts Essay

Education Throughout Life - Ielts Essay 
Education is a lifelong task. In what extent do you agree or disagree?

Education has always influenced the society in several ways, it has helped the people to gain knowledge; assisted them greatly in picking up vital clues and hints about the skills that may be used in the professional lives later; and it has also helped develop a rational point of view. Some people feel that getting education continues until the humans breathe their last.

In the current perspective and environment, getting educated and improving on the academic skills has become a throughout the life job. The people, due to increasing population, have somehow got involved in  a cut-throat competition of sorts, and aim to stay miles ahead of the nearest rivals and colleagues. The intent and inclination to dominate has made it a viable option for such competing people to go on and not only improvise on what they already know, but also pick up some extra skills that may prove to be pivotal in their tryst to stay ahead.

In addition to this, the modern environment, where the technology is being advanced rapidly and working environment is being modernized at a break neck speed, continuously educating oneself, irrespective of the age and rank, has become very important. Moreover, the inclination of many, to pursue multiple careers, has made it necessary for the professionals to adapt to new professions by gaining more and more knowledge and skills.

However, there are some who refute this aspect, as they feel that education is not something that can be continued beyond a certain age. In today’s intense work culture, professionals and workers do not have enough time and money to pursue further education.

In the nutshell, getting education is indeed a task that is pursued throughout the life, in whichever form.  

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

It is better to teach sports to young people at school as an alternative to playing computer games at home. Why is it important? Give your opinion and examples from your own experience. - Ielts Essay

It is better to teach sports to young people at school as an alternative to playing computer games at home. Why is it important? Give your opinion and examples from your own experience.
Ielts Essay - Teaching Sports to children 

The health of youngsters is becoming matter of grave concern today as the growing up kids are shunning life involving physical activity and adopting sedentary lifestyle. To ease up the worsening situation, many experts have started suggesting that it would be a good idea to train youngsters in sports in schools; and they have their own arguments to quote in support of this.

Different sports, in comparison to virtual computer games, have numerous benefits to offer because while practicing sports, the kids are not only able to experience the real excitement but also are able to expend their physical energy. Involving themselves in physical activity acts as a refresher, as it ensures rejuvenation of not only the body but also on the mind – that helps in ensuring a mental and physical wellbeing – which off course can never be achieved while playing virtual games in a closed room.

Besides this, when kids go out an practice sports on open grounds or real time arenas, they naturally pick some of the most important traits – that they may require in their later lives – that involve  developing cognitive skills and learning about strategy development in coordination with other members of the team. In a way, the sports teach the children about the learning to create synchronization between themselves and others, for example practicing sports help the growing up kids ones in learning about making     adjustments and compromises and preventing violent and aggressive behavior wherever and whenever required.

On the top of that, winning and losing if it happens on the field, teaches children about rejoicing and resenting together, which as per the child psychologists, is very important since children learn about social behavior.

In the nutshell, training kids about sports can prove to be highly beneficial for them.   

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Environmental problems such as pollution and climate change affect all the people in the world. Although global decisions are made to reduce these problems, the solutions are not effective. Why are the solutions ineffective? How can these problems be solved? - Ielts Essay

Environmental problems such as pollution and climate change affect all the people in the world. Although global decisions are made to reduce these problems, the solutions are not effective. Why are the solutions ineffective? How can these problems be solved?
Environmental problems and Initiatives  
It is widely accepted that rising pollution is delivering damaging impacted on the climate. The global community seems to be seriously concerned about this matter; and is making full-blooded efforts to eradicate this issue – that threatens very existence of life on planet. Nevertheless, although some important resolutions have been adopted to counter this growing malady, most of the steps have proven to be ineffective.

The primary reasons underlying the failure of the measures being adopted include lack of coordination between different countries of the world. It has been observed that the world today stands divided into several groups – developed and developing; and rich and poor, etc. All these groups are fighting tooth and nail to protect their rights and impress upon their view points on other groups. This has resulted in mudslinging and blame game which is ultimately taking a toll on the environment; and any resolutions being adopted, however effective they may seem, end up in doldrums.

