Sunday, December 22, 2013

New editors decide what to broadcast on television and what to print in newspapers. What factors do you think influence these decisions? Do we become used to bad news? Would it be better if more good news was reported? Discuss. II Ielts Essay

New editors decide what to broadcast on television and what to print in newspapers. What factors do you think influence these decisions? Do we become used to bad news? Would it be better if more good news was reported? Discuss. 

Nowadays, news editors have started resorting to objectively selecting material to be presented, evoking a debate whether this phenomenon has contributed to a gloomy scenario, and should news about joyous events be given more emphasis.    

 Editors, while choosing news, generally consider certain aspects: professional aspirations and the monetary benefits, factors that come into play for the new agencies aspiring to create a niche for themselves by bolstering viewership and readership in the contemporary markets. Additionally, many are driven by favoritism and political affiliations, persuading them to become highly selective, and often biased.  

 The rapidly incrementing inclination of media houses towards reporting distressing news having capability of creating sensations, has led to engendering a bizarre phenomenon among the viewers and the readers, who have developed an insatiable appetite for knowing more and more about fateful events and happenings. Gaining knowledge about fateful happenings has become a staple requirement of keen news hunters. To surmount this, some advocate production and printing of news about pleasant happenings. An overdose of reports about disturbing incidents has resulted in creating unhappy sentiments. Thus, it is felt that reporting pleasant news would surely help reign back the dipping moods.

Having said that, those cynical of the former proposal suggest this is unlikely to help in alleviating hopelessness, and feel that the primary obligation of editors is to ensure reporting remains free of any lop-sided considerations, whether good or bad. Moreover, just prioritizing the amount of pleasant reporting would not wipe out disturbing incidents, but make people oblivious of hazards hovering around.

In hindsight, I feel commercial compulsions drive the decisions of including, or excluding items of reporting, and this has contributed to paranoid environment, yet news should be presented impartially and without taking their nature into account. 

New editors decide what to broadcast on television and what to print in newspapers. What factors do you think influence these decisions? Do we become used to bad news? Would it be better if more good news was reported? Discuss.

 New editors decide what to broadcast on television and what to print in newspapers. What factors do you think influencethese decisions? Do we become used to bad news? Would it be better if more goodnews was reported? Discuss.

New editors decide what to broadcast on television and what to print in newspapers
Ielts Essay - News Editors and News 

With the information revolution proliferating, eminence of editors has gained prominence, as they are the ones, making decisions - several factors influence such moves - about, excluding and including reports. This propensity, as per many, fostered an craving for unpleasant news and it would appropriate to report pleasant events.

The underlying elements that decide the preference include ascertaining the relevance of happenings to be reported: the emphasis is always on short listing something that can be sensationalized, and attract more followers. The TRP ratings and readership are highly placed over other aspects; this can fetch rich yields in the form of monetary rewards and ensure enduring popularity.  
This proclivity has helped paranoia pervade through the length and breadth with the audience fostering an insatiable appetite for unpleasant news from all walks of life with the majority opening newspapers and switching TV sets for knowing about fateful happenings. To surmount this appalling, more reports about jovial events should be prioritized to help uplift dipping public sentiments.  
Having said that, the critics doubt the relevance of the former proposal and feel that this could do more harm than good by making people oblivious of the menace and perils that lingering around them, making them vulnerable to myriads of jeopardies such as robberies, epidemics, natural calamities, and so on.   It is felt by this school of thought that the enlightened readers and viewers are quite judicious in their approach and can differentiate between all kinds of reports.

In conclusion, I feel that, although majority of news being reported are distressing and some would like to get an input of pleasant happenings, news must be presented as it is and whether events in question are pleasant or distressing.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Economic progress is one factor that is being considered to measure the success of a country, but there are other factors that should be considered when measuring the success of a country. Do you agree or disagree? What other factors do you think should be considered? Do you think one factor is more important than others? - IELTS Essay

Economic progress is one factor that is being considered to measure the success of a country, but there are otherfactors that should be considered when measuring the success of a country. Doyou agree or disagree? What other factors do you think should be considered? Doyou think one factor is more important than others?
Economic progress is one factor that is being considered to measure the success of a country
Ielts Essay - Economic Progress and Others Factors

In the modern era, when each of the countries is trying to gain prominence on the global level through economic progress, there is an opinion building up among some sections, which feel that economic progress is not the true parameter of success. As per them, there are other more essential elements, which play a far more important role in the development of a nation.

Development of a country in financial perspective can never be taken as a true indicator of a country’s success and prosperity as economic performance has a very small role to play in overall progress. Some people feel that until and unless, the principles of social justice and factors like equal opportunities for all, are truly implemented in a society, whatever economic prosperity is garnered, will prove to be worthless and futile.

On contrary, some sections strongly advocate economic affluence as being a true element of accomplishment for a country. They feel that, social equality and justice can only be proliferated to distant and remote sections of society, when the governments have enough money to invest into the endeavors which encourage such noble activities that spread awareness among masses.

As per several social thinkers, other more vital elements which play a far more essential role in prosperity in a country include education, health and harmonious living. These people feel that the countries which can ensure equal opportunities for all the inhabitants irrespective of their religion, caste, creed and cultural backgrounds, can only be counted as truly affluent and successful.

To conclude, I personally feel that all the elements, which make a country and its natives prosperous and influential are entwined closely and cannot work independently of each other. It is therefore, not advisable to ignore any of these essential components.

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