Friday, September 20, 2013

Nuclear energy is a better source of power for today’s global energy needs. To what extent do you agree or disagree? - Ielts Essay

Nuclear energy is a better source of power for today’s global energy needs. To what extent do you agree or disagree? - Ielts Essay
Ielts Essay - Nuclear Energy 

Times have been changing andwith it the demand for energy has been consistently rising. To fulfill rising energyrequirements some experts bat for use of atomic energy as a convenient mediumfor resolving long term issue of growing power needs, although, there are somepeople who are completely against use of nuclear energy as power generationmedium.
The lobby that advocates use of atomic energy as a permanent power generation medium feel that the needs of humanity in terms of power is rising considerably and resources with capability and capacity of fulfilling the rising demand is decreasing. With lesser viable resources available for electricity generation, experts have started leaning towards use of fission technology for producing electricity. They feel that nuclear energy offers long term solutions as this technology does not require a consistent supply of fuel to create power and an atomic power generation facility can operate for years together after going critical.
Besides being a long term option, atomic power generation is a feasible alternative that can go a long way in reducing pollution which is generated during electricity generation because of use of fossil fuels like coal and petroleum etc. It can also help in preventing ecological disasters due to reduction in need to construct dams to assist hydel power generation.
On other hand, some people vehemently protest against use of nuclear technology because they feel that this technology is dangerous and can threaten the very existence of life on earth. They are often found quoting Chernobyl and Japanese reactor accidents which have threatened the ecological balance of large areas that surround these reactor facilities.
In conclusion, I feel that although nuclear technology presents a permanent solution for power generation, but the dangers it poses  must not also be overlooked.

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