On top of that, governments of most of the countries – rich and poor alike – are facing a strange dilemma; as to whether to abide by the global obligations of bringing in changes in the current set-up – of industrial and agricultural, which in many countries is quite primitive by current standards; and transforming this would prove to be quite expensive for economies – and face wrath of local inhabitants, as well as the local populace, or address local aspirations.

The issues – existing and emerging – can be, however, addressed amicably by developing sensitivity towards each other and setting goals, by appreciating the criticality of the current situation,that are not too high and need gradual implementation of decisions.

In the nutshell, I personally believe that no goals, especially concerning environment and pollution, are unachievable provided we approach them with determination. 

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Some people believe that young generation should follow traditions of their society; others, however, believe that young people should be free to make their own choice as individuals. Discuss both views and your own opinion.

Some people believe that young generation should follow traditions of their society; others, however, believe that young people should be free to make their own choice as individuals. Discuss both views and your own opinion.  

Ielts Essay - Should Youth follow Traditions

Ever since humans settled in form of communities, they have followed customs – endemic to regions where they evolved - and have perpetuated like sermons, and sometimes, no alteration is deemed acceptable, but should the contemporary generation be forced to embrace those, or should be given liberty to choose their way, is a matter worthy of analysis.

In the age of globalization, when disparate ethnicities world over are coming closer and diluting their individual identities, concept of diverse customs – that often fuel bias and tribal attitudes – have taken a beating. the concurrent focus is on engendering a homogeneity and harmony among distinct races of the world, madating there is a need to establish a society that follows universally acceptable perspectives. The progressive thought proposes that in this scenario, the youth should be allowed to choose whatever way they live.

Moreover, young individuals have been exposed to conditions that are largely different from the ones that existed in the past. The evevolving environment and the emerging world order need the younger generation to be creative; adaptive; and able to find its destiny with a new perspective, and the old traditions are not in any way able to cater to aspirations.

However, customs have remained an integral part of human life; and they illustrate the priceless wisdom garnered by ancestors over the ages. These traditions contain invaluable knowledge about how the civilizations developed and emerged from darker ages. Detaching from these beliefs would eventually prove disastrous for humanity as a whole; and youth being future of any society, carry the responsibility of carrying forward these traditions.

Overall, I personally feel that even though the youth should be given some room to decide on how to want to lead their lives, they must also be enlightened about the relevance of their past, so as to perpetuate their ways of life.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Children often find it difficult to study mathematics and philosophy. Some people think that these subjects should be optional in the study curriculum. Do you agree or disagree? Give your opinion and examples from your own experience.

Children often find it difficult to study mathematics and philosophy. Some people think that these subjects should be optional in the study curriculum. Do you agree or disagree? Give your opinion and examples from your own experience.
Ielts Essay - Math and Phlosophy 
Mathematics and Philosophy are considered to be the core of academic learning; and with the growing relevance of education, more and more people have started laying emphasis on these disciplines though some strongly feel that pupils, who find it hard to cope with these subjects, should be spared, and that these subjects should excluded from formal syllabus.

Mathematics is regarded as a very difficult subject that consumes a lot of time of those pupils, who are not aptly equipped with skills to handle the problems and queries posed to them. This often leads them to waste some really valuable time that could be used more productively in some other domains in which learners have interest and an inclination to learn.  Besides this, , philosophy is purely, knowledge for sake of knowledge,  a subject for deep thinkers and those who seek development of intellect; and not every student has an inclination towards such deep study as they seek to pursue such subjects that offer practical rather than theoretical knowhow.

On the contrary, ignoring and excluding subjects such as math and philosophy would prove to be counterproductive for the young learners. Math goes a long way in developing the analytical and problems solving skills among the kids that could prove to be really valuable for their personal and professional lives later in life as adults.

Similarly, philosophy is a subject of great importance for the students as it helps them pick up skills about appreciating the world and its peculiar features – for which one needs appropriate knowhow and an in depth thinking. This discipline helps in fostering rational thinking and assisting in mental development.

