Wednesday, April 30, 2014

We are becoming increasingly dependent on computers. They are used in business, crime detection and even to fly planes. What things will they be used for in future? Is this dependence on computers a good thing or should we be more suspicious of their benefits? #ieltsessay

We are becoming increasingly dependent on computers. They are used in business, crime detection and even to fly planes. What things will they be used for in future? Is this dependence on computers a good thing or should we be more suspicious of their benefits? 

Computerization has proliferated to every walk of life and is being used to negotiate every imagiable task. The avid supporters of spread of information technology wonder, how far could computers go in easing up life of humanity, while those cynical some profess exercising caution while dealing with these machines.

The tech-savvy wish to involve these machines increasingly, in their daily lives. They aspire to involve computers in conducting precise jobs like handling critical jobs like precision surgeries, which could help in reducing room for errors and thus saving lives. Some experts even suggest introducing computers to replace teachers in classrooms because these machines would be in position to impart more detailed information to learners, helping the latter in developing broader and rational perceptions.   

incrementing reliance on computers is warranted, as these gizmos help in saving time, space and money. Now, the businesses do not need extensive space to store vital information, as loads of valuable data can be easily compiled in a fraction of an inch that can accessed quickly. Moreover, communication has become affrodable and quick and one can easily interact with others across the globe without needing to travel or send letters.

Nevertheless, skeptics are averse to idea of extensive use of automation. As per them, information stored on electronically is vulnerable to theft and hacking.  Similarly, these machines often crash, resultign in loss of data. additionally, another jeopardy humanity faces is forgetting their skills that could turn out to be catastrophic if these machines become unavailable due to calamity, or wars since mankind will be unable to fend for itself in such a case.  

Overall, I feel although computers are bound to make inroads in every speher of life, and have some drawbacks, their benefits outweigh the former. Thus, apprehensions are unjustified though one has to be cautious about the extent these devices can be relied upon.  

Monday, April 28, 2014

Some employers reward members of staff for their exceptional contribution to the company by giving them extra money. This practice can act as an incentive for some but may also have a negative impact on others. To what extent this style of management is effective? Are there better ways of encouraging employees to work hard?

Some employers reward members of staff for their exceptional contribution to the company by giving them extra money. This practice can act as an incentive for some but may also have a negative impact on others. To what extent this style of management is effective? Are there better ways of encouraging employees to work hard? #Ieltsessay

Nowadays, extracting optimized performance from the workforce forms the mainstay of human resources policies of many companies, and to achieve this, top level management of companies resort to offering monetary benefits to the performing employees. Some justify this move, while others feel that this can have an adverse impact on inter personnel relationships and suggest alternative ways of encouraging employees to boost their performance.
Traditional and modern corporate culture has always professed use of financial incentive as a main tool of ensuring outstanding performance from the personnel. As per the top notch policy planers, the primary concern of all workers seeking employment is earning money for themselves and their families. Any extra benefit in form of monetary benefits can provide them with extra financial resources which in turn provide them opportunity to participate in their family with more money. Financial stimulus always has positive impact on the mental preparedness of employees and it encourages all others to work harder.
On the contrary, financial benefits for some and none for others delivers a damaging impact on work place environment and can generate jealousy among the colleagues, because there is no mean of gauging efficiency of some departments and the workers working in these departments often end up feeling alienated. Moreover, a majority of workers are average performers and they rather feel disinclined to their work.
The experts suggest several ways of encouraging personnel. The most prominent of these methods includes providing better opportunities for career progression and skill development and enhancement. The companies providing employees with better career opportunities like training for better performance and promotions for delivering outstanding performance can help in impressing a positive feeling of belongingness among the employees.
On conclusion, I feel that cash incentive for good performers is a viable solution

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Some say it is important for parents to teach their children about the importance of money. Why and how should they do it? Include examples from your own experience.

Some say it is important for parents to teach their children about the importance of money. Why and how should they do it? Include examples from your own experience. - Ielts Essay 
Some say it is important for parents to teach their children about the importance of money
Ielts Essay Vakue of Money 

Ideal parenting includes training kids to grow as rational adults, and teaching the growing kids about the value of money forms holds great importance. Some people feel that training kids about this issue is as important as educating them, and many are trying to find ways of tutoring children about the value of money.
Ielts Essay  

Money has been an important factor of human life although the ages, and it has always been the central issue of family and social life. The parents feel that it is important for the growing kids to learn about earning, spending and saving money. They continue with this endeavor like their ancestors have done by passing on the wisdom onto the next generations. As per them, passing on this knowledge would help kids to take well informed decisions about managing their finances later as adults.

Furthermore, as the families become nuclear and adults get busier with work, they try to compensate their absence by offering extra money to the kids. This can have a negative impact on mental faculty of kids and they can be easily spoiled. It becomes imperative that each child should be coached about learning how to discreetly spend each penny and dime.

Several experts offer suggestions concerning training children about appreciating the value of each and every penny. As per them, the parents should encourage growing kids to participate in planning the monthly budgets of family. Some also suggest children should be motivated to take up part time jobs in vacations, which would not only help the kids to generate some pocket money, but also teach them about the efforts required to earn each and every penny.

In conclusion, I feel that, in these competitive times, coaching kids about this issue is very important. 

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