Thursday, April 18, 2019

Employers sometimes ask people applying for jobs for personal information, such as their hobbies and interests and whether they are married or single. Some people say that this information may be relevant and useful, others disagree Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Employers sometimes ask people applying for jobs for personal information, such as their hobbies and interests and whether they are married or single. Some people say that this information may be relevant and useful, others disagree
Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.
Employers sometimes ask people applying for jobs for personal information
It is a common practice today for businesses to seek inputs from job applicants about their personal realm such as their marital status, their favorite past-time  activities and inclinations. This idea has gained favors from  many, others, however, are quite averse to this, as they feel such an exercise can do little to help.

Collecting data about job-seekers before interviews is perceived as highly beneficial. It can  help organizations judge attitudes and skills of the to-be-appointed personnel much before actually being hired, thereby, enabling selection of appropriate candidates. For instance, a company looking for people to work in a team can always determine abilities of a new recruit by assessing his past involvement in some kind of team driven past-times or sports; thus saving business invaluable time and money.

Moreover, many a times when organizations are seeking employees as per the nature and term – long or short – of assignments, they are keen to know about the family background of applicants. Assessing and screening information about the families of applicants assists recruiters to determine whether an employee would fit the scheme of things as per the job requirements. It has been observed that married people generally shy away from jobs that embrace certain risks and hazards, while unmarried people do not stay in a job for long.

However, others challenge the very rationale behind this practice of collecting details about personal realm of a job-seeker. They wonder, how can  one establish a link between professional and personal character of an individual by knowing about interests, hobbies and marital status. Generally, it has been observed, as this lobby suggests, that people often conceal their real self when interacting in a professional environment.

In a nutshell, I feel that critics may have their apprehensions, that does not mean that collecting inputs about prospective employees is impractical. This policy has been designed after an intensive research and has generated outstanding results.

Sunday, April 14, 2019

Some people think that robots are important for human's future development. Others think that robots have negative effects on society. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Some people think that robots are important for human's future development. Others think that robots have negative effects on society. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Some people think that robots are important for human's future developmen
Ielts Essay Robots 

Robots, the marvels of modern technology, have been hailed as path-breaking innovations, and are perceived as critical for future forays by some, while others are cynical of the impact these machines will have on humans.  

Undoubtedly, robots have ushered in a era of convenience; and with the advent of more intelligent machines in near future, that are almost in the fruition stage, their interaction is bound to rise. This will surely render an ease of life. Smart machines capable of comprehending voice commands and functioning accordingly, would render not only house hold chores but also tedious office work effortless; thus affording ever becoming busier humans much more time for themselves.

Besides this, what now many avoid doing considering the nature of task to be extremely hazardous, robots – equipped with smart intelligence – would make those jobs look safer: their interventions would make it possible for humans to stay at a safe distance and let these devices carry out research and experiments in remote and dangerous places, like deep sea and space exploration, assessing volcanoes and their nature, etc. Moreover, robotics, the way it has been developing, it seems, will make errors things of the past, especially in case of high precision equipment manufacturing and surgeries.

However, there are concerned and cynical views proliferation of robotics in every walk of life. Many feel that these furtherance of these modern machines would cast an evil shadow over humanity, rendering humans incompetent and making them completely dependent on machines; thus exposing them to unwarranted situations in case of an even of some calamity.

In a nutshell, I feel, even though robots present some risks, it would be inappropriate a response to fear these machines; it is necessary to embrace new technology and not treat with a disdain.

Friday, April 12, 2019

In many countries small shops and town centers are going out of business, because people tend to drive to the large out-of-town stores. This results in an increase in car use, and it also means that people without cars have limited access to out-of-town stores. Do you think advantages of such development outweigh its disadvantages?

In many countries small shops and town centers are going out of business, because people tend to drive to the large out-of-town stores. This results in an increase in car use, and it also means that people without cars have limited access to out-of-town stores. Do you think advantages of such development outweigh its disadvantages?  
In many countries small shops and town centers are going out of business
IELTS Essay - Out Of city Superstores Boon or bane 
Advent of large super markets on the outer fringes of cities has meant ceasing of business for town centers and small shops in the cities. This, as per some, is a promising prospect that would help drive in several benefits, for others, there could not have been a worse proposal.