To sum up, I feel that exclusion of academic subjects like math and philosophy would not be productive, henceforth they should be retained.

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Some people think that computer games are bad for children, while others believe that they are useful. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of computer games and give your own opinion. - Ielts Essay

Some people think that computer games are bad for children, while others believe that they are useful. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of computer games and give your own opinion.

Ielts Essay - Computer games and children 
The rising popularity of computer games among the young ones has raised alarm among many child psychologists and behaviorists;  they feel that this trend would have long lasting adverse impact on the mental and physical health though there are certain sections who feel otherwise.

Virtual games are often quoted to be the biggest show spoilers when it comes to fostering good habits among juveniles. These online and offline activities are addictive and push the children to adopt a sedentary lifestyle; the kids remain glued to their machines for hours together and ignore all other important things, especially physical activities, which as per some, can have serious consequences on their health and well-being, for instance youngsters, after wasting countless hours on these games are left with little energy to focus on sports and other calorie burning engagements which often makes them obese and lazy.

Moreover, these also lead them to confine themselves to their computer tables, and thus, lead a life devoid of any social contact. This can have severe ramifications for the development of young minds; they tend to miss critical moments and hints that would eventually help them in learning about social behavior and interaction. Similarly, certain games with violent content provioke aggressive behavior.

Nevertheless, these modern entertainment mediums are believed to be loaded with several benefits and are considered to be more productive than impediments; as many games are designed to target strategy and logic development in children. Young individuals can entertain themselves while learning a lot about organizing; strategy development and logical thinking.

To sum up, although computer-driven games do have some unfavorable impact on young minds, they also have umpteen pros which should not be ignored. However, monitoring of time tender minds spend on this activity is highly recommended.    

Sunday, October 4, 2015

The use of CCTV (close circuit television) cameras in streets, stations, shops and other public places has increased rapidly in recent years. Although we are told that these cameras help in the fight against crime, some people are opposed to their use. They believe that everyone has a right to privacy. (serve more as an invasion of our privacy than as a protection of our safety). To what extent do you agree or disagree? - Ielts Essay

The use of CCTV (close circuit television) cameras in streets, stations, shops and other public places has increased rapidly in recent years. Although we are told that these cameras help in the fight against crime, some people are opposed to their use. They believe that everyone has a right to privacy. (serve more as an invasion of our privacy than as a protection of our safety). To what extent do you agree or disagree?  
Ielts Essay - CCTV

Increasing concern for public safety has forced authorities and law enforcement agencies to take a range of drastic steps, like installing CCTVs to ensure better security management of various locations open to public access, like shops, libraries, stations, shops and other public spaces. These measures have fetched both accolades and brickbats from various sections of society.

Close circuit television has come in a great respite; as installing these modern gadgets has helped in better monitoring of sensitive public domains prone to criminal incidents. Law enforcement agencies find it easy to apprehend perpetrators of illegal activities – on the basis of the clues made available by these hi-tech instruments; and also make preemptive efforts in curtailing such happenings – by creating a fear among anti-social elements of being caught red-handed during such acts – capable of jeopardizing public safety, for example, recent surveys suggest that several cases of theft and eve teasing have been either prevented or busted due to these machines.

Moreover, this modern introduction has instilled a sense of security among the common people, especially people dealing in valuable commodities, like gold; and those good that are prone to pilferage and theft. They are able to keep a close watch on the visitors to their shops and locations; and are able to react fast and call for police assistance.

However, CCTV concept has some serious flaws and common people find themselves cornered, for they feel being monitored all the time; and consider is as an encroachment of their fundamental rights. Several instances of misuse have also been cited, where causal female shoppers were covertly filmed inside the trying rooms.

To sum up, privacy of individual though important, but can never outweigh public safety, so CCTV is critical in today’s perspective. Squabbles apart, use of these gadgets is thus  imperative, so all objections should be ignored. 

Friday, October 2, 2015

In some countries, people are allowed to keep arms, while some people feel that private citizens should not be allowed to keep arms and ammunition as it can threaten the society and pose serious problems for public safety.

