Thursday, September 12, 2024

Some people argue that all experimentation on animals is bad and should be outlawed. However, others believe that important scientific discoveries can be made from animal experiments. Can experimentation on animals be justified? Are there any alternatives?

Some people argue that all experimentation on animals is bad and should be outlawed. However, others believe that important scientific discoveries can be made from animal experiments. Can experimentation on animals be justified? Are there any alternatives?

Are there any alternatives?

Can experimentation on animals be justified? 

Justified. Why? 

  • The clinical trials conducted on animals has allowed to ensure that the products and procedures are safe for human consumption. 

    • Many medicines and surgical processes perfected have helped save billions of lives   

    • Humans being deemed as superior creatures cannot be used as subjects

    • None,  the pharma companies, would want lawsuits on them 

  • The creatures being used for tests are not exotic and are otherwise also killed in huge numbers every year as they  considered as pests 

or not. Yes? 

  • Humans have not created animals but nature, so they do not have right to inflict on the poor beings  


  • Human tissue cloning has earned earned success and the new products can be tried on those 

Several animal activists are in favor of declaring clinical trials on animals as illegal by virtue of being cruel, but the scientific community upholds this practice and feels this is the only hope for many ailing in the current paradigm. The following paragraphs shall critically analyze the matter and explore the alternatives.

To begin with, those objecting to such undertakings assert that it is unethical and inhuman to subject poor beings who cannot voice their consent or dissent, to pain and suffering for the sake of mankind. Nature has created everyone equal, and thus, no one enjoys the privilege of causing harm to others, in order to develop and improve their own lifestyles while those involved in/undergoing painful clinical procedures are exposed to unbearable sufferings, distortions and agony

However, those vouching for these endeavors are good to point that the animals used in such experiments, such as monkey, rodents and guinea pig are not some exotic species that are nearing extinction, but are regarded as pests and a menace by farmers, store keepers, factory owners, and even municipalities and are either shot or poisoned in millions every year across the world. Therefore, there is nothing wrong in using these creatures for conducting tests. 

Similarly, currently, there is hardly any other reliable alternative to supersede this process even though tissue cloning is being developed, but it is a long and pain-staking procedure which may eons take to materialize. Meanwhile, life of humans cannot be jeopardized by trying medicine, products and routine on them, or affording them unproven formulations.

Overall, disputes aside, in my opinion conducting experiments on animals is completely acceptable until plausible alternatives are discovered since such undertakings have helped save millions of lives, which otherwise would be lost to preventable diseases, and continued wreaking havoc on mankind.  

Intro 1 - 

There is a tug of war going on between animal rights activists and the scientific community over the need to carry out clinical procedures on animals. While the former vehemently protest against this practice, the latter are in its favor. The following paragraphs shall discuss this matter critically and explore alternatives.

Intro 2- 

The debate surrounding testing on animals in the scientific domain is the most heated. On the one hand, an army of animal activists want this practice to be completely proscribed; on the other, the scientific community lends its support to this arrangement citing the reason that currently there are few options available to replace this.

Intro 3- 

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