Opening up of big departmental stores on the outskirts of urban areas has helped decongest cities, especially the interiors; thus making lives easier for city dwellers.  No more do the centers and business districts face ugly scenarios of public spaces being encroached by parked vehicles which shrunk the pedestrian zones: making it harder for people to move around.

However, as many suggest, this trend has brought in more drawbacks than benefits, most prominent being a staggering rise in air pollution. While in cities, people could afford to travel even by public transport, using personal conveyance has become a compulsion in this case. As the number of cars plying on the roads rise, there have been reports of a substantial increment in emissions in the suburbs, exurbs, and close vicinities of such stores. 

Moreover, this new arrangement has left many sulking, those without personal conveyance, are unable to obtain goods of their choice, and must stay satisfied with whatever nearby shops afford  them. Besides this, experience of even those, with cars, has not been too encouraging either. Shopping in  distant locations has led to upsetting of monthly budgets: consumers must plan and buy in excess, as travelling to outskirts cannot be an everyday affair.

In a nutshell, I would not say that establishing super markets in outlying areas of urban locations is altogether laden with drawbacks; however, one can hardly  ignore pitfalls this change has brought along. I believe town planning needs to be more prudent.

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

As greater number of people move to cities, and as cities expand in size, city life loses it’s appeal. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

As greater number of people move to  cities, and as cities expand in size, city life loses it’s appeal. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

As greater number of people move to  cities, and as cities expand in size
Urban areas, world over,  are facing a growing influx of migrants; thus overcrowding them and causing diverse and steep challenges to surface. This has indeed led to a disenchantment from urban even though some defy this view.

Life in urban locales do not enjoys the same reputation they had a few years ago since the an ever rising urban population has resulted in a persistent disarray, which is making it harder for the urbanites to experience comfortable living: they find themselves longing for a view of open skies and green surroundings in street canyons dominated by concrete constructions. Any attempts  made to ease this  burden results in an urban sprawl, which is predisposing city dwellers to great travelling distances, longer commuting times; and hence stress.

Moreover, life in cities does not fascinate many nowadays; it has been eclipsed by the rising costs of living and subsistence. People residing in urban locations must part with a huge a chunk of their earnings to pay for housing and other essentials, like food and clothing. This leaves them with little savings; thus eroding the benefits of shifting to urban locations.

Having said that, life in cities will continue to ignite fascination, as some profess. Metropolitan areas have employment opportunities galore, and people from a cross-section of skills, can easily find work in their respective occupations. Besides this, these locations afford people access to quality education, both basic formal tuition and advanced university system. This can help many plan a secure future for not only themselves but also for their children.

Hence, I feel, despite many quoting reasons for their opinions about urban life losing its shine, metropolises and their lifestyles will continue to enchant, and push more and more to relocate to cities.

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Nowadays, many people leave their hometowns to look for better jobs. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this. Give your opinion and give an example from your own knowledge or experience in support of your view.

Nowadays, many people leave their hometowns to look for better jobs. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this. Give your opinion and give an example from your own knowledge or experience in support of your view.
Nowadays, many people leave their hometowns to look for better jobs
Ielts Essay Distant Places for Jobs 

These days, a trend is being witnessed among many who shift to distant locations in search of greener pastures. This, as per many, has several benefits; however, others point out at the drawbacks of this. I will discuss both the aspects and share my views.

Relocating to other cities in search of good employment exposes people to abundant opportunities of landing a job that suits their qualifications, and matches their expectations. This raises their chances of enhancing their earning capacities, thereby improving their living standards. They can plan better for their future and also fulfill their dreams: buying a good house, affording their children quality education, and also accumulate  wealth for a safe and secure future.
Moreover, moving away from home renders individuals opportunities to broaden their horizons and also become independent. When people relocate in search of livelihood, they get to know the outer world more closely, and also interact with others, whom they may not be able to come in contact with while staying back at their homes. This, free of any external assistance, interaction helps them form rational view of world, besides fostering confidence in them about taking decisions independently.

However, this trend does have a darker side to it. With people moving away from home turf, the prospects of their communicating with their families and peers are reducing considerably; thus, causing erosion of social and ethical values. The hardest hit are the children born to such people, who rarely get to interact with their grandparents and cousins, thereby, reducing relevance and importance of familial relationships.

In a nutshell, I personally opine, even though this relatively new concept has both positives and negatives, leaving hometown and settling down in distant locations for the sake of rich employment opportunities is highly advantageous. 

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