In some countries, people are allowed to keep arms, while some people feel that private citizens should not be allowed to keep arms and ammunition as it can threaten the society and pose serious problems for public safety.

Ielts Essay - Gun control or No?
Humans have always had a direct or indirect relation with arms and ammunition for a long time. But, in the modern times, many experts have started suggesting that the civilized society do not need these anymore, while some others staunchly resent this and treat the privilege of keeping weapons at par with other fundamental rights.

Possession of arms and ammunition by common citizens can pose a serious threat to public safety, especially in urban areas – where people live on the edge of outbursts due to hectic schedules. People keeping weapons are susceptible to unruly behavior, and quite often they rather tend to point guns at each other even in instances of irrelevant arguments, for example, in case of road rage in urban areas, people resort to threatening each other in which events often takes nasty turn due to use of weapons resulting in serious injuries and sometimes even death.

Moreover, the law enforcement agencies find it really hard to keep a track of these combat gadgets. Their task of managing public safety becomes even more difficult in times of certain public events, like demonstrations, elections, public rallies or events of   public importance; as there is always a risk of anti-social elements creating unrest with help of these instruments.

However, some lobbyists cite several instances, where possession of weapons has helped the residents of an area to bolster their security and ensure their safety. As per this view, law enforcement agencies cannot be present everywhere all the time; and many a times people using these instruments in self-defense have been able to keep criminals and other anti-social elements at bay.

In conclusion, I personally feel that allowing a common citizen possession of weapons is a controversial issue and should be more seriously dealt with, and discreetly allow keeping these devices. 

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Improvements in health, education and trade are essential for the development of poorer nations. However, the governments of richer nations should take more responsibility for helping the poorer nations in such areas. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

Improvements in health, education and trade are essential for the development of poorer nations. However, the governments of richer nations should take more responsibility for helping the poorer nations in such areas.
To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?
Ielts essay - Should rich nations help poor nations 
The progress of any country is gauged on three scales; health, education and trade, and these areas are the ones, where the developing countries are found lacking necessary resources and critical expertise. This has encouraged some eminent economists to suggest that elite nations must assist the poor countries in getting over these hurdles.

The assistance rendered to the poorer countries by the rich nations would lead to an upheaval of poverty stricken people – living in sub-human conditions – of the developing and underdeveloped countries. The aid extended in form or money and expertise could play a pivotal role in the inducing massive improvements in currently non-existent health services, poor educational facilities and lack of employment opportunities. This would in turn help in reducing the disparity at the global level and truly nurture the spirit of brotherhood and harmony between various countries.

Furthermore, although some may consider indirect benefits as irrelevant, international assistance would surely help the world community in curbing certain crimes, like human trafficking and high seas piracy – these crimes generally originate from underdeveloped countries. The economic benefits accruing from such initiatives could be of a greater magnitude – both for rich and poor countries; as one hand, the inhabitants would be able to improve their professional and vocational skills, on the other, the developed world could reap advantages of accessing adequately educated and healthy workforce. 

However, this kind of international aid schemes have many a times proved futile and deepened the crisis further in many poor nations; as the funds granted for development are often channelized into wrong hands; and end up filling the coffers of corrupt politicians and opportunists.

To conclude, I feel that rich countries helping economically backward nations, is a practical solution for reducing the gap between the rich and the poor.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

“Telecommuting” refers to workers doing their jobs from home for part of each week and communicating with their office using computer technology. Telecommuting is growing in many countries and is expected to be common for most office workers in the coming decades. How do you think society will be affected by the growth of telecommuting?
Ielts Essay - Telecommuting - Work From Home 
Telecommuting, as per many is being quoted as the office work pattern of the future where the workers do not go to a centralized office, but instead work from remote locations, like from their homes. This trend is expected to be highly beneficial for the society though some do have serious reservations.

