Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Private companies that support and carry out scientific research are spending more than governments these days. Do the advantages of this development outweigh its disadvantages? Explain and give your reasons. - Ielts Essay

Private companies that support and carry out scientific research are spending more than governments these days. Do the advantages of this development outweigh its disadvantages? Explain and give your reasons. - Ielts Essay
Ielts Private or Govt R&D

Private participation is seeping into every walk of public life and infact today this factor prominently features in all new research initiative being established by governments world over even ones with objectives that include humane purpose. As an impact, people have started raising doubts about the sanctity of the mission as they feel that the private enterprise is more inclined towards profits and research is an area that needs an input of selfless service. This creates a clash of interests thus proving disadvantageous for society. But this phenomenon has some really noticeable benefits that must never be ignored.

One essential reason that can be cited for increasing private participation is requirement of one critical component i.e. huge amount of funds required to finance various large scale projects that explore into endeavors for benefit of society.

Besides having essential funds, private enterprise is driven by objectives of earning profits that incites the companies to innovate and employ extensive means to accomplish these goals. This also creates opportunities for employment of highly qualified professionals in their occupational premise. These factors compiled together help in ensuring long term planning for running research based initiatives that often require long gestation periods before final realization of research goals. 

On contrary, research initiatives of private enterprise are often influenced by selfish motives of private individuals who can use research activities for their own selfish ends, thereby reducing effectivity and efficiency of research being pursued and many times results are prematurely promoted as final accomplishments, which hamper the very relevance and spirit of exploration.

But whatever may be the case, I personally feel that privately led research establishments can prove more feasible in long term as they have all elements of innovation and dynamism. - Ielts Essay

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