Home sourced working pattern is expected to be highly advantageous for those who have to really struggle balancing their professional and personal lives – as they are spending most of their time in the confinement of their cubicles and offices. Teleworking has, in fact, come a respite for such people, as they are now able to devote and invest some quality time  with their families, which otherwise was very difficult to come the near past. Moreover, many optimists feel, home-sourced work system has brought about a drastic improvement in the moods in the society as a whole, as teleworkers feel happier and content with their jobs – as work-at-home can be easily compared to vacationing with work.

Furthermore, teleworking has also helped in the bringing down unemployment across various geographical locations; qualified people are now able to access broader employment opportunities anywhere in the world through information technology; and are able to execute jobs for their companies located in diverse regions, for instance people residing in India can now be employed by a US based firm without actually needing to physically travel over to the USA.

Nevertheless, teleworking is also fetching some criticism from the conservatives. As per them, this trend is reducing interaction between the people and hampering social lives of, especially, ones working from their homes.

To conclude, the debate on this issue is inconclusive as it is too early to judge the outcome and impact of work-from-home on the society.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Successful sports professionals can earn a great deal more money than people in other important professions. Some people think this is fully justified while others think it is unfair. Discuss both these views and give your opinion.

Successful sports professionals can earn a great deal more money than people in other important professions. Some people think this is fully justified while others think it is unfair. Discuss both these views and give your opinion. #Ielts essay
Ielts Essay - Salaries of Sportsmen
Sports today have become a full fledged profession. This has helped the sportsmen to earn astronomical figures as a part of earnings. This phenomenon has also raised a hot debate, as to whether the earnings that are often more than the people from other trades are justified or not.
Today the casual performers have been replaced by the well-trained & well-versed professionals. The players toil hard & train to improve & maintain performance for the next competition & to keep up the tempo. Also, it is always under a constant threat of disabling Injuries during a match or training. The life of the sportsmen’s career is generally too short that spans only over a decade & a half, beyond that the players will have switch professions. In this period, sportspersons have little time to earn for insuring rest of their lives.
Moreover, the players today are the National heroes & Idols for the Billions of their fellow countrymen & definitely rule their hearts. For e.g the cricketers in India have a bigger than life Image and any monetary reward bestowed upon them is always justified by their fans as deserving.
Although some sections of society are contrary to this view & regard it as absolutely unjust to other professionals from other streams. They feel that they too toil hard to perform & produce results, which could be in more important Industry & role for the Society, Economy & country. They consider Sports as a leisure & non-essential activity.

In my opinion, today sport is an independent industry which is not only generating employment directly or indirectly, but also a source of good commerce. It is practical & fair for the players, being an essential component to earn, huge & big, after all they deserve it.

Sunday, August 23, 2015

“Telecommuting” refers to workers doing their jobs from home for part of each week and communicating with their office using computer technology. Telecommuting is growing in many countries and is expected to be common for most office workers in the coming decades. How do you think society will be affected by the growth of telecommuting?

“Telecommuting” refers to workers doing their jobs from home for part of each week and communicating with their office using computer technology. Telecommuting is growing in many countries and is expected to be common for most office workers in the coming decades. How do you think society will be affected by the growth of telecommuting?

Ielts Essay on Telecommuting 

Telecommuting, as per many, is being quoted as the office work pattern of the future where the workers instead of visiting a centralized office, work from remote locations, like from their homes. This trend is impacted people and society in multiple ways. 

Home sourced working is highly advantageous for those who must really struggle balancing their professional and personal lives – they are spending most of their time in the confinement of their cubicles and offices. Working  remotely has, in fact, come a respite for many: they can now invest some quality time  with their families, which formerly was very difficult to come by. Moreover, many feel, this system has let happy moods descend on society as a whole; tele-commuters feel contented with their jobs – as work-at-home can be easily compared to vacationing with work.

Furthermore, these settings have also helped mitigate unemployment across various geographical locations; qualified individuals can now access broader employment opportunities anywhere in the world through information technology, and execute jobs for their employers located in distant regions. To corroborate, those residing in India can now work for the US-based firms without actually needing to physically travel over to the USA.

Nevertheless, this trend has engendered considerable reduction in human interaction, hampering social lives. Man is a gregarious creature and this arrangement is making individuals less sociable, especially the those who seldom need to visit their offices. They find lesser chances to connect with their colleagues; thus, robbing them of opportunities to carry out consultations related to professional matters; and getting updates on the working environment, and so on.

To conclude, even though it may seem that debate on this issue is inconclusive: it is too early to judge the outcome and impact of work-from-home on the society, I feel this arrangement is there to stay and bring around several benefits.

Friday, August 14, 2015

Change of web address

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Important Note 
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Tuesday, August 11, 2015

As reading is important for good education, we should encourage children to read whatever appeals to them. Discuss.- Ielts Essay

As reading is important for good education, we should encourage children to read whatever appeals to them, others disagree. Discuss.

Inculcating reading habits among young learners is considered to be an effective way of encouraging students to strive for better performance in academics; but, there is a certain level of disagreement over the way and resources that should be involved in this exercise. Where some vouch for rendering independence – to children –in choice of material to be read, others feel guidance is valuable in this case.

Reading books and other material surely enriches the knowledge of people of all age groups, especially children, but the young learners are not very well experienced in choosing the source they should go for. Their exposure to the quality and requirements is extremely limited, which exposes them to the risk of falling prey to ingenious and fake material – especially in an age when there is an abundance of unsolicited material on internet. Pursuing and reading such material would do more harm than bringing around benefits; thus misleading the young minds, and instilling misconceptions.

Moreover, there is a plethora of material being published in form of books, encyclopedias, magazines and journals, etc. that pertain to a variety of subjects; and target a wide array of readers and audience – of various age groups.  Making a choice between what should be read and what is not deemed necessary, is sometimes very difficult for inexperienced minds. This would surely put the young minds under undue pressure and pose hurdles in development of skills.

However, instilling habit of reading is more important than anything else, and it is important for the young learners to first develop an attitude to explore. Choosing the quality and type of material to be read can be decided upon later.

To sum up, I feel that providing guidance about what to be read and not, is indispensible even though some leverage and liberty to young ones, but it should be done under the close vigil of parents. 

Saturday, July 25, 2015

In most developed countries shopping is not only about buying the goods you need, it is also perceived as entertainment. Is it a positive or negative development? Give your own opinion and examples based on your experience.

In most developed countries shopping is not only about buying the goods you need, it is also perceived as entertainment. Is it a positive or negative development? Give your own opinion and examples based on your experience.
Shopping as Entertainment 
For inhabitants of the developed economies, shopping is becoming more of a past time - rather than spending money on buying required commodities - with they often entertain themselves. This trend fetches some accolades and brickbats.

Developed countries have influential economies which rely on the spending by consumers. The trend of using shopping as a way to entertain is fueling the consumerist society, which in turn is generating economic activity; assisting in consuming the products being manufactured by the factories; and the services being offered by services establishments. This in turn is generating employment - the workers being employed by the factories and service establishments - at the local and global level.  

On top of that, it is firmly believed that the inclination of inhabitants to go on shopping trips to keep themselves entertained is also preventing many evils and stressful situations. Most of the population of affluent countries spends very less time at work – generally around 35 to 40 hours per week - which leaves them with an abundance of free time which if not consumed in some productive work, is used in activities that often lead to self-harm – sedentary lifestyle, suicides, addiction to drugs and alcohol - or certain crimes which can jeopardize public safety – like murder and burglary.

Quite contrary to the popular beliefs and theories, entertaining oneself with shopping  has many drawbacks. Fostering habit of wasteful expenditure and extravagancy can has a long lasting adverse impact on the people as involving oneself in wasteful expenditure would surely jeopardize finances in future.

Friday, July 3, 2015

Giving lectures in auditoriums to large numbers of students is an old way of teaching. With the technology available today there is no justification for it, and everything should be done online. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Give your own opinion.

Giving lectures in auditoriums to large numbers of students is an old way of teaching. With the technology available today there is no justification for it, and everything should be done online. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Give your own opinion.
Classroom lectures or Internet classes 
Education has witnessed continuous changes since time unknown; and various educationists have experimented with new innovative ways of educating students. Currently, where information technology is ruling the roost, more and more people have started advocating use of online classes to deliver courses because they feel big lecture rooms and audience have become obsolete.

Large lecture rooms require a lot of input of money and space, which is not only an expensive exercise, but also too tedious for many, and to maintain these facilities, varsities need to incur huge overheads which ultimately are transferred to the students in form of raised tuition fees and other expenses. Moreover, the educational establishments also need to admit as many students as possible; and this intent commercializes education.

On top of that, crowded classrooms often impede learning process; as more vocal and aggressive students always tend to take a lead over introverts and silent learners, and in process, the silent pupils never get a chance to put up questions to their lecturers out of fear of being mocked at, or being intimidated by louder students. Besides this, large audience means lot of noise and interference, which eventually makes the course content unclear and sometimes too tedious to be followed, whereas, people pursuing online courses get focused attention of their tutors that is free of any interference and impediments.

However, live classroom lectures are highly beneficial; as these help the students in many ways, like: pupils can get a chance to learn from elaborations given by teachers over doubts expressed by others; and also learn from discussions carried out in classes.

To sum up, I personally feel, whatever may the case, the live classroom lectures and large audience can never be superseded by the currently in vogue online sessions. 

Friday, June 26, 2015

The international community should reduce or eliminate the debts of the world’s poorest countries. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

The international community should reduce or eliminate the debts of the world’s poorest countries. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Pressing Debts of Poor Countries 
In an era when bi lateral and multilateral cooperation is achieving new heights at the global level, many economists have started suggesting that to bring the international community more closer, rich nations should work in the direction of bringing down or writing off the debts altogether, whereas there are several who feel that this would be inappropriate.
It is firmly believed that the maladies, like hunger and poor living conditions, etc. being faced by humanity stem from lack of financial resources. The issue takes a monumental dimension when it comes to countries that face severe shortage of money. As per many established experts, although the countries in possession of abundant financial resources do actually put in serious efforts to help poor nations by extending aid and bridging loans, all the assistance goes in vain; as the poor nations are not able to bear the burden of paying back pending loans. The position of the poor countries is further worsened by existing poverty and low productivity.

Furthermore, the poor nations, which are already reeling under the burden of pending arrears further slide down, in terms of performance, on the economic, political and human resource front. These nations are trapped in a vicious circle; and the inhabitants of such nations are not able to reap any advantage from advancement and progress. This aspect severely hampers the prospects of even development on various fronts at the global level.

However, many experts claim that this reducing or writing off arrears would do more damage to nations stricken with poverty because such a move would make the political establishments of those countries complacent; make them dependent on such sops in future; and give rise to corruption, exacerbating the miseries of such regions. 

In conclusion, reducing or writing off debts might prove to be counterproductive for poor nations. Thus, such proposal should be enforced discreetly, after assessment of various essential aspects. 

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Some people think that universities should provide graduates with the knowledge and skills needed in workplace. Others think that the true function of the universities should be to give access to knowledge for its own sake, regardless of whether the course is useful to an employer. What in your opinion, should be the main function of the university? - Ielts Essay

Some people think that universities should provide graduates with the knowledge and skills needed in workplace. Others think that the true function of the universities should be to give access to knowledge for its own sake, regardless of whether the course is useful to an employer. What in your opinion, should be the main function of the university?
Role Of University 

Education is on the top priority for a majority of people; they believe, better education holds key to better and stable careers. Some social thinkers have even gone to the extent of suggesting broader reforms in educational system at the varsity level to nurture vocational and professional skills instead of academic excellence. But some educationists feel that amidst all the controversies however, university must not shelve its primary functions.

Varsities have been vested with a noble job of offering standardized higher education - that match the contemporary requirements and aspiration of masses - to various sections of the society. People often look up to these higher educational establishments to don the role of mentors for the pupils seeking knowledge, and overall development. The universities have, through the centuries, taken initiative in fostering and nurturing a spirit of academic exploration among the knowledge seekers; and this is what many still expect from the universities.

Moreover, the universities should continue acting as the guardians of treasure of accumulated knowledge of the past and contemporary times. Through the ancient times, various varsities, across the world, have been enriched and entrusted with works of genius of celebrated thinkers; intellectuals; artists; researchers; and inventors, which makes it imperative for these establishments to spread the knowledge gathered across the society.

To add up, the universities have always, with help of the available resources and expertise, in form of accredited material and specialized human tutors, like lecturers and professors, etc., kindled the fames of furtherance of knowledge; and deeper research into diverse domains. Many geniuses have used these establishments as their Launchpad to revolutionize the society.

To conclude, I personally feel that Universities are not vocational training institutions; and they should continue playing the roles they have played till now.

Sunday, May 31, 2015

Some people say that having a lot of TV channels is good, while others argue that it reduces the quality of programs. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. Write at least in 250 words with relevant examples from your own experience. - Ielts Essay

Ielts Essay - A Lot Of TV Channels

Some people say that having a lot of TV channels is good, while others argue that it reduces the quality of programs. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. Write at least in 250 words with relevant examples from your own experience.

The advent and subsequent spread of electronic audio visual entertainment, like television has bought in a renaissance of sorts – where the entertainment has become audience centric – and has led to rise in number of television channels that target specific segments. This has also led to deterioration in the quality of programs being aired.

An increment in number of channels is a result of innovative program planning undertaken by television studios producing and airing shows to suit the taste of targeted audience so that people - not intending to watch unwanted programs- do not need to switch off their television sets. The channels being aired have become subject specific, for instance, the channels associated with travel and lifestyle continuously show programs on various topics connected to this domain. This helps the viewers in gaining more knowledge in their area of interest, besides entertaining themselves. 

Moreover, more television channels means broader perspective and wider choice of programs and presentations – where each channel tries to present an event or a happening from a different angle – which off course prove very advantageous for the viewers; as they are able to gather more information and form a well-informed opinion.

However, the sudden mushrooming of the television channels has also led to deterioration of the quality of the programs being aired. The channels, in a bid to overcome their competition, try to include more and more programs in the iternary schedule, most of which lack imagination, resourcefulness and freshness. Every other show, especially the television serials and music shows look stale and lack taste.

To sum up, I personally feel that though a sudden explosion in number of channels may have affected the quality to an extent, nevertheless, this trend has enabled audience to watch and enjoy the shows it wants. 

Monday, May 18, 2015

People doing different kinds of work enjoy different amount of holiday time. Should people have the same amount of leisure time? Discuss.

People doing different kinds of work enjoy different amount of holiday time. Should people have the same amount of leisure time? Discuss.
Ielts Essay- Work and Holidays 
The busy schedules at work have made it highly necessary for the people to take time off from work, as doing this can bring in numerous benefits for physical and mental well being of employees, but there is a continuous debate over the tenure and period of the time off different categories of employees should take or be allowed.

Taking holidays as per the ranks and positions is sometimes considered to be an essential component of human resources management system. As per HR policies of various companies, the people working in locations that need intense involvement at work deserve to be compensated with suitable leisure time offs spans accordingly, since working on tough and diverse assignments can be taxing, and this also sometimes leads employees, in question, to socially disconnect from rest of society for the sake of job. Proper rejuvenation for such personnel can help in enhancing their productivity. Whereas, the people who perform general duties or are involved in less taxing work can get appropriate amount of relaxation even with shorter tenures.

However, such policies often court deep controversy as they symbolize ambiguity. Such provisions often lead to discord and uneasy situations at the work place because of disagreements between the top, middle and lower level managers; and workers at lower rungs, because managers at different levels of organizational hierarchy find it hard to convince their juniors over disproportionate allocation of leisure time to different individuals.  Besides this, provisions of taking and allowing uneven holiday privileges often leads to jealousy among the coworkers and colleagues as the ones getting lesser amount of leisure time-offs often start harboring ill feelings for their coworkers.

To sum up, I personally feel that tenure leisure time should surely be different for different levels of personnel: both face differing levels of scope of obligations and stress, and thus, must be compensated accordingly